Saturday November 2nd, 2013
9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at The Citadel.
304 Parliament Street, Toronto M5A 3A4
Who are we ?
We are a group of concerned citizens coming from a diversity of faith traditions working together in and for Regent Park.
We would like as many faith groups as possible represented in our group. Please consider joining us for a meeting or asking us more about our purpose or work.
on November 2, 2013...
We are holding an information and connecting event at 304 Parliament Street on November 2.
At this event we will join our voices and raise awareness to work together on current civic issues that affect us all.
Join us for presentations from community members and faith leaders from Regent Park as we begin the important work of identifying the issues in Regent Park. Work with us going forward to make a difference!
Our Purpose
We are working together to activate all faith communities in Regent Park on emerging and current issues of civic importance. We are called to encourage faith communities to bring their resources to address the issues facing Regent Park.
Some of the Issues:
- Youth
- Housing
- Poverty
- Food Security
- Aboriginal Issues
- Community Building
- Homelessness
- ...
For More Information:
Contact Kevin Moore (Chair)
[email protected] or 416-834-5121
There will be limited Registration and a nominal suggested registration fee of $5.00 which individuals or faith community affiliate can pay.
To Register to Attend email: [email protected]