Garden Location
Edenbridge Drive east off Royal York Road
Four hectares
• Former Estate gardens
• feature spring-fed pools
• and rare trees.
Hours of Operation
Dawn to dusk every day, year round
• seasonal displays

James Gardens is located in Etobicoke. The four hectares of this park is very formal. The ponds here are fed by a spring and are crossed over by rustic bridges. Colourful flower gardens add to the visual appeal of the park. You can watch traditional lawn bowling, or hike along wooded trails. In winter you can go cross-country skiing.

Four Seasons

With its rustic woodland trail following the west bank of the Humber River, James Gardens is among the most inspiring city parks. The terraced stone pathways, colourful flower gardens and spring-fed pools all make for an enchanting milieu. Fred James first purchased the land in 1908. He then spent four decades transforming the property surrounding his own Red Gables Estate and adjacent coach house, making the site open to the public.

Beyond Green Space

There are few other places in Toronto where the distinct qualities of each of the four seasons can be observed with such clarity. James Gardens also offers a number of features as charming as its landscapes. While newly weds can obtain permits to have their photos taken, lawn bowling is available to those who sign up for a memberships. The park is also open to casual cross-country skiers in wintertime, but bicycles are forbidden along the park’s paths.


James Gardens is a focal point of Humber Valley Village in Etobicoke, a middle-class family oriented neighbourhood. Residents take great pride in the strolling space of James Gardens, feeding the birds and helping to keep the woods tidy. The result is a space that is cherished by neighbours. Visitors come from around the city and province. The park remains true to the legacy of Fred James, who wanted to share his grounds with everyone.

Also see Parks for info on other local parks

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