The Ryerson Young Liberals and the University of Toronto Young Liberals co-presented this Meet and Greet with their Party's Leader, Justin Trudeau, on Monday September 16th, 2013. 4:30 - 5:30 PM in the Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University.

About 150 students turned for the big show on the 7th floor in room TRS 1-148, better known as Cara Commons.

The event was in essence two sets of Q&As, one for the students assembled, many of them studying Journalism or Photojournalism. That portion of the hour was followed by a Mainstream Media Scrums, like you'd see on television.

In-between, newly confirmed Toronto Centre Liberal Candidate, Chrystia Freeland spoke for several minutes. The Toronto Centre By-Election is expected to be called any day now, hence her words were definitely designed to rally the youth present for the coming campaign.

Mr Trudeau answered questions ranging from Legalization of Marijuana, to Public Transit Funding and the Federal Government's role in relation to Canada's Cities plus harder questions like ones relating to the controversial Quebec Charter and Freedom of Choice on Euthanasia.

Mostly though, it was room full of giddy students, starry eyed young Liberals watching their leader up close and trying to angle a selfie or few with their cellphones.

Arrival 4:30-ish p.m.




Justin Trudeau - Opening Remarks

Chrystia Freeland - Toronto Centre Liberal Candidate

Justin Trudeau - Q&A with Students



Mainstream Media Q&A Scrum


Meeted and Greeted...


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