Next door to...
Neighbouring Neighbourhoods next door to this one!
Where in Toronto?
Boundaries of the 'hood
Belongs to, falls in, or is a part of...
• Former municipality Old Toronto
• Municipal Ward
• School Ward
• Community Council
• Federal Riding
• Provincial Riding
• Residents' Association
• Missed something, put it here!
Best known for
• Maybe it's got a cool event
• or even another event
• or a secret or whatever!

One Sentence Description

We're the neighbourhood with the coolest tagline!

About this neighbourhood

An Overview. Describe your neighbourhood! Major landmarks, shortcuts, nature trails...

What's Fun ?

How do people relax here? Pick up ball games or theatresports? Tai Chi or Drumming Circles? How do people who hang out in this 'hood spend their time? Theatre, stages, cinemas, Mall, Skate Park, whatever... Know a place to chill out? List it here.


Cheap eats and not so cheap eats, oops, make that ambiance!


How did the neighbourhood get its name? Who founded this neck of the woods? When? Anything cool happen recently? Say the past 5 years, stuff still in people's memory, say the past 5 minutes, y'know?

Playter Estates is named for George Henry Playter (1736–c.1820) and his family. Playter was born in England and emigrated to Pennsylvania in the U.S. During the American Revolutionary War, he seized military documents and gave them to the British, and was given a commission and later land. See WikiPedia entry on Playter Estates. His grandson, Ely Welding Playter, was the 24th mayor of Oakland, California.

The old Playter farmhouse is at 28 Playter Crescent.

Who are the people in your neighbourhood?

Neighbourhood personalities, for example...

  • the nice librarian

  • the cool busker

  • the friendly crossing guard

and where to meet them.

Housing and Accommodations

What's the housing scene like? How much for how much? Architecture Styles. Price Ranges. How new or old are most of the housing here? Condominiums, Townhouses... Major complexes, best apartment buildings, golden cockroach award? If applicable: Hotels / Motels / Hostels / Bed and Breakfasts for out-of-towners, here's the scoop.


Transportation overview, transit options, bike lanes, official routes, highways, Bus. Streetcar. Subway. TTC routes which pass through or cover this neighbourhood. TTC stations / Go Transit / Greyhound Stops

Major Streets and Intersections

Major thoroughfares through this neighbourhood, if any. Existing ones or those planned for the future. Major North-South streets. Major East-West streets.

Parks and Recreation

Indoor outdoor pools, wading pools, waterslides, splashpads, arenas, rinks, golf courses, etc Off leash dog walking areas. Nice places to walk and talk.


Also see Neighbourhoods for info on other areas of Toronto