Alfred H. Stockard Lakeside Laboratory is a modern research building situated immediately adjacent to Douglas Lake. This 50-room, 24,000-square-foot, year-around facility is centrally heated and ventilated. Its laboratories contain compressed air, gas, well and lake water, fume hoods, refrigerators and ethernet connectivity. 

In addition to laboratory, office and classroom space, and a computer laboratory, Lakeside Laboratory houses many special research facilities.  These include a molecular laboratory, an analytical chemistry laboratory, a water chemistry laboratory with a segmented flow analyzer, and an elemental analyzer.  It also has a stockroom where students and researchers can check out equipment for use in the field or lab and large boat well for the Station's watercraft.

The building was dedicated in honor of former UMBS Director, Alfred H. Stockard, who secured NSF Funding for its construction in the mid-1960s.


The Stockroom

The stockroom contains a wealth of tools and field equipment.Look here for a list of the stockroom's lab equipment.

Genetics lab

The lakeside lab genetics laboratory is designed for basic DNA extraction, agarose gel electrophoresis and quantitative PCR.  

Other instruments in the genetics labs include:

  • benchtop centrifuge
  • benchtop autoclave
  • digital scale
  • constant temperature bath
  • microwave
  • MultiDoc-it UV mini-darkroom (UVP)
  • gel casters
  • Stratagene Robocycler gradient 96 PCR machine
  • UV Crosslinker (UVP CL-1000)
  • Class II biosafety cabinet (Labconco)


4 channel segmented flow analyzer, routinely used for determining nutrients in water and soil.

IR Mass Spectrometer

Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen are determined on a Finnigan Delta Plus XL instrument. Samples can be introduced through the elemental analyzer, gas bench, or TOC analyzer. 

CHN Analyzer

This Costech Elemental Analyzer can also be run in a stand alone configuration when isotopes are not required. 

Gas Chromatograph

The Finnigan trace gas chromatograph is equipped with a PTV inlet and stacked FID/ECD detectors. 

High Performance Liquid Chromatograph 

The Perkin-Elmer isocratic HPLC system is equipped with a variable wavelength (UV/Visible) detector. 

Total Organic Carbon Analyzer

When not coupled to the mass spec, the OI Analytical TOC analyzer is routinely used for determining inorganic and organic carbon in environmental samples.