Vallejo, CA climate is warm during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 70's and cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 40's.

The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 87.40 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is December with an average minimum temperature of 38.50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Temperature variations between night and day tend to be relatively big during summer with a difference that can reach 32 degrees Fahrenheit, and fairly limited during winter with an average difference of 16 degrees Fahrenheit.

The annual average precipitation at Vallejo is 19.58 Inches. Winter months t end to be wetter than summer months. The wettest month of the year is January with an average rainfall of 4.25 Inches.

Neighborhood Weather

Personal Weather Stations

Blue Rock Hills Redwood Parkway & Rock Shore Station 1 Lat: N 38 ° 7 ' 32 ( 38.126 ° ) Lon: W 122 ° 12 ' 21 ( -122.206 ° ) Elevation (ft): 423

Hiddenbrooke Landmark Drive Station 2 Lat: N 38 ° 8 ' 48 ( 38.147 ° ) Lon: W 122 ° 10 ' 31 ( -122.175 ° ) Elevation (ft): 341

Northgate Columbus and Redwood Parkways Station 3 Lat: N 38 ° 7 ' 43 ( 38.129 ° ) Lon: W 122 ° 11 ' 41 ( -122.195 ° ) Elevation (ft): 460

Northgate Columbus and Redwood Parkways [Station 4]