Hunt High School 

The place where I earned my high school diploma 

James B. Hunt high school is located on Lamm Rd. in Wilson, North Carolina. It ranks third among five other high schools in the Wilson Country area. Hunt is known for many things: firstly, it has a wonderful arts program consisting of several band classes and three different choruses: Ensemble, Women's Choir, and Mixed Choir. Every year these three choruses go all across North Carolina to compete in competitions against many other schools in the coastal plains region, including high schools from Wilson. 


Hunt has many athletics including football, baseball, basketball, cross country, swimming, etc. 

James B. Hunt high school is not shy of competing at extraordinary levels in the athletic field. Hunt high schools swim team has competed at the regional and state level from 2015-to 2022. Led by Ethan Maddrey, the Hunt swim team has had many individuals go on to universities to represent their schools in athletics. "It has meant so much to be able to compete every Thursday with my swim team," says Hunt Alum, Ethan Maddrey. "Competing at the collegiate level is something I have always wanted to achieve, and I thank Hunt high school for growing me as both a swimmer and a person." Hunt has also had many notable football players that have achieved success at the collegiate level as well. Lewis Neal, who graduated from Hunt in 2012, went on to play defensive end at Louisiana State University (LSU). The Dallas Cowboys signed Neal as an undrafted free agent in 2017, and he would go on to play with the team for one year. This is one of many examples of Hunt football players going to universities to further their collegiate careers. 


The reason we are all in school, to begin with! 

While Hunt is notable in many fields, in some academic apartments, it succeeds as well. Hunt high school's former French teacher, Sophie Stevens, had annual trips where she would take her student's across the country to visit parts of France. "Being able to teach students about the culture and the language is something I will never take for granted. It is a privilege every day," says Stevens. Even if you aren't accustomed to taking French, Hunt also offers many different Spanish classes from intermediate to extreme.