Moji Coffee Shop opened June 22, 2019 as a non profit business located at 690 N Trade Street in Downtown Winston Salem. Striving for inclusivity, the  business employs members of the IDD (Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) community under the philosophy of 'Moji' – it's "the jolt you get when you make others happy".

The term "Moji" was created by Moji Coffee Shop's marketing team, The Variable, to embody the individuality of their employees. 

Moji Coffee Shop is run by a board including David Mullen, Charles Alley, Dana Alley, Kaley Barenkamp, Donna Zayas, Christy Davis, Tim Flavin, and Lori Flinchum. 

Tim F. the chair of the I/DD Advisory Committee at Cardinal Innovations Healthcare, was  inspired by the Wilmington organization, Bitty and Beau’s Coffee, to create a similar business within the Winston Salem Community and thus, the non profit 501c(3) charitable organization was born. With the knowledge that over 80% of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities face unemployment nationwide, Amy Wright, the founder of Bitty and Beau's, and now the team at Moji Coffee Shop, are working to change this striking statistic. 

There are a variety of ways to show  support for Moji Coffee Shop and their advocacy work through volunteering, donating, or even while shopping on Amazon.

If interested, support Moji Coffee and More when shopping in Amazon by adding them as your charity:


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