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Hawthorn Trees are trees in the genus Crataegus. They are members of the Maleae (apple) tribe of the Amygdaloideae subfamily of the rose family. Other members of this tribe include apple trees, cotoneaster, pear trees, photinia, and toyon.
Hawthorn trees are thorny small trees or large shrubs. The haw part of their name comes from the Old English word for "hedge." The fruits of hawthorn trees are commonly known as haws, hawberries, or in some species, mayhaws. The fruits can be eaten raw or cooked and made into jams or jellies. The young leaves and flower buds are also edible.
Several hawthorn species are native to California, but none are native to Woodland or to Yolo County.
English Hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata) is a deciduous tree or large shrub from Europe and northern Africa. It usually grows 25 to 35 feet tall and usually bears white flowers followed by red fruits. It has "perfect" flowers (containing male and female parts in the same flower). It is ranked 3 out of 10 on the Ogren Plant Allergy Scale, indicating that it is fairly unlikely to cause hay fever. English Hawthorn is planted at Pioneer Park and at the Woodland Public Library. It is also planted as a street tree on 1st Street, 4th Street, Carnegie Way, Clover Street, County Road 102, Cross Street, Elm Street, and Lemen Avenue. Additionally, the cultivar Crataegus laevigata 'Paul's Scarlet' (which has double red flowers) is planted at Woodland City Cemetery and Woodland Sports Park.
Washington Hawthorn (Crataegus phaenopyrum) is a deciduous tree or large shrub from the eastern United States. It can grow to about 30 feet tall. In 20 years, it might grow to 25 feet tall. It prefers full sun. It is equally likely to grow in wetlands or dry areas. It has "perfect" flowers (containing male and female parts in the same flower). It is ranked 3 out of 10 on the Ogren Plant Allergy Scale, indicating that it is fairly unlikely to cause hay fever. Washington Hawthorn is planted at Joseph Schneider Park and in the Legacy Tree Grove at the Woodland Off-Leash Dog Park. It is also planted as a street tree on County Road 102.