The Loma Rica Store, on Loma Rica Road at its intersection with Fruitland Road. Photo by Marina Kukso.Loma Rica is a census-designated place in Yuba County and is nicknamed "Wild Hog Glory" because of its wild hog population. It is located southwest of Stanfield Hill and Collins Lake, west of Rancho Loma Rica, north of Browns Valley, and northeast of Iowa City. It has a population of 2,075 (as of the 2000 census) and a total area of 18.4 square miles. Its elevation is 401 feet. The average annual rainfall is 28.4 inches. The average high temperature in July is 96.4°, and the average low temperature in January is 34.7°.
The native plant community of Loma Rica is central oak woodland.
The U.S. Postal Service sometimes lists addresses in Loma Rica as being in Marysville, because they are both in the 95901 zip code. However, on the Yuba-Sutter Wiki, we prefer listing the more specific location Loma Rica.
As of a July 2007 estimate1, residents' median age was 43 years.
86.6% of residents were white and non-Hispanic, followed by 6.0% of residents who were Hispanic and 5.6% who were Native American.
Of residents 25 or older, 85.3% had at least a high school degree, 15.1% had at least a bachelor's degree, and 5.1% had a graduate or professional degree.
Of residents 15 or older, 62.7% were married, 18.7% had never married, 10.2% were divorced, 8.0% were widowed, and 0.3% were separated. Loma Rica has the lowest proportion of never married and separated residents in the Yuba-Sutter area. It is tied with Yuba City for the highest proportion of widowed residents.
4.1% of households were headed by unmarried partners. 0.5% of households were headed by self-identified same-sex couples.
For employed residents, the average travel time to work was 43 minutes. The most common industry for males to work in was the construction industry (14%). The most common industries for females to work in were health care (18%) and education (14%).
The 2007 median annual household income was $65,620 and 2008 median home price was $298,000. Loma Rica has the highest median home price in the Yuba-Sutter area. 11.2% of residents were below the poverty level in 2007, and 4.1% were below half the poverty level. The 2008 cost of living index was 100.9, the highest in the Yuba-Sutter area except Beale Air Force Base (the United States average is 100).
Loma Rica was named in 1915.2 Its name means "Rich Hill" in Spanish.
All You Can Eat Crab Feeds: All You Can Eat Crab Feed-Loma Rica
April: Easter Egg Hunt
May: Mother Day Breakfast Veteran's BBQ
June: Wild Hog Glory Daze
September: Warm September Nights Car Show
October: Chili Cook Off - Loma Rica & Halloween Trick or Treat Street
November: Lioness Crab Feed See: All You Can Eat Crab Feed-Loma Rica
December: New Year's Eve Dance
>>> See Loma Rica Foothill Lions Club for more community events
Check out further details and other community events on our website.
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Loma Rica entry on Wikipedia Loma Rica entry on Wikimapia Sperling's Best Places: Loma Rica City Data: Loma Rica, California
1. City Data: Loma Rica, California
2. Communities Around Forbestown