Sharon Valley is an unincorporated town in Yuba County. It is located west of Challenge, northwest of Greenville, north of Frenchtown, and northeast of Brownsville. Its elevation is 2,274 feet.
The native plant community of Sharon Valley is yellow pine forest.
The U.S. Postal Service sometimes lists addresses in Sharon Valley as being in Brownsville, because they are both in the 95919 zip code. However, on the Yuba-Sutter Wiki, we prefer listing the more specific location Sharon Valley.
Of residents 15 or older in Sharon Valley and nearby Brownsville and Challenge combined1, 54.6% were married, 19.2% had never married, 16.7% were divorced, 6.4% were widowed, and 3.1% were separated. The Challenge-Brownsville-Sharon Valley area has the highest proportion of divorced residents in the Yuba-Sutter region.
For Sharon Valley and nearby Brownsville and Challenge combined, the most common industries for males to work in were the construction industry (25%) and waste management services (15%). The most common industries for females to work in were education (28%); health care (19%); arts, entertainment, and recreation (16%); and utilities (10%). The Challenge-Brownsville-Sharon Valley area has an unusually high proportion of all of these career fields, compared to the rest of the Yuba-Sutter area.
The 2007 median annual household income in the Challenge-Brownsville-Sharon Valley area was $32,460 (the second-lowest in the Yuba-Sutter region, after Linda). 16.9% of residents in the Challenge-Brownsville-Sharon Valley area were below the poverty level in 2007, and 12.6% were below half the poverty level.
Main Roads
Sharon Valley entry on Wikipedia