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Ronald W Gless
February 1, 1997
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The Nor-Cal Paper/The Patriot Express was started in 1997 by former Marysville City Councilman (1993-1996) Ronald W Gless, who was tired of the Kiss-Up news medias always painting his Conservative Constitutional Libertarian philosophy as too outspoken or not politically correct in a once free country that has gone socialist. He was told by one editor of the local daily that since they bought ink by the gallons, they could print whatever they wanted to. So Mr. Gless decided to start his own newspaper in 1997 that was a weekly full-size, full-color publication that was an open forum of news and opinions. In 2005 The Nor-Cal Paper stopped printing on paper and went totally on line and there is where you can now find it.

This is an Un-Politically Correct News Site that exposed the corruption in Government when other people are afraid to say anything. Since Only a Handful of true Patriots speak against the Government tyranny on April of 2013 The Nor-Cal Paper created The Patriot Express to better express what we really are fighting against. The Nor Cal Paper can still be found on it's new web site and The Patriot Express can be found at:

The Nor-Cal Paper was the only media in the Yuba-Sutter area, or anywhere else for that matter, that was responsible for exposing a Corrupt Mayor and Councilman of the City of Marysville back in the late 90s who were forced out of office by the Yuba County Grand Jury because of their crimes. The Nor-Cal Paper is always pointing out the waste in government, corruption and the fact that the government is above the laws we citizens have to obey. The Nor-Cal Paper and The Patriot Express are truly news you will not see in most medias, we show you what is really going on and those in power don't like it!

Now The Nor-Cal Paper and The Patriot Express are strictly online publications. The Nor-Cal Paper can now be found at: and THE PATRIOT EXPRESS can be found at:!home/mainPage
