Let me tell you, this story. I took this picture in the soldiers and sailor's basement. If you look to the right where the wall meets the corner of the door. You can see a boys face. You might have to zoom in to see it better. This picture was taken October 10, 2014 at 10:40 p.m. I've been here multiple times and every time being there, a feeling of depression came at me and everyone that was in my group. I heard about this place back in 2009 and I love going there with a group of friends. I would never go alone though. Many people have sighted homeless people there and that could be dangerous if alone.  The Soldiers and Sailors home was for the kids of soldiers and sailors to go during the Spanish american war in 1869. The building burnt down in the 50's. According to my friend, who has been to the soldiers and sailors home multiple times, he’s seen glowing orbs floating around the place. He once used his phone to take a recording with his brother shame. He played me the recording and I was shocked once I heard it. He spoke out multiple times trying to get a response. The last thing he said was, “what is your name and if you're here show us.” As soon as he said that, I heard a whisper come from the phone, it sounded as if the ghost, or whatever it was, said “get out” in a deep, unclear voice. I soon as I heard it chills went throughout my entire body and I felt scared. I asked him if anyone he was with whispered that and he said he was only with his brother and his brother did not make a sound. Mitchell, who doesn't get scared very easily said he was shaking once her heard that from the recording. He told me he didn't hear anything with the naked ear but he heard it afterwards on the recording. After that, they decided to leave the spot they were in. He and his brother went to the top floor. Now supposedly at the top floor of the building, all the way down the hall there is a glowing, upside down crucifix at a distance. But once closer, it goes away. Mitchell said he wanted to check it out to see of that was real. When he made it to the third floor and looked down the hallway, he saw nothing. I've done the very same thing multiple times and I've have never seen the crucifix either.

I've looked up this place a lot online and I've read a few forums. One place that is talked about every so often is the theatre. I have never found it. Multiple times I'’ve tried to find it, I've searched the whole entire place, top to bottom. Only a number of people have actually seen it and been in it. I've never seen a picture taken though so I don't know if I believe them or not. But according to those people, it is the most haunted place in the building. It is said that if you enter, it will take longer than an hour to find your way out. I find that hard to believe because obviously you would just retrace your steps. Maybe an entity has played a mind game on them so they forget. I am still determined to find the auditorium though.