Born: ~ 1883 in Russia, Rutherian speaking

Died: 1945

Married: ~1903 Estelle Dombrowicz b.~ 1882 in Russia, Polish speaking

Children: Estelle Gedroiz, Anthony B. Gedroiz, Anna Gedroiz, and Mary Gedroiz Gray b.~ 1912

Stanislawa and Anton Gedroiz left Antwerp May 2, 1903, arrived at Ellis Island May 12, 1903 aboard the Zeeland. He was 22 years old, married, Polish from Russia, last residence Essen, final destination, Detroit, Michigan, having $15. His passage paid for by brother-in-law. Going to join brother-in-law Frederick Schwarz, Detroit, Mich. Morrell St. 194.

He contracted tuberculosis, and came to Saranac Lake for the cure.

The 1920 U. S. Census has TB Patient Anthony and family living at 112 Lake Street, having immigrated in 1902 and naturalized in 1909.

A reader comments: "Our house, a bungalow cure cottage at 246 Lake Street (formerly 117 Lake Street), was ordered by an Anton Gedroiz from a catalog kit. I believe the two houses east of us were also kit homes ordered or built by an Anton Gedroiz.
