Mills Cottage

Address: 70 Petrova Avenue

Old Address: 46 Petrova Avenue

Other names:

Year built: About 1920

Dr. Morton Mills was a dentist who came to Saranac Lake about 1909. This house was built about 1920. He had his office in the house into the 1950s. Mrs. Mills may have had TB. There was a cure chair on the front right side of the porch, as seen from the street. As Secretary of the Boat and Waterways Club, Dr. Mills could be reached at 6 Broadway, which may have been his dental office or the office of the boating organization. As an older man he would go and watch the softball games in Petrova field. His only daughter was Florence, who married Fred Koernig, and for whom he built the house at the back of the lot next door at 48 Petrova Avenue.

Source: Recollections of Janet Worthington Dudones, who grew up next door at 50 Petrova Avenue. .

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