South Gate, undated. Historic Saranac Lake Collection.South Gate, looking into the Sanatorium grounds from Park Avenue. Historic Saranac Lake Collection.  South Entrance, Photo Courtesy of Noreen Oslander. Historic Saranac Lake Collection. Trudeau Sanatorium Historic District, Reference Number 18

Year built: 1912-13

The Main Gate, looking into the Sanatorium grounds, c. 1920s. Courtesy of Lynn Newman. Historic Saranac Lake Collection. The South Gate marks the entrance to the sanatorium from Park Avenue. The gate consists of four square cobblestone gate posts, each about eight feet tall and sixteen feet in circumference. They are spaced to demarcate an entrance drive flanked by pedestrian paths. The two inner posts (marking the roadway) are topped by large electrified iron lanterns. An original pair of iron gates control access to the drive and single gates span the walkways. The two outermost posts are connected to long, low curving stone walls on each side. Except for some broken glass in the lanterns, the South Gate is intact.



See also: Trudeau Sanatorium Historic District

Other historic properties
