I am Steve Lambert.
Hi, I'm guessing you're the admin. It looks like you've made a similar mistake to what I did over on ucdgsa when I switched to a white banner area. Here's a CSS file that fixes the user area and login area; just upload in the Wiki Settings:CSS: style.css —Users/BrentLaabs
2009-09-11 21:13:46 Steve can you please stop waterways and all these other idiots from using the wiki? Myself and allot of other people have done lots of work on the site, but people are deleting loads of it and they're bickering amongst themselves. I'm really quite annoyed! :-( —ChrisGibson
2009-09-11 23:48:48 The vandal who is attempting to wreck this site is from Skyscrapercity forum and goes under the name Evertonian. He is a football obsessed fool.
2009-09-11 23:50:01 Chris Gibson, Do NOT refer to me as an idiot. Learn to write first. —Waterways
2009-09-12 00:04:09 This is ridiculus, you all act like a bunch of children. The whole point of this is to promote community and create betterment through the exchange of knowledge. All of your catty comments will get us nowhere. I am dyslexic by the way. Deal with it. —ChrisGibson
2009-09-12 00:07:23 the web site is being vandalised by a football obsessed idiot from the Skyscrapercity forum, who is encouraging others to do the same.
Dear Steve, please can I get mod status to protect this site as I work for FACT and it is part of my job to oversee and update it, (We created it with you as part of our 'climate for change' exhibition). It is becoming obvious that people want to use it for their own selfish agendas, and in doing so stopping the general population from being able to obtain the helpful information we've slaved over. Its such a shame, and very childish. If this gets deleted I will report it.
Thanks, Chris @ FACT.
Best email me - Waterways
If John/Waterways/JohnMK/Save our Docks, or whatever other of his multiple user names he is using because he is regularly banned from sites, ever got mod rights the very first thing he would do is delete my hard work and ban me for no good reason other than I have a different view to his. This man must NEVER get mod rights, he would without shadow of a doubt abuse them. - Keith Wyness.
Please make ChrisGibson mod rights. He is the only person that can be trusted to act fairly and impartially and do a good job.
Please make Chris mod of these wiki's. He is the only person i trust not to delete valid content. Waterways (banned on many Liverpool sites because of his behaviour) will delete ANY of my additions. I REPEAT: I HAVE NOT DELETED OR DAMAGED ANY OF JOHN/WATERWAYS WIKI ADDITIONS, I HAVE LEFT THEM INTACT. HE KEEPS REVERTING TO DELETE MY VALID AND WELL PUBLICISED LOCALY CONTENT. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE WATERWAYS MOD RIGHTS HE WILL BAN ME FOR NO GOOD REASON. GIVE CHRIS MOD RIGHTS HE CAN BE TRUSTED.
On multiple websites and forums Waterways has been banned by mods. He re-registers using an alternative/new user name and has had to be banned from skyscrapercity.com forums 5 or 6 times. (JohnMK/February29/Waterways/Save Our Docks). HE IS POSING AS "STEVE" TO TRY TO GAIN ACCESS TO MOD RIGHTS. DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN!!!
For further imformation contact the skyscrapercity.com forums administrator COMDOT and ask why he has had to repeatedly ban John Burns aka Waterways aka February29 aka Save our Docks aka John MK aka Liverpool Playboy.
2009-09-23 06:03:39 ok guys, folks at FACT will get admin rights because I have had personal experience with them and trust them. I'm sure you can work this out. I will help out where need be. —SteveLambert
2009-09-23 06:21:14 No worries. We're all volunteers trying to add something to the world around us. Sometimes other things are more urgent. Glad to see you're back. —JabberWokky
Great news. Hopfully this issue can be resolved in a manner acceptable for all. - keithwyness
2009-10-08 00:14:51 Hi, If you don't already have it, here's the link to the Liverpool & Manchester Director's Report of 1831. It mentions the Liverpool tunnels beginning on pg 146. http://books.google.com/books?id=gqAOAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA199&dq=crown+street+tunnel+stephenson#v=onepage&q=crown%20street%20tunnel&f=false Cheers. Bob D. Brooklyn, NY —
Thx Bob, Interesting. Good find. I will put a link to it in the Liverpool's Historic Rail Tunnels page which features the tunnels. I may use some of the original text as well describing the Wapping tunnel. - Waterways