c2011 - The Blumberg Hotel






The Blumberg Hotel at Shannon Street, Birdwood

The town of Birdwood was originally named Blumberg, however the name was changed during War War I when a number of German names for townships in South Australia were changed due to community anti-german feelings.  The Blumberg Hotel was built in 1856 and was originally a single-storey hotel known as the Napoleon Bonaparte Inn, apparently because some early settlers had been conscripted into Napoleon's army while still living in Silesia.  It gained large-scale extensions two decades later which brought it to its present form of a two-storey bluestone building with balcony and impressive iron lacework.  The old red truck suspended from the balcony was added later.

Previous Names of Blumberg Hotel

c2011 - The Blumberg Hotel[Information compiled from data originating from National Trust Recorded List (Item No. 2091), Bob Hoad and Reg Butler]

  • 1856 - 1866     Napoleon Bonaparte Inn
  • 1866 - 1889     Napoleon Bonaparte Hotel
  • 1890 - 1918     Blumberg Hotel
  • 1919 - 1973      Napoleon Hotel
  • 1973 ---->       The Blumberg Hotel

Publicans - The Napoleon Bonaparte/Napoloen/Blumberg Hotel, Birdwood

[Information compiled by Reg Butler (Local Historian - Hahndorf), including additional information re the respective publicans.  Additional date information from Bob Hoad incorporated]

  • RATHMANN, Carl Christian   18/9/1856 - 14/6/1857 and 31/3/1858 - 4/4/1860

18/9/1856-1857 Napoleon Bonaparte Inn Blumberg [Birdwood] Hotel founder

1858-1860 Napoleon Bonaparte Inn Blumberg [Birdwood]c1915 - Horse drawn vehicles & local residents outside Kelly's Blumberg Hotel  [SA Library B58996]

1864-1865 Totness Inn, Mount Pleasant

1866-1867 Woodman Inn Grenfell St

1867-1868 White Hart Hotel Hindley St

1868-1869 Mill Inn Mt Torrens

  • PFEIFFER, Johann George   15/6/1857 - 30/3/1858

1857-1858 Napoleon Bonaparte Inn Blumberg [Birdwood]

1859-1860 Alma Inn Lobethal

  • HAVEKER, Diedrich   5/4/1860 - 2/4/1862 and 1871 - 1880
  • GUEST, Thomas W   3/4/1862 - 1/4/1863

c1895 - Heinrich's Blumberg Hotel  [SA Library PRG733-514]GUEST, Thomas W (//-//)

1862-1863 Napoleon Bonaparte Inn Blumberg [Birdwood]

  • JAHN, Heinrich (or HEINRICH, John)  2/4/1863 - 4/4/1866

JAHN, Heinrich (9/5/1829-28/11/1885) Born Germany.  Died Adelaide SA.

1863-1866 Napoleon Bonaparte Inn Blumberg

1866-1867 District Hotel Gumeracha

1867-1873 Wellington Inn Currie St

1873-1876 National Hotel Pirie St

1877-1882 Hindmarsh Hotel Pirie St

1883-1885 Exeter Hotel Rundle St

  • SCHUETZE (or SHUETZE), Gottlieb Andreas   5/4/1866 - 1871

SCHUETZE, Gottlieb Andreas (//c1817-3/5/1871).  Died Blumberg SA, at his residence the Napoleon Bonaparte Hotel, after a lingering illness DN Observer 6/5/1871 p274e.

1854-1855 Australian Arms Hahndorf Hotel founderc1911 - Birdwood start of bicycle race outside Blumberg Hotel  [SA Library B19215]

1857-1861 Australian Arms Hahndorf

1862-1863 Travellers Inn near Blumberg

1863-1865 Union Inn Hahndorf Hotel founder

1866-1871 Napoleon Bonaparte Hotel Blumberg [Birdwood]

  • WILSON, Henry 1880-1883

1880-1883 Napoleon Bonaparte Hotel Blumberg [Birdwood]

1885-1885 Central Hotel Pt Pirie

  • RESTALL, Arthur 1883-1883

1877-1878 Huntsmans Hotel O’Connell St North Adelaide

1878-1879 Globe Hotel Clare

1880-1881 Wauraltee Hotel Pt Victoria

1883-1883 Napoleon Bonaparte Hotel Blumbergc1915 - Horse drawn vehicles including Royal Mail Passenger Coach & early model car outside Kelly's Blumberg Hotel  [SA Library B58999]

1883-1883 Criterion Hotel Bassett Town

1884-1884 Powells Hotel Hawker

  • THOMSON, David 1883-1886

THOMSON, David (//c1840-21/5/1898).  Born prob Co Clackmannan, Scotland. Died Parkville Vic.

1878-1879 Commercial Hotel Gawler

1880-1883 Talunga Hotel Mount Pleasant

1883-1886 Napoleon Bonaparte Hotel Blumberg

Likely to have left SA

Parents – James Thomson & Celia nee MATHEW.

To SA 1855 Europa, with parents and siblings.

Saddler; Gawler, Willaston then Publican; Gawler, Mt Pleasant, Blumberg.  Presbyterian, Congregational.

m 1/3/1862 St George Gawler, Caroline nee FREESTUN (6/8/1843-20/6/1892) Born Adelaide SA.  Born Towcumwall SA. Parents – Edward Lockyer Freestun & Catherine nee MILLER.

  • MILLARD, George Henry 1886-1887

1886-1887 Napoleon Bonaparte Hotel Blumberg [Birdwood]

  • MILLARD, Edward 1887-1890

MILLARD, Edward (//c1860-6/5/1891).  Died Gawler SA, at his residence the Old Spot Hotel.

1884-1887 Miners’ Arms Hotel Palmer

1887-1890 Napoleon Bonaparte then Blumberg Hotel Blumberg [Birdwood]

1890-1891 Old Spot Hotel Gawler

Parents – John Millard &

m 17/12/1883 Woodside Hotel Woodside, publican Nelly Florence nee McNamara.

MILLARD, Mrs Edward nee Nelly Florence MCNAMARA (//c1863-//) Apparently not Born SA. Died perhaps not SA.

1891-1892 Old Spot Hotel Gawler

1892-1894 Huntsmans Hotel O’Connell St North Adelaide

1895-1897 Scotch Thistle Hotel Kermode St

1897-1897 Wellington Hotel Wellington Square North Adelaide

1897-1898 Supreme Court Hotel Gouger St

Parents – John McNamara &

The Millards lived at Balhannah and Blumberg during the 1880s.

  • WEGENER, Julius 1890- 1891

WEGENER, Johann Heinrich Julius (//c1854-//by 1937)

1890-1891 Blumberg Hotel Blumberg [Birdwood]

1897-1899 German Arms Hotel Hahndorf

Parents – Christoph Wegener &

Settled; Blumberg by 1888.

Advertisement hotel changeover Mt Barker Courier 29/4/1898

m 27/11/1875 Bride father Gottlieb Kloke residence near Blumberg, publican Johanne Luise nee Kloke.

WEGENER, Mrs JHW nee Johanne Luise KLOKE (//c1856-6/9/1937) Died Adelaide SA (of Mitcham).

1907-1910 Highbury Hotel Highbury

Parents – Gottlieb Kloke &

Perhaps aunt to publican Mrs JW Burton nee Minna Clara Spoehr.

  • HEINRICH, Simon John 1891-1898

HEINRICH, Johann Simon (Simon John) (//-//)

1887-1891 Crown Hotel Reynella

1891-1898 Blumberg Hotel Blumberg [Birdwood]

Parents of publican Carl Christoph Charles Christopher Heinrich

daughter Annie Maria nee Heinrich (//c1867-//) m 27/6/1890 Crown Inn Reynella, David Norman PEEK (//c1865-//) Parents – David Massey Peek &

daughter Emilie Louise nee Heinrich (//c1870-//) m 19/12/1898 St Peters Cathedral North Adelaide, William John HOCKING (//c1870s-//) Parents – William Hill Hocking &

  • CLAUSSEN, Mrs Anna Auguste Wilhelmine 1898-1910

CLAUSEN, Mrs Francis Louis nee Anna Auguste Wilhelmine SCHRADER (26/5/1863-30/11/1947)

1898-1910 Blumberg Hotel Blumberg [Birdwood]

1910-1918 Maitland Hotel Maitland

Parents – publicans Heinrich Schrader & Wilhelmine nee Oelmann.

m 30/11/1892 Holy Trinity Adelaide, Francis Frank Louis Clausen (18/4/1864-26/9/1907) Born Adelaide SA. Died North Adelaide SA (of Blumberg).

  • KELLY, John E 1910-1919

KELLY, John E (//-//)

1910-1919 Blumberg then Napoleon Hotel Blumberg [Birdwood]

This publican changed both business and township name.

  • FOWLER, Thomas H 1919-1920

FOWLER, Thomas Henry (21/9/1878-//) Born Clare SA.

1919-1920 Napoleon Hotel Blumberg [Birdwood]

Parents – Robert John Fowler & Susan nee FRYAR

Of good repute. Married. Barman at the Bridgeport Hotel Murray Bridge before becoming a publican GRG 67/24 Vol 1 p106

  • ANDERSON, Sidney C 1920-1927

ANDERSON, Sidney C (//-//)

1920-1927 Napoleon Hotel Birdwood

Married. Employed in saw mills before becoming a publican GRG 67/24 Vol 1 p128

  • SHAW, Alice E 1927-1929

SHAW, Alice Esther (//-//)

1927-1929 Napoleon Hotel Birdwood

1930-1931 Buckingham Arms Hotel Gilberton

  • ROLPH, Joseph Henry 1929 - died 13/3/1935

ROLPH, Joseph Henry (//-13/3/1935) Did he die in SA?

1930-1935 Napoleon Hotel Birdwood

  • ROLPH, Mrs Laura 1935-1944

ROLPH, Mrs JH nee Laura (//c1870-30/7/1962) Died Fullarton SA (of Somerton Park).

1935-1944 Napoleon Hotel Birdwood

  • WALKOM, Leslie Henry 1944-1947

WALKOM, Leslie Henry (//-//).  Probably not Born SA.

1944-1947 Napoleon Hotel Birdwood

1947-1952 Rising Sun Hotel Lobethal

WALKOM, Mrs LH nee Margaret BYRON (//-//) Probably not Born SA.

1944-1944 Rhynie Hotel Rhynie