Tri-City Thunder is the Tri-City Roller Girls’ travel team, originally formed at the end of 2008 during the league’s first season. In December of 2010, Tri-City was accepted as full members into the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association. Thunder is the league’s Charter Team.
Thunder’s roster is comprised of dedicated and skilled skaters from all 3 of the league’s home teams (the Vicious Dishes, the Venus Fly Tramps, and the Total Knock Outs) as well as two amazing coaches we couldn’t do without.
2009 marked TCRG Thunder’s first full season…and it was certainly a season of domination! Thunder faced off against four opponents – Rochester New York’s ROC City Roller Derby, Toronto’s GTAR Derby Debutants, Ottawa’s Slaughter Daughters and London’s Thames Fatales – and finished undefeated!
In 2010 Thunder were 5 and 2, taking victories over Buffalo’s (Lake Effect Flurries), Rochester’s (ROC Stars), Syracuse’s (Assault City Roller Derby), Detroit’s (Motor City Disassembly Line), and Toronto’s (CN Power). That same year Thunder experienced 2 losses to Montreal (The Contrabanditas and the Sexpos, possibly because they are fueled by Poutine!).
2011 marked Thunder’s inaugural year in the WFTDA, and with 12 games scheduled (including 2 tournaments), it was certainly a busy season of bringing the Thunder to the track! Thunder faced off some great competition including The Chicago Outfit, Detroit Derby Girls and Ohio Roller girls. Thunder was thrilled to have ended their first WFTDA season ranked 16th in North Central region.
With a full schedule ahead for 2012, Thunder is excited to continue the DOMINATION they started last year. Be sure to check out our home games – it’s sure to be an awesome season!!
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