If You've Lost Your Pet, Troy Wiki May Help! 

How To Post A Missing Pet

You'll need to login, add your listing by editing the page, then preview and save your edit.

  1. New to Wiki? To add a listing you'll need to sign up for a username. It's quick and easy...click on the new user link at the top of the page.

  2. After you login, click on Edit.

  3. Locate the =missing Pets/ Lost Pets = heading in the editor window. This guide will help the novice

  4. Add your listing below the heading. It's easiest to simply copy and edit one of the examples, or follow these steps:

    • Add a title for your listing by placing double "equals" signs on either side. Examples:

       ==LOST DOG: mm/dd/yy. "Snoopy". Beagle. White with black ears and black nose.== 

       ==FOUND CAT: mm/dd/yy. All black with white paws== 

    • Add an image if possible. Look at the examples for how to place the images so they look nice. Examples:

       [[Image(snoopy1jpg, thumbnail, 400, left)]] 

       [[Image(blackcatfound_jan7_2013.jpg, thumbnail, 400, left)]] 

    • Add information about the pet below the image (or title if no image): a detailed description, where and when last seen (or found), your contact info, etc.

    • Add separator lines, one line of four equal signs "====and one line of four minus signs "----". This keeps your entry visually separated from the next one.

  5. When your pet makes it home, be sure to come back and remove the listing