Samuel P. Taylor State Park - BRT photos. Hiking along Lagunitas Creek and then up Mount Barnabe.

Samuel P. Taylor State Park is east of Point Reyes National Seashore in Marin County. Those who stop to explore it will find that the state park has a lot to recommend it. At low elevations along Lagunitas Creek the park features camping, redwood groves and a winter spawning run of Coho Salmon. Hiking trails continue up the flanks of Mount Barnabe through a beautiful Douglas Fir forest carpeted with abundant ferns. The views from the top of Mount Barnabe are quite spectacular.

Driving Directions and Hiking Trail Map

Trails and Hiking Trip Reports

Coho Salmon Spawning in Lagunitas Creek & San Geronimo Creek​

Coho salmon mating pair in San Geronimo Creek, a tributary of Lagunitas Creek. Picture by P Bouley.


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