
"Here is @FeministaJones at the top of the vigil. Beautiful job tonight. #nmos14 #harlem" [@StacyLeMelle]

Protests over the police shooting of Michael Brown and the subsequent heavy-handed, militarized response have spread beyond Ferguson.

Follow along with nationwide protests by tracking #Ferguson and #NMOS14 on twitter.

These are primarily from protests the evening of Aug. 14th when there were calls for a National Moment of Silence (NMOS14). Here's an article about how NMOS14 came together. Feminista Jones was one of the key organizers.

This article has loads of photos from protests in many cities.


"Crowd has swelled to thousands for moment of silence in Boston. #NMOS14 #HandsUpDontShoot" [@collinrees]


Reported by Huffpost Detroit, https://twitter.com/HuffPostDetroit/status/500058103635664896


Watch NYC protests live at this livestream: http://new.livestream.com/accounts/124908/events/3277196

(at 10PM EDT on 8/14, about 14,000 were watching the above livestream. [source])

Protesters in Manhattan demonstrating in solidarity with Ferguson [@rdevro]#NMOS14, Manhattan [@SaraJChipps]

"Times Square, NYC shut down." [@S_Evangelina]

And here come the cops...

From https://vine.co/v/MYxLxl1OMIM/embed :


Peaceful vigil in Oakland, California outside city hall [OKcouncil]Moment of Silence, Oakland [@izs]


"Black students of Harvard Law School stand in solidarity with #MikeBrown & the #Ferguson community. #HandsUpDontShoot" [@HarvardBLSA]

Ann Arbor, University of Michigan



Seattle, WA

Seattle moment of silence against police brutality - Seattle Times