What do you know about Users/drbob999?

Resident of the Santa Cruz Mountains since 1989--lives on Glenwood Drive (aka "upper glenwood)


Hi Bob. Jeff Powell here. (aka... jeffp). Believe it or not editing other people's user pages is a custom in wikiland, since you'll get email by default as a result of this edit.  :)   So... thanks for adding the Glenwood page. I cleaned up a couple of little things (you can view it here -  https://localwiki.org/95033/Glenwood - and click on the "Activity" button to see what I did) and I asked a question. Maybe you can add an outline of the town of Glenwood to the map? Not a big deal, but thought I would ask. Thanks either way! (Oh, and you are welcome to delete this off your user page any time.) Thanks again!