BRIAN FREAKIN CHEN 1 loves secrets and conflicts of interest 2 wrote for the Aggie and was the Campus Desk Editor for 2005 through 2006 3 operates a recording studio in his room 4 drives a VW Jetta 5 has odd sleeping patterns (that's a lie)6 loves a good steak (especially fried steak) 7 types really really fast (but with lots of errors) 8 loves poker, but MUST quit! (chen actually gave up online playing because he was too addicted) 9 He currently writes for Wired in San Francisco and

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2005-07-14 17:56:05   Good job on The Baxter House. That's why the Aggie pays you the big bucks. —BrentLaabs

2005-07-25 15:06:41   Hey Brian — saw your comment on my Wiki page (not that I check in very often, sorry). Well, you could always get on the waitlist for ENL 188 and see what happens! —BethFreeman

2005-09-12 00:51:44   Are you the same Brian Chen I hit in Sacramento? A few months ago I hydroplaned and hit another Toyota. No damage, but cleaning out my car I found the envelope with all of this guy's info, same name, was it you? —MichelleAccurso

2006-04-29 15:34:31   Thanks for clearing up the Aggie Controversy question. Feel free to put new facts right into the entry directly. —JabberWokky

2008-06-01 12:51:59   Poker eh? —StevenDaubert