Joined on Oct 27, 2011

Regions followed


2011-10-27 16:12:21   Hey, Kathy, welcome to the Wiki! Thanks for contributing.

One major tip I always recommend to new editors is to use the Preview button before saving a page - look over the page that you’re about to create, and don’t save it yet if the page has major gaps in information, or has leftover information from the template, etc.

I look forward to seeing more of your contributions around the wiki. Hit me up (leave a comment on my user page) if you ever have a question about anything. —NicholasBarry

2011-10-27 18:56:11   Kathy, just a FYI... with pages that have the address macro, you don't need to put Sacramento in the address if the page is for a place IN Sacramento-it is assumed. Thanks for all the hard work so far. —PeterBoulay