Michael Gervais is a resident of Davis and a local Architect.
Gervais, Inc. is the firm he started in December of 2006.
He has two school aged children (now teen-agers) that attend Davis schools. In his spare time he likes to do many things...all of which he isn't that great at, including:
- photography
- play guitar
- try to record songs
- use photoshop
- juggle
- ride bicycles
- cook
- go to the movies
- procrastinate
He moved to Davis with his family in 2000 and has been here since. I'd be a little more happy if it was an affordable town, but the school system here is so great for my kids..that i won't move. LOL sacrifice for the good of the kids, right?
drop me an email anytime [email protected]
have a good day!