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​The Northern Champion [ Taree, NSW: 1913-1954] Wed 10 November 1926


'I'lirip vent, n IiIk Rathtivlnc of lullway otnploycpR, Ixiilco roiiroponntlvc'. Labor Lcskuo oftlclnln unil liuslno.-'s reoplo nt Konip'B Cnfo on I'rldny nlpht lnst to sny Rood-bye to MoiiRrs. 1*. II. Sldebotton., Prcil U\urell ninl W McBrldo. iunlor. all pniploypoi n

(ho Tnroi- rnfhvny slntlon. who nv-' leaving tlip district,. Mr, Sliloboilorn, who linH boon the canlaRe exmnlnpr ot Tnrpp for the pbm olylu lcars, hns been transferred to S.v-l-; ncy: ^^r. Durrell (chariiomnn) hop.i to FJnfleld. and Mr. McTtrldo has left tbo Dopartiiient to join thn Fisheries Departmbnl as en assistant Inspector. Mr. J. H. Lavers (vice-president m' thn Railway and Tramway Institute' 'occupied the chair. . During the evening the following musical and elocutionary items were given: Mr. C. Joel, banjo and clarinet solos; Mr. Squance, song; Mr. \V. (Smith, story; Mr. Anstess, song: Mr IH. Green, recitation; Mr. I. Finley, piano solo, Mr, Dooley. Bong. After extending a welcome to thos.j not connected with the railway service, the chairman proposed the loyal toast. Mr. A. Bevis proposed the toast of the Railway Commissioners, to whicii Mr. Lavers responded, pointing out that the service was the biggest in jtlie Southern Hemisphere. It had .i 1 capital outlay of .£100,000,000 iin' liad 80,000 employees. The last financial year showed a deficit, but if thcharge of over £6,000,000 for interest was excluded, tho balance sheoi would show a net return of 4 or ~, per cent, on the capital invested. In New Zealand and Victoria tho nonpaying lines were made._a charge on the consolidated revenue. He though', that if the recommendations of tho Royal Commission were adopted in their entirety, the . railway would bo insa better position. Mr. Lavers proposed the toast of Mr. Burrell, and said that he was ;i good officer, whom he -would like to keep at Taree. The duties of a chargeman were not rosy, and to du 'jthe job successfully entailed a soot! .deal of work and thought. Mr. Burrell had done his work to the satisfaction of the Department and tho 'men under his control and that was; 'something to be proud of. If he did his work at Enfleld as he had dono it. at Taree, he would gain, tho good feeling o£ the men and officials of the Department. The' big gathering 'snowed the esteem in which Mr. Ruv rell was held. On behalf of Hie rail way men he handed him a leathei kit bag and pair of razors. Mr. Palmer (statiou master) sai« that Mr. Burrell had given the men aud the department a fair deal -and ,hc hoped' he would have success in his new position. . Mr. Carney also -wished him suejCpss at Enfield. I Mr. P. Wade said that he had been mates with Mr. Burrell on the engine when he was stationed at Dungog. IHa had been the best of cobbers and ,he -wished him good luck and advancement in the service. Aid. S. A. Bridge said that Mr. Bur. jell stood as a candidate at the last 'Taree Municipal elections, but unfortunntely he was nor returned. He thought that Mr. Burrell had pla'yed tho game as a man and he was cer tain that he had been square' with the Commissioners and men. In responding, Mr. Burrell said that he had many good times on the coast Although he did not get into the .council he thought that the defeated (Candidates did a lot of good and hr hoped that another eight would run



with Mr. Bridge at the next oloction. ?He thnnked them for tluslr presents, which he would remember for numy days to come. . Mr. A. Gardiner proposed the toast of Mr. Sidebottom; and said, that Mr Sidebottoro had the many sterling tiualities that went_ in . the making of a white man. Hs.u&s looked -up to by his fellow men, and he wiik safe in saying- that Bob Sidebottom was the whitest of the while, (applause)!. Deep down in his heart ho possessed the spirit of a Christian. Hra had devoted a great deal of his timtj to uriUftingi his fellow aien and had tried to further the spirit of brotherhood among his fellow employees. He had associated himself with many movements for the bettr-rmunt of his follows. He had Veen !n the Taree dlbtrlct for eight ywirs and . those who knew him always spoke of him m the highest terms. When the speaker came to Tareo Irom. ?' the city a couple of years ago Ms. Sidebottom' -wns one of those who went' out of. his, way- to assist him. IT? would oe a, distinct loss to the district and the de~nartment. When those who travel on the train from Taree snw Mr Sidiv bottom about they knew that- every thing would be .safe : because they knew that with him as carriage ex atnlner the work would be faithfully carried out.- The railway department was a big brotherhood and they wouia always be glad to hear oC his promotion*, and success.- In the city he would be among the bright lights and: gay people. (Laughter). Mr. Sidebottom had been associated with many activities in Taree. He was president of the Labor League. Tho party which ho had the honor to represent had done a .'great deal for humanity, and the workers. Thoy had brought in the 44-Hours1 Week, Workers' Compensation, Widows' Pensions and other things whfch no other party would dare to wipe off tho Statute Book. Mr. Sidebottom bad been instructor to the R. and T. Ambulance class and they could not have had a better instructor. (Applause). The mere fact that be conducted the: class showed that he had the interasts of tho men nt heart. Tho fact that .100 per cenl of his class passed with great credit was a feathei In. hie cap. Ho was also chairman of the 8-Hour sports committee which recently did so much not only forvthe social benefit of the district, hut also for charity. As a result of the sports the ' hoHijItal received a tarne donation anrt -the Friendly -WiiMlp«. which wcr* currying «*-» , ih,,; 'vork In (In- illur.ri. ultm bpi^fUlcii. H-» wn« nl*i- « ler-pti»fi|(l--nt of iho Mil. Dktrict IMenflly UorlftUV A«torlntloii nntl nil (hone |,,sl(I.Mi v-nt to phow Hint IiIk l.i-art nml xmil ,viu. lu th'.- work of Hi llftliiK liumanIty. Sorvler to humnnlty wiu hl.-i ti'otto. Ho wan n pant dlBtrlct tniiHl-'r of tlip DruldK' Lodge, mid also secretary of the AiiHtrallnn Hull »?«-?» liiilon Hp did not Ilkp to criticise any icIIrIouh orpnnlsaUini, but It Inul tame to his notice that bocnuio Mr. .Si'lebottom aHsoclatPil hlniBelf with tin; charity sports on 8-Hour Hay h*j had been subjected to certain intolerance by the members of the Salvation Army. This was nupposed to o^ a Christian organisation, yp.t whe:i one of .its members did good rvorV: for charity they practically ostracised him. However. Mr. Sidebottom wan on Ihp. right track nii'l should continue. Although in years to come hn wo\ild be forgotten in Taree his work would live for years after. All present wished him and his family a happy sojourn in the city and hoped that he would come back and spend a holiday In Tnree. On behalf of tho railway colleagues of Mr. Sidebottom be presented him with a wad of notes. Mr. Palmer said that during tlio month he had been in Taree, he- had found the genial Bob was liked by everyone. He wished him long life and happiness and progress in thu Department. . ? Mr. \V. MacDonald said that Mr. Sidebottom was closely associated with the Labor movement aud was a fine worker. . If the district waa combed through they- would not find a better or whiter man than 'Bob Sidebottom. He had - collected wore money than any other worker in tho district and always responded to whatever appeal was made to hin. nuring the day Sir, Bridge had combed the town for a subscription for Mr Sidebottom, and donations had been made by men outside the league. Men who had never been known t.-give a bob to anything had given something. One man said that Mr. Sideboltom looked on him as his greatest enemy, but he looked on Bob as one ot' the whitest , men, in the town. BankerB and men of. that class were presented with a wallet of notes when they left the town but he was handing Mr. Sidebottom the money just as he got it. (Mr. MacDonald then produced a rolled oats bag of coins, amounting to about £7, and the novel presentation caused much1- merriment). Mr. Sidebottom was an old-time runner. The speaker first saw him as a youth at the back of Platsburg, where he was being trained by au old Irishman for onn of Moroney's gaslight handicaps. On behalf of the Labor League he wished Mr. Sidebottom every- health ? aud succeti. Mr. A. Bevis said that he had Known Mr. Sidebottom for six years and had found him to be a white man. Mr. Burrell also paid a tribute to Mr. Sidebottom's charitable work Mr. J. Anderson, oii behalf of -tho examining staff, wished him every success at Sydney.^, Mr. G. Bridger said that he had always found Bob to be a real good fellow. Mr. Brodie said that during the si.\ months Se had been in Taree he had ooniehn close cpntact^with Mr. Sidebottom .in his important position as president of tho Labor League. It was quite a pleasure to meet a man who had the interests of the great Labor movement at heart. He would be royally welcomed in the Botany , electorate, were men of hia stamp .were needed. It was refreshing to meet a Man who had the strength of his convictions, and who fought with bull dog- tenacity. Mr. Sidebottom bore a character which was , worthy of 'emulation and had file good will of a large circle of friends. He regretted that a man of his capabilities was talcing his departure from Tnree. He expected to hear a lot of him in the Labor circles of Botany. Mrs. Side bottom had also done a lor rf bard work for the Labor movement Mr. Sidebottom was blessed with a partner in life who had the same interests as himself. If he came back to' Taree he would always be welcomed by the League, as it was' owing to his untiring o forts that ihe League whs galvanised into activity and n-ade one of the foremqst. Leagues on the CoRBt. ??? .- :''? ?.'?.:' .',;;??' ...' '.\.\' : ? ??' - '.'Mr. D. M.; Lean said that he lirst enme into contact -i ith Mr. Sidebotiom as oiw of th-; 'iii'sy nine' Ht ?Hip Just Municiyiul elect'ims. Thay \W:ml under, but they would rise again. He .?fenflw.moai of ^..the .organisations with which Mr. Sidebottom had been connected and knew the stamp of man he was. Only those who had an insight into the workings of the Labor luorcllnent would know of the worl done by Mr. and Mrs. Sidebottom. Mr. Sidebottom was . president of the F.S. Association for many years and tho work he nut. into that association would long fce remembered by the F.S. members of the town and district. . It would be bard to find u man . to come, forward and put; his shoulder to the wheel as Mr. Sldo bottom, hadTdono. Lost year... his efforts in tho 8-Hour Sports Committee_ were responsible for raising ?about £40 and on the last occasion the amount was £91/3/1. Last year hp understood that there was somo hacking and; filling over his stand in the raising of -this, but the diffioulty wns overcome. On this occasion a corlaiu body again carpeted their friend for coming into public life to assist^ in raising money for charity. He- .could not fathom whatwas at the back of the minds ot those men and women in taking that attiude. If that was the attitude thev were taking ho would tell Mr. Sidebottom to take no notice ot them. 'Chore were 800 or 900 membors of the friendly societies of the district and none of them was deserving of so much praise as Bob Sidebottom. He had been requested ? by those members to publicly thank him and his wife' ? for ? the : 'work,' time and trouble they had taken In connectionwith the work ot the nisocUtlon. !l--w Mir i him. *n-1 hl« family -'»! \.-ooA. nit'l »io|wil ihnl hf wtmli fln'i n i m.ui- ft JonU* In Sydney n* U'' !-?»' '?ui'p on the Manning. AM. S. A. UrlilKc »nld that Ho-HiilrlMiKom stood out lu Tntrc mk mm- of the whltctt :ncn who uvci llvori In Hip town, In spite of *lmt iinj rellplous body mighl say. Ho hnd done a ChriBtian act In working for charity nnd lie was not !o bo Judged by the men of Taret! His .iurtpo was the Suprpme Ilolup, an-1 He would say whether he had done light, or wrong. Bob wm a mombtr of the Hospital Committee. The railway men should wake up and stand firm, no that nt the nest hospital election they would return one or two men to represent them. Bo!) could not have done bo much for the Friendly Societies if his wife had not been prepared to remain at honif while he -was away. While collecting during th«; day he approached soir.t-: of the aldermen of tho town who spoke highly ot Mr. Sidebottom and the Mayor said that he was sorry t' 1-now that he was leaving Taree. Mr. Lavus said that Mr. Sidebottom should be proud to know that h. possessed the confidence of the men who had known him so well. A* head of the branch of the department with whicii Mr. Sidebottom was connected he was aorry that he waB going away. His wife- had been a great help and he was glad to see that ahe hart l)6en ment'086d m tlle *°°* WorI: done. The toast ot Mr. Sidebottom was then enthusiastically honored. On rising to respond, Mr. Sidebottom was greeted with, quite an ovat!ou. He said that he did not deserve all the good things said of him as h« had only done his duty as a working man. His main work had been- for tho Labor League because it did so miip.1i to nnlift the workine man.

Next to the Labor movement his interest was in the Friendly 'Society work which was out to assist one another. He had been associated with Messrs. Anderson and Aitken as examiners and they were both white men. He first met Air. Anderson at Moree 20 years ago. He had also got on all right, with Mr. Lavers, and the new -station master j(Mr. Palmer). He was a member ot the Protestant Alliance, but the Druids stood out on their own in his opinion. He had 7 in his family, and al) of them were Druids, and if he had 7 more they would also be Druids. It was a brotherly lodge. He was sorry to leave Uie Taree Druids, especially the Juvenile lodge which he started. The Juvenile lodge was now coming out on top. They had a Juvenile band, of 20 and they would carry out their first engagement at Nablac on the following day. He was sorry that speakers had referred to the criticcism he had been subjected to. If he broke a' rule he had to put up with what he received, He had done nothing in Taree that he was ashamed of. 'A shori time ago he got into trouble and stood his ground irrespective of what was said. Some of those present- knew how he got 'on on that occasion. He did not intend Lo tie himself up again in a certain thing In which he cime to grief. If hu had au enemy in Taree he did not know It, and if he had injured- anyone in the town he was sorry. -He thanked Mr. McDonald for the saci-' of coins, and .also the railway men for their present. Mr. Page proposed the toast of .\! W. McBrldo, who was leaving to take up a position as assistant Fisheries Inspector near Prospect. 'As a cleaner in the department his work had always been very- satisfactory. On behalf of the railway njen he presented him with a travelling rug. Acting chargeman Wade supported the toast amTsald that Bill had done his best for the department and his fellow workmen. Messrs. A. Bevis, E. It. Sidebottom und F. Burrell also spoke iu complimentary terms of Mr McBride's association with the Railway Department. Mr. W. McBride, senior (father of the guest) said 'that he was proud to be among so many intelligent faces Some of the men who tried to represent the town tit the last elections were present. New blood and new ideas were wanted in the. town; He came to Taree when he was nine years of age. and ho was sure that there were railway men present who could tench him how to run a town. He thought it wrong for jthe people to turn the railway candidates down because they were strangers. Men

with modern ideas and experience in other towns were needed. His son had derived great benefit from his association with the Railway Department, which had made him- more fit to undertake his new poBttflon [in the Fisheries Department, In returning thanks for the gift. Mr. McBride said that he would not forget th(i railway-men of Taree. Mr. Pjilmer proposed the toast of the Railway and Tramway Institute, which was educational and social. The social work allows the mn and officers to understand each other and to dispel the wrong impressions that were sometimes gained in work. He was secretary ot the Goulburu Institute, which had a splendid orchestra, and he hoped that . they would have an orchestra connected with the Taree institute. The Railway men were capable of controlling affairs and making a success of then*.

Mr. Croft, (local secretary) responded and said that they had the talent to organise a fine orchestra. He vould like the men to come forward and avail themselves of the educational facilities of tho institute; ami the library. It was a shame, for mombors to be taking books from the town library. Mr.. H. Green prn posed tho toast of the Railway staff, and Mr. Burroi! ronpondefl. The toast of the Eusiness People was proposed by Mr, Lavers. In responding, Mrf B. C. Kemp asmired the railway men that their presence In the town was appreciated. Hn had-1 had a Rood 'deal to do with' Mr. Sldabottom and had had bus I

uron trancnctlonn with htm. Up hftd | Ipmii.1 him to In- .otmi-lpnHou» and I ,.„., to -ti-»l vvlih. IicIiir nlvrnyn liro- 1 1,,-iui' to it' h (nli tliint!. Vhc nponker I rtnoil Tor tin- Mimlrltml Council, 1 nlth Mr. lliirroll. If Mr. Hurroll Im] I Lfon returned It would not have I lioen n onn-mnn i-ouncll. He lookml 1 forward to iho tlmu whun a nxllwuy I tfion Is Mayor of Tnroo, nud he was J pure this would ovontuute It the rail- | way men Muck together. Mo had I filKo known Mr. Mcllrlde nnd If ho j turned out to bo the fighter UIb j In: her wn« Ik- would Ic a crodit to 1 whatever di'P'irtmont ho; j Mr. H. Uou--r-..i n.ti. iespomW-1 jj « J mentioned I hot he hnd been ai 'i t-3 elated wi th Mr. Sldobottom In the; ? Hour movement. Ho stood with Mr Burrell in the last Municipal elections nml wan thankful that they were not at the bottom of the poll. Mr. A. Gardiner proposed tho toast of the Press and wished Mr. V. Downle' success at Kurrl Kurri. Suitable responses were made to the toast. Mr. Sidebottom proposed the toast of the Chairman and pointed out that Mi-. Lavers associated himBelf witb. . Ihe working men. He knew the ioft tfie1 lob as well as at work. He ; was a good steam shed inspector. Mr. Lavers said that It was a pleasure to come to the functions. They '?; ivere all workers, whether with hands or brains. They should try to make wprk a pleasure and assist sach other. ' The singing of Auld Lang Syne concluded a very pleasant evening.


Burra Record [SA:1878-1954 Wed 19 October 1921, Page 3

Death of Mr. R. J. M. McBride.Mr. R. J. M. McBride, whose death occurred at his residence on Thursday night, was one of the oldest and most notable residents of Burra. He was alsoa pioneer pastoralist of the State and his name will ever be associated with the industry. His last illness extended over only these days. He contracted a cold on the previous Monday which at his great age quickly developed into pneu-monia with other complications and he passed away as stated. The deceased pastoralist was born at Newry, north of Ireland, on January 13th, 1831, and at the age of 14 years went to sea. In the course of several voyages in the next seven years, he visited nearly every part of the world, and twice doub led the Horn. He arrived in Australia in 1852, and immediately "tried his luck" at the Victorian goldfields. The sea, however, soon called him from that life, and it was four years later that he landed in South Australia, without friends and with only 5s in his pockets. The Burra district was then booming, and Mr. McBride, being an adventurous young man of about 26 summers, deter mined to go there, even if it meant walking every step of the way. Even-tually he arrived at the northern town ship and experienced no difficulty in obtaining employment as a miner on the famous copper property. He was after wards engaged in carrying from Burra to Adelaide and back, and later under took fencing and other contracts on the neighbouring sheep stations. He was able to launch out as a full-fledged squat ter in 1859. He first established The Gums, a large tract of country out from Mount Mary, and gradually acquired other extensive properties. During the ensuing years he owned the Pine Valley, Drayton, Teetulpa, Faraway Hill, Finger Post, Oakleigh, Redcliffe, Outalpa, and Oulnina stations. Mining always had a strong appeal for Mr. McBride, and he was one of the first to realize the possi-bilities of the Barrier mining field. He invested in 100 of the £10 shares in the Broken Hill Proprietary Company, and subsequently disposed of some of them at £14,000 each. The late pastoralist married first Miss Bessie Dunn, who came out to Australia on the vessel on which he was a sailor. She died on June 18, 1902. Mr. McBride afterwards mar-ried Mrs. Robinson, of Broken Hill. The surviving family consists of Messrs William McBride, Aberdeen, pastora-list ; Robert Martin McBride, Toorak, pastoralist ; Albert James McBride, Glen Osmond, pastoralist ; Thomas McBride, Torrensville, pastoralist ; and Norman Harold McBride, Glenelg. pastoralist ; Mrs. Elizabeth Alkar, St. Peters ; Mrs. Caroline Sandland, Kooringa: Mrs. Isabella Hawkes, Koonoona ; Mrs. Mary Keynes, Leighton ; Mrs.Jane Boehme, Ucolta; and Mrs. Alice Evans, St. Peters. There are 56 grandchildren and 28 great grandchildren. Since 1912 the late Mr McBride had given over £57,000 to charitable insti-tutions and patriotic and war funds, in-cluding the following : —Angas College, £1,210 ; City Methodists Mission, £945 ; Northern Territory Mission, £2,450; Salvation Army (South Australia), £5, 875 ; Blind Institution, £1,925 ; Home for Incurables, £362 ; Minda Home, £300; Methodist Church, Kooringa, £1,SS6 : Home and Foreign Missions and Bible Societies. £2,350 : Salvation





Army (London), £2,355; Dr. Barnar do's Home, £1,150; Muller's Orphan age, Brisbane, £1,100; Dr. Kirk's Chil dren's Home, London, £450 ; Light House Literature, Belfast, £210. An es-timate of the amounts which he contrib-uted to the various war funds was con-siderably over £7,000. Other notable gifts were donations of £4,000 towards the cost of establishing the Australian Bible Institute at Wayville. In Burra Mr McBride was ever ready to assist in all cases of distress and charity and will be remembered by many for his great generosity. The funeral took place at the Kooringa cemetery on Saturday morning and was attended by a large and representative number of residents and visitors, includ-ing Colonel Sharp, the head of the South Australian Division of the Salva-tion Army and Mr A. E. Fryar, who rep-resented Messrs Elder Smith & Co., Ade-laide, and who also represented Mr Peter Waite, who is probably the oldest friend that the late Mr McBride has left. The cortege was a lengthy one and immediat-ely following the hearse was his well known horse, "Jim," attached to the phaeton Mr McBride always used, driven by his coachman. The chief mourners were the widow, six sons, and four daughters and a large number of grand-sons. His eldest daughter Mrs Alkar, was unable to be present. The services at the residence and grave were conduc-ted by the Revs. G. K. Haslam, A. J. Finch and E. M. Ingamells. The Rev. Finch delivering a very fine address at the graveside. The bearers were,— Messrs E. W. Crewes, S. M. Lane, Clem Pearce, A. S. Martin, W. R. Chambers and W. J. C. Ewins. A large number of beautiful wreaths were received and were conveyed in a cab to the cemetery. Included in these, were emblems from the Railway employees of South Austral-ia, the Salvation Army, Rescue Home and the McBride Maternity Hospital. Among the many messages of sympathy received was one from the Governor's Private Secretary to Mrs McBride and family which read as follows — "His Ex-cellency and Lady Weigall express their deep sympathy in your great loss." Mr W. J. Young, the general manager of Elder Smith & Co., also sent the fol-lowing wire to Mr Fryar, trustee, "Please convey to the members of the family of the late Mr McBride the deep sympathy of our company who feel that they have lost a very old and honoured friend." Many other messages were received from influential people and friends of the fam-ily. It seems a coincidence that the de-ceased gentleman was born on the 13th and also died on the 13th and the figures of the year of his birth (1831) also make 13. The coffin was of polished oak and almost perfectly plain, the only orna-ment being a massive silver anchor — an emblem of his early life. Rexona is the new triangular Shaving Stick, which produces a thick, creamy lather, and will not irritate the most tender skin. Make your next shave a Rexona Shave. The Triangular Stick,


The Mail [Adelaide, SA:1912-1954) Saturday 27 January 1923 page 18





The maternity allowance has now been granted to women in Australia for over ten years. It was brought into force by the Federal Parliament on October 10, 1912. Under the' Act, as everyone knows, I a mother, on application to the Commonwealth Government, receives a grant of £5 at the birth of a child. There has been a considerable increase in the disbursements. For the first eight months ending June 30, 1913, the grants amounted to £412,780, while for the year ending June 30, 1922, £690,700 was distributed among the mothers in Australia. * OBJECT NOT ACHIEVED. In his Bi dget Speech delivered in August, last year the Federal Treasurer (Hon. S. M. Brace, M.C.) stated 'that study of the statistics of infantile mortality shows' clearly that the great . obje'et of the preservation of child life has not been, achieved by the. payment of the maternity allowance. The inevitable conclusion is that on the existing basis there is not an adequate return for the very large expenditure.' . . It was decided that no action would be taken last year. This does not mean that nothing will be done in the future, and the question now occupying not only political parties but the medical profession, women's organisations, and the public in general is whether the system has been of benefit to the womeu and children of the Commonwealth, and, if not, what can be substituted to meet the needs of the public.



LADY FORSTER CALLS CONFERENCE. To enable the women of Australia to give their views on this important subject a conference has been called under the auspices of the National Council of Women, for next March in Melbourne by Ijady Forster, the patron of the association. In order that -the members of the council in Adelaide and the public in general may hear all sides of the question a public meeting has beeu arranged for February 1, and will be held in the banqueting room at the Town Hall. Addresses will be given by Dr. F. S. Hone, Dr. H. Heaton, Mrs. Carlyle McDonnell (NonParty Association), and Mrs. iS. Block (Women's Social League), while prominent women speakers will also take part in the discussion. To give the public, and particularly the women, some idea of the interest aroused the following represcnta



an the question this week.' PRESENT SYSTEM INADEQUATE. Mrs. H. E. Fuller- {diocesan secretary of the Mothers' , Union, Incorporated, in South Australia) said she thought the present system was very inadequate and misplaced. Not only that, it was abused in many quarters, as people benefited by the maternity allowance who did not require the money. As a substitute she was in favour of subsidising maternity homes, and if necessary providing fully qualified maternity nurses to visit the .homes. Such provision, she thought, would meet the present need better than the . existing system. 'It is a woman's question,' she said, 'not a political one. I think the women should band together and put aside any political reasons. It is the only way to get any commonsense in regard to domestic matters.' INFANT MORTALITY. Dr. Marie Brown, who is prominently connected with the School for Mothers and the National Council of Women, is not in favour of the present system. 'The original idea of the maternity bonus,' she said, 'was to lessen infant mortality and improve the condition of childbirth for the mother and child. As a matter, of fact, I don't think it has. The money could be used to better purpose if expended in increasing the number and efficiency of mabernitv hospitals, the establishment of pre-natal and ante









natal clinics, training schools for nurses in child welfare, the improvement of medical education in all pertaining to pregnancy, the training of medical students in the management and feeding of



| iniants, an extension ot cnild welfare clinics, and the improvement of the milk supply.' 'There could be,' Dr. Brown pointed out, 'an intermediate hospital for people who are able to pay a little. A benefit to women would also be an arrangement by which fully-trained nurses could be suppplied to women in their homes on lines similar to the district nursing. Mothers' helps could also be provided to go into the homes and look after the children while the mother was being confined. 'Again, if it could be managed, there might be an extension of the creche system, whereby the ex-baby could be looked after while the mother was in hospital. Such residential creches would do away with the practice of remaining in the home and just getting in a 'gamp' at the critical period. In Liverpool a system of I home helps is in existence, and they go



into the homes for six weeks. Convalescent homes for mothers and babies would also supply a great want. 'The fact that people do not seem to realise is that the £5 . covers only a temporary want, whereas increased hospital and nursing:' facilities would be a. permanent benefit to the race. Then, again, an increase in maternity hospitals would result in better obstetrical teaching and give the students greater opportunities for studying maternity cases. 'We hope,' she concluded, 'that the public will attend this meeting on February 1, and if they have anything to say, say it. We want to find out rvhat the people think.' A RECOGNITION OF MOTHERHOOD. Miss Blanche Stephens (hon. secretary of,' the Women's Non-Party Association) is strongly in favour of the retention of the present maternity allowance, and pointed out that at present .it goes to every woman and is a recognition by the Government of motherhood as a service to the State. j ' 'The proposed new scheme,' she' said, 'suggested by the Federal Treasurer to establish pre-natal and aute-natal clinics would chiefly benefit the city women, leaving much to be desired for those out back. Any scheme that applies only to necessitous capes — and such a scheme har. been suggested— would, I think, prevent the respectable poor from participating. It is the middle-class people on small salaries who often require it most, and are generally the best type for the community, and they would not apply for









charity. The same would apply to the hospital schemes. They would also mean a hardship to the middle-class woman who would not go into what she considered were chanty institutions. 'The Treasurer said if the maternity allowance was given only to families: under a certain salary— £300, I believed the saving would be immaterial, and I think this proves that the majority of women who receive the allowance' require it. After aU^ the rich are in a minority and have only small families as a rule. I have known of cases, where the £5 has been a perfect boon to- the mother and enabled her to have proper attention at that time. I think any of the proposed alterations would be good as additional schemes, but not as a substitute for the allowance. 'These are my own personal views, and although there are a number of prominent members who think otherwise I believe my opinions would be endorsed by a majority of the members of the Non-Party Association.' IS IT CHARITY? Dr. H. Heaton, of the Workers' Education Association, said that from every point of view except that of pride, the money might to good advantage be spent on the endowment of maternity homes where women could apply for free admission and attention. Probably such * homes could he



run at a lower grant than the present cost, and the service given might Be better than what can be obtained when mothers . have to stay at home and depend on the attention of a nurse. 'But,' he said, 'Aus-tralian women resent anything in' the nature of charity, and t h e v micVif.



regard these institutions as carrying something of the odour which is attached to the workhouse in England. I am afraid we must cross out the idea of State endowment to such institutions. 'The alternative is to carry on as at present, and in that case I fear the amount granted is inadequate to meet hospital and doctor's charges. It is probable that the extent to which the bonus is abused is greatly exaggerated, and to the vast majority of working women the £5 comes as a god-send.' 'A GREAT RELIEF.' 'My personal opinion,' said Matron Toft, of the Salvation Army McBride Maternity Hospital, 'is that the maternity allowance as given now is a very good arrangement. We get a number of middle class women and a fair number of- unmar- 1 ried mothers, and I think in the case of married mothers it is a great relief to know they have the £5. It helps con- ; Biderably with hospital expenses. I| know that a number of people thinH that giving it to unmarried mothers is an encouragement to wrongdoing, but I don't think any difference should be made to any but those in affluent circumstances. I know it is, a benefit and saving to mothers who come into the hospital, while to the wife of the working man it is a great boon, and helps to make ends meet. A mother, of course, gets a better chance in a hospital.' NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN. Miss Gertrude Jude, honorary secretary of the National Council of Women, was also seen on the Question. She nnlnfeui



out that when the Federal Government first suggested the abolition of the bonus the following resolution was carried by the Adelaid- Council: — 'Hat this council strongly urges that before any. action is taken by the ' Federal Government whb regard to the Ibtermtr Bonus the opinion of representative bodies of women be sought, as die matter so vitally ' affects women, and suggest that the 'N.C.W. ot each State be the medium of commnnica- -tion for all such representative bodies of ?women, vbether ««Bit»«--- with Each council or not.' In response to this word was subsequently received that no action was being taken. 'We think,' said Miss Jude, ''that something will be done in the near future, and we wish to take action to protect the interests of women and chiidreii. At the meeting next Thursday no resolutions will be moved. The meeting will be purely of an educational nature.'










Australian Christian Commonwealth [SA:1901-1940] Friday 11 November 1921, page 15.




Prom the numerous tributes to the life and work of the late Mr. McBride we take the following:— • 'Commissioner Hay,' of the Salvation Army, writes:— 5Jt. McBride was an ardent admirer of The Army, and a keen critic of the values of religion. • In our conversations from time to time, both with Mrs. Hay and myself, he displayed at once <a spirit of _ fine oitizenship, ia soul of high spiritual hopes, and proved a true hater of all pretence and mere professionalism. He delighted to do good, and had great joy in contemplating the increased happiness that oame to boys and girls and others he helped from time to time. Not a few Army Homes and works of mercy he " generously supported, and I can never if or get that princely idjonattem—£3,-000 for the Home that now bears his name—the "McBride" Maternity Hospital. His works will abide, as he prudently gave to such as would go on distributing blessing. He was a lover of the Bible-^a devoted admirer of our Founder, as well as of our present General, and the world- aims of the Army. Those who know him cannot forget he was a true Britisher, and opposed, in his own way, any attempt to lessen Britain's power and service. He has had a long stewardship, and I believe sought most sincerely tlo be true to his convictions, and right towards hig God. Mrs. Hay and I offer our respectful sympathy to his dear wife, wlioee spirit and faith towards The Army ha-ve always been most beautiful. The Rev. G: Keysell Haslam's testimony :— It has not been my privilege to know the late E. J. M. McBride for longless than three years—but there have been opportunities in that brief period of getting to know him and to appreciate his work. I did not know him in the lusty strength of manhood, when his masterful mind had full control, but when his physical powers were waning and his spirit was mellowing it was my lot to minister to him. Mr. McBride's career, has been eventful ajnd 1 stormy—with such robust physical strength and mental vigour it could not be otherwise. His character must be appraised with such facts in view. With few early advantages, he won thro' innummerable obstacles, and gained a name that has been known and respected far and wide. He loved to relate* bis experiences, and to fight his battles o'er again, and what wonder! They were no" mean encounters. One hymn he claimed as his own, particularly the following verses, which might have been written with his experiences in view :— "Oft hath the sea confessed Thy power, And given me back at Thy command'; It could not, Lord, my life devour, Safe in the jiiollow of Thine hand. Oft from the margin of the grave, Thou, Lord, hast lifted up my bead, Sudden, I found Thee near to save, , The fever owned Thy touch, and fled."





Those that have heaad his stories will recognise:bow tapt are these Verses. For very many years Mr. McBride baa been a member and office bearer of our Church. He taught in the Sunday school and for the past 25 years has been leader of the men's class en Sunday mornings. When the late Jno. Harris died Mr. McBride became leader of this society class, and almost -until the last he remained at his post. At the early morning class and at church he was always in attendance. We shall miss him sorely, and we are deeply conscious of the great loss our Church has sustained. We would take to heart the lessons his life teaches us, and rejoice to know that at last the voyage perils tare o'er and that lie is now "Safe home, safe 'home in port." "Our bi'other the haven hath gained. Out-flying the tempest and wind, There all the ship's company meet, Who sailed' with the Saviour beneath, With shouting each other they greet, And triumph o'er trouble amd death. A former pastor, the The Rev. A. J. Finch, writes:— Bv the death of Mr, B. J. M. McBride at the age of 91, the Methodist denomination and the Kooringa Church in particular, has lost one of its best known and' generous supporters. During my term in Burra his benefactions to Christian missions, temperance leform, atnd patriotic funds were frequent and great; but the public will never know how often and secretly be responded to the appeal of human trouble and need. • He loved "to do good by stealth" and succeeded almost daily. We remember Mr. McBride as a man of boundless physical and mental energy. "His was the active frame and the busy brain.'" He" possessed a unique personality, was a man of great decision of character, and he had the courage of his convictions. In spite of his great -wealth h© was humble and. God-fearing. ~ He was scarcely ever absent from the Sunday morning class and public worship.^ Evangelical in his religious beliefs, bis outward life and acts were the expression of his Christian faith. He often told me that death had no terrors for him, and now his toils are ended and rest won. Though be suffered much in his later days his trust in God was always serene. "Safe from temptation, safe from sin's pollution, He lives, whom we call dead."



Adelaide Observer [SA:1843-1904] Sat 14 March 1896 Page 14




The report of the Social Wing for the month of February is as follows:—

Prison-Gate Home.—Inmates at the beginning of

i: admitted, 7: 4 were discharged. the month, 16:



leaving of their own accord to look for work; this leaves 19 in the home.

ttescue Home.—Began the month with 12 inmates (lb adults and 2 children): admitted 9 (8 adults and 1 child); id were discharged as followsFive adults were sent to situations, 4 to friends, and 1 was transferred to another home, leaving 11 (8 adults and 3 children).

Maternity Home.—At the first of the month there were 15 inmates (8 adults and 7 infants); 10 were admitted (5adults and 5 infants); 7 were discharged as followsTwo were sent to friends, and 2 to other homes, and 3 infants left withpavents; leaving 18 in the Home (9 adults and 9 infants).




​Daily Herald [Adelaide, SA:1910-1924] Friday 30 January 1914, page 2, 


™SiiLc^vatiori 4rmy is an essentiallyprogressiva oigaoisation. It does not Oeheve m standing still, indeed, it is

progressive. Combined with its bold, attack on the social evils of the day are its efforts to ameliorate the con dition ol the victims of those evils | Hence maternity wort: bulls large in its programme. la this connection splen did work *ias been accomplished in this gate at we Carrlngtoii sweat Maternity Home. Unfortunately the need for ex | tending- the operations in this direction forced itself upon the organisation, end yesterday the desire of its leaders' that tfus should be done was consummated m the opening r>£ the McBUde Maternity j Hospital at Medindie.. This was possfl>le by a-generous donation from Mr. i J. M. McBnctc, the well-known station owner of Burra.

The leader of the Salvation Army in Australia (Commissioner Hay) 6et his heart on trnr chasing that well-known property "The Bnars," formerly Ulcs residence of the late Hon. G. C. Hawker, and more lat terly the property of the late atr. H. J. Cowell. Negotiations resulted, in the Army securing the property, which, com prises two and a quarter acres of land , and a fine building, consisting of 28 rooms and outbuildings, for '£3100. The j purchase was made in .November last I and immediately the work of renovation was commenced. ^ This has been carried | out on an extensive scale, and the pro

perty lias been well fenced in. Upwards, j of £1000 has been expended in the fur nishing and general renovation. Ihe ■beautiful mansiou has been converted into a hospital consisting of four wards, ' which are ihe picture of cleanliness land comfort. Plainness is a Salvation Army characteristic, and it is prominent ; throughout the new hospital. The institution will not be devoted entirely to providing- for the unfortunate class. Ihe idea of the Army is to establish a mo dem maternity hospital, replete with every -conveniencej which can be -utilised for general obstetrical purposes. There is accommodation, for 50 patients. The institution will be in charge of Bnsjgn Swaddling, who vriU have as her assis tant^ a staff of certificated nurses. Fa cilities vrill be provided' lor training women desirou^ of entering the nursing ^profession, special provision, having been made for the training of probationers.

The building and grounds were gaily decorated with bunting yesterday, and a large assemblage gathered to witness the opening ceremony. Commissioner Hay was in charge of proceedings, and was accompanied by his staff officers, Colonels Horskons and Cain and Majors Moreton and Arnott. The key was turned by Jlr. McBride, who stated that he had not been asked to give a single penny, the u^ards the purchase of ihe building, the whole thing being entirely voluntary on his part. Tablets were unveiled by Mrs. McBride and ■ Colonel Cain (officer commanding the South Australian divi sion), after which the visitors inspected the building. Highly complimentary re marks concerning the up to dateness and gene ral appearance of the institution were made. An adjournment was then made to the spacious laws at the western side of the building, where several speeches were delivered.

Commissioner Hay observed that noth ing but Divine love could influence the organisation to carry, on its beceficegt work. The ^alvation Army was a com-, plex in6tiiutit>n, and some people were apt when they saw one little portion of its ramifications to imagine that it was the whoie programme. On the con trary the Army's operations were most di versified. Here , the needy sisters were receiving attention, there the needy boys were being looked, ^.fter, yonder the aged riien were having'the evening of. their lifes brightened—in fact, all sorts and conditions of people, old and ydung, were being cared for. That day another chapter of the Army's work would be commenced in .the opening of the Mc Bride Hospii&L Their reward would come on the great day of reckoning; in the meantime they hoped that the livee of the women wno passed through the in stitution wouJ4 be so influenced that their whole future would benefit. They were blessed with a beautiful day for the opening of a splen did institution 6et amid ideal surround ings. For a number of years the Army had been carrying on a good work in the Oarrington street home, which, however, was only a rented property. Following the lines the organisation had adopted throughout Australia the Salvationists de cided,, if possible, to secure a property of their own, realising as they did the permanency of the work. The -Army was a compara tively young organisation in Australia, having been at work for only 33 years, an^ 11 could not hope to own aU the buildings in which it carried on operations. i

Thanks to the munificence of its people ana the goodness of God the organisation had made splendid progress in South Australia and now possaaged* a number of substantia! properties. Prior to set tling on the present property he had in spected 20 or"30 others. Directly he saw the property be came to the conclusion that it was an ideal one for the purpose, and in his travels in tliig state last Nov ember he was fortunate enough to meet Mr. McBride, to whom he mentioned the need of the new building, although he did not solicit financial assistance. He had learned a wrinkle from wife, who ha,} the happy knack of extracting money Irorn people by simply talking about the work and not aAVing for a 1 penny. (Laughter.) Through the good

ness of Mr. McBride the Army had been J able^to purchase the home. The pro perty had a depth oj 314 ft. and Tan right through to l>utton tenraoe. The stables would be -utilised. In addition to: being & hospital it woul<i be a training J institution for nurses who nee^. not ne cessarily be Salvationists. Thug would be carried into effect the expressed wish of their late revered General William' .Booth to "do everything and anything! that will increase the volume of good!" The amount of the purchase money was1 £3100, and an additional £1000 had been spent m furnishing and renovation work. Altogether the organisation had expended something like £200,000 in the purchase of properties throughout Australia during the past five yeans, some branches of its work having increased SO -or 30 per ™nj in that period. The Army hoped the! £1000 would, be subseriBea. so that it might have the satisfaction of knowing that the institution was opened absolutely free of debt. He hafi been told; that Adelaide business people were ex tremely careful and never did anything in a huny an<i without due considera tion. He must, gay that the deal in con nection with the- purchase of the home property was one of the quickest he knew I of. (Laughter.) Xhere had been no delay on the part of the setters the whole tlung being fixed up very emaxtly. He desired to express his deep gratitude to Mr. McBride. The property was one of the finest the Salvation A rmy pgg. sessed in this State. (Applause.)

Mrs. Commissioner Hay deliverer, an eloquent appeal for financial assistance«■Howard (president of the Methodist Conference), who replied lor Mr.. McBnde, paia a high tribute of praise to the organisation for the splen did work li was carrying out throughout Australia. Mr. McBride was a quiet un obsnusive man, said Mr. Howard, an-i a practical Christian gentleman. He was a type of the new order rapidly enier"* ing, in which the rich man was more and more realising that his wealth was not a mere possession to selfishly eniov but that it was entrusted to him to use for the spiritual an^ moral uplifting of the needy. Mr. McBride did not splash his money about. If thev thought so let them try to secure some from him. (Laughter.) It had been a spontaneous gift. (Applause.) The Army might be criticise^ for certain of its methods, but nobody could level criticism at it for the work it was accomplishing in connet.toon wtih the needy^th cjf JSd£5SL

oc'icvcd til® organisation foesnspecially called into existence to perform that work, (near, hear.) Ae president of the Methodist Conference he desired to assure the Salvation Army that that I denomination appreciated its efforts to uplift the fallen. ' The vindication of the Aimy had been the fruits of its devoted labors. (Applause.) fiev. W. Loekhart Morton replies on he half of 3Sxs. McBride.

Brigadier Moreton (secretary of the Women's Social Work throughout Aus tralia) also spoke. He stated that the first baby had been born in the hospital, and the downstairs portion was already full of patients. Commissioner Hay expressed thanks,to' Dr. Phoebe Chapple, who had 60 gener-ously given her services free.

Afternoon tea was served on the lawn. The Adelaide City Corps Band, under Bandmaster Turner played selections during the afternoon.




The Mail [Adelaide, SA:1912-1954] Saturday 22 November 1913 page 5



For many years the Salvation Army Maternity Home hae been established in Carrington street. The work, however, has entirely outgrown the accommodation, thus making it necessary to procure more commodious premises. Many properties have been inspected. Commissioner Hay [chief officer of the Salvation Army for the Commonwealth), during a recent visit to this city, inspected 'The Briars.' at Me-dindie, the residence of tbc late Mr. Hawker. The Commissioner was greatly impressed with the place, and opened negotiations with a view to purchase. The cash needed was a problem. This, however, was solved by the munificent gift of Mr. J. M.McBride, of Kooringa. That gentleman, on the representation



of Commissioner Hay, was oonvinced of the necessity of such an institution. 'The Briars' appealed to him as being in everyway suitable, and finally he donated the handsome sum of £2850 towards the purchase. The institution wilt be known as ''The Salvation Army McBride Maternity Hospital;' Arrangements arc being made to suitably furnish the building, and a public opening will be announced at an early date. The purchase was made through Mr. W. B. Wilkinson, 14 Grenfell street, Adelaide. The The Salvation Army are to be congratulated on securing the property, thus enabling them to extend their admirable operations for such a needy cause.


The Express & Telegraph [Adelaide, SA:1867-1922] Friday 21 November 1913 page 1, SALVATION ARMY


For -inany years' the Salvation Army Maternity Home has been established In Carrington-street. The work, . however, has entirely outgrown the'accommodation, thus making it necessary to procure more commodious premises. ' Many properties have been inspected, but Commissioner Hay, chief officer of the Salvation; Army for the Commonwealth,- during a recent.

greatly impressed with the place, and opened negotiations with -a view to purchase. The cash needed was a problem,' whieh was solved, however, by tue generous and munificent gift of Mr. J. M. MeBride, of Kooringa. That -gentleman, on .the representation'-of Commissioner Hay, was convinced of the' necessity-of such an institution:- "The- Briars"- appealed to him as being in'.every way suitable, and finally - lie dona-tecl £2,850 towards the purchase.

The institution will be known- as "The Salvation Army MeBride' Maternity -Hospital." Arrangements are being made to furnish the' building, and a; public open-, ing will be announced at a very cariy date. The purchase -was made- -through the firm of W. -B.- Wilkinson. ■




Observer [Adelaide, SA:1905-1931) Saturday 7 February 1914 page 48, McBride Maternity Hospital


A notable event in the history of the (Salvation Army in South Australia took place on Thursday, January 29, when the McBride Maternity Hospital was opened. The building, a splendid old turreted two story mansion in Briar avenue, a new etreet off Hawker's road, was purchased through the munificence of Mr. H. J. McBride, of the Hurra, vl.o gave £3,000 towards its cost. There was a large at tendance at the opening.

Commissioner Hay (Chief Officer of the Salvation Army in Australia), in handing a golden key to Mr. McBride wherewith to perform the opening ceremony, expressed' gratitude for Ins generous gift.

—The Opening.—

Mr. McBride, after having unlocked the door, thanked the Commissioner for his kindly remarks, and said:—"1 feel I am un-worthy of the position in which God has placed me. 1 have tried to do His service, and 1 don't take any praise for what I have done; let God have the praise. Nei-ther you, Mr. Commissioner, nor any one else belonging to the army ever asked me for a sixpence for the home. It was put into my mind to give the amount." Col. Cain (Divisional Officer of the Sal-; vation Army) unveiled a marble tablet m] the porch, inscribed:—"This tablet is erected in gratitude to Almighty God and, to commemorate the generous gift of; Robert J. McBride, by whose munificent, . act this hospital has been provided." Mrs. McBride uncovered a tablet on the opposite piliar, on which was engraved:—, "Salvation Army Maternity Hospital. Opened January 29, 1914, by R. J. McBride,, 3£#q. James Hay, Commissioner. W. Bramwell Booth, General."

—The Building.—



The visitors then made an inspection of the building, which contains a number of large and lofty rooms, as well as many emailer ones, leading ofi main vestibules 10 ft. wide, and a commodious stairway hall, livery room ha6 been well aud taste-fully furnished, but as inexpensively as pos-sible consistent with necessity. The older portion of the house—a single story at the rear—has been utilized for the kitchen, resi-dence for the staff, and nursery; and the atables have been transformed into a laun-dry. The building is designed to accom-modate 12 married aud 30 single patients, comprehensive view of portion of the city. North Adelaide, and the eastern suburbs is obtainable front the balcony and the turret. After the inspection the visitor-; assembled on the western lawn, where the Salvation Army City Band played selections during the afternoon.

—The Speeches.—

Commissioner Hay said the Salvation 'Army eouid only be influenced to take up the work of a maternity home by the con-sideration that by so doing it would he in-creasing the volume of good. The insti-tution,s controlled by the army were varied and complex, and some who saw but a little part of them were apt to take the part for the whole. Here was an institution for the most needy of their sisters; there one for needy boys, or old men and women; again in the streets and parks the army was lilting up the standard of the old Gospel. They believed that by that in-stitution hundreds of women would be blessed in their souls and guided in their minds; and they hoped that there some thing wouid happen to them that would improve their whole future. (Applause.)

For a few years the Salvation Army had cairied on woik for needy girls in a tenancy - in Wright street. Their organization went on the lines that where any brunch of work showed signs of permanency ti:ey should get into a properly of their own. A won-del fill work had been done by the Salva-tion Army during the 33 years that it had been in Australia. By the mercy of God they were prompted or withheld at timss. They had examined many proper ties for a maternity home, but had been •withheld from buying them, for the Lord knew what was in store for them in the d-iys that were coining. He bad done quite a hie of prayer that all contrivances to make that building other than a maternity home might be set aside. (Laughter.) Travelling over the State he had come in touch with Mr. McBride. He did not ask him for money. He had learned different to that irom his wife, who, in London, bad taken a millionaire out in hansom cabs; and though she did not ask him for money, she bad got £1,000 a year from him for slum work in London. (Laughter.) fTiiey were thankful that God had put it into the heart of Mr. and Mrs. McBride to help them so generously in the purchase of the premises. The property consisted of 2} acres, -with a frontage oi 314 ft. to Briar avenue, and went through to Dutton terrace. The cottage at the rear would be used for probationary nurses, as that would be a training institution in obstetrics. The probationers would not necessarily be Sal-vationists. They would follow the lines laid down by their late old general, and do anything that might increase the volume of good doing. Hundreds of women trained in such institutions were to-day accomplish - iug exce.lent work on the mission fields.

(Applause.) The Salvation Armv had bought £200,000 worth oi property in the last five years for its operations in the Common wealth, and in that period some of its woik had increased 25 to 30 per cent. They were dealing with 700 to 900 needy girls in Australia every year, and as that home 'would require a regular income he appealed to the public to help them defray the wiio'e of its first cost. The building bad cost £3,100 (of which Mr. MeBride had given £3000); fencing cost £500, and additional work connected with the fur-nishing and equipment another £1,000. The -home could he regarded as one of the finest properties of its kind in size and general fitting, and would be a splendid addition to their work. (Applause.)

Mrs. Uay made an eloquent appeal for Support of the enterprise, jij a speech that Was characterized by fervour, with a happy vjein of humour.

—The Donors' Replies.—

The Rev. Henry Howard replied in be-half of Mr. Mcllr'de. He had to appear in .an unusual chaacter, and to represent a rich man. (Laughter.) His Christian name meant "a rich lord," but he had never been able to live up to it. (Laughter.) He believed the original of his surname was "hog ward"—the keeper of the King's hogs. (Laughter.) He set that over against the other, and thought^ it fairly balanced things. (Laughter.) He did hot know what Mr. McBride's name meant, but it stood for a loving heart that had poured itself out to overtake the wantB and the sorrows of mankind. Mr. McBride did not talk; he let his deeds do that. His joy, to smooth the pathway for some tired feet, never pilled with repetition. (Applause.) The Rev. W. Lockhart Morton replied in behalf of Mrs. McBride, and expressed her gratification at seeing such a splendid gathering present. Brigadier Morton, the lady -Secretary of the Salvation Army's women's work in Australia, thanked ,Mr. and dim. McBride for their gift in behalf of the officers work ing among girls and women.  Mjr. IricLeod, another lady worker, sup ported the remarks, and at the conclusion of the proceedings Commissioner Hay paid a tribute to the services of Dr. Phoebe Chapple as honorary medical officer to the home.