Hahndorf Community Association Inc.

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 14th April 2010 at The Hahndorf Institute at 9.30am


Rick Harcourt (President), Wendy Williams, Mike Hasler, Phil Houston, David Haines, John Buchan, Graham Woolford, Russell Grivell, Jim Fowles, Eric Aliffe, Tony Finnis, Harold Gallasch


Margaret Brook, Lita Los Angeles, Sarenah Gallasch

1. Minutes of Previous Meeting

Moved Mike Hasler, seconded Tony Finnis that the minutes be received.

2. Business Arising

2.1 Pioneer Memorial Park Toilets - Report from Toilet Sub-Committee:

Eric reported that he and Wendy had recently had a meeting on site with Steve Watson, DCMB, who had shown them the new plans for the toilets and advised that he hoped these changes would commence at the end of May 2010. It all looked good and included disabled toilets in the ladies section, change tables in both sections, large paper hand-towel dispensers and large toilet paper dispensers (unable to provide blow-drying hand machines). Eventually the gazebo at the rear of the toilets will be replaced and that area will be improved for families. Steve mentioned that Council will be looking to pull down and replace the Alec Johnson toilet facility but this will be in the future.

The Manna Bus-Park toilets have recently been upgraded. It was felt to be most important that the public be made aware that Council would be pleased to receive any comments/ complaints regarding the maintenance of the Hahndorf toilets.
Wendy advised that Peter Bartsch had suggested that Council be made aware of one Hahndorf Association with whom they can communicate, rather than getting input from all associations.
To be taken in General Business

It was agreed that Wendy would write to Steve Watson, DCMB, thanking him and Council for the plans and their efforts to improve the toilet situation in Hahndorf.
Action: Wendy W

2.2 Bus Shelter – Jim Fowles:

Jim said he would keep following up this item with Norm Keyes (DCMB). Russell reported that people had been in the area measuring up etc; however, he added that if the bus shelter is put nearer the Hotel it would be on a downward slope towards the gutter and might in fact not be in such an appropriate position.
There was a degree of uncertainty about the location of the bus stop.
Action: Jim to further check and follow-up

2.3 Street Trees (Bank SA and others) – Russell Grivell:

Russell had not pursued further as yet – will let it sit for a couple of months.
Harold was concerned about the type of replacement tree to be used. Perhaps they should be replaced by Elm trees rather than Maples.
Tony F reminded members of a special Residents Tree Planting Meeting held several years ago where it was felt that Elm trees were preferred as they have leaves for almost 3 months of the year longer than other trees. Phil suggested that Maples might be nice in order to give good colour and variety and they do not cause so many problems with the footpaths.
Action: Russell to keep following up

2.4 On-going Projects:

Rick raised the 6 items he had handed out to Committee Members to be followed up for action. He reported that with regards to the provision of a CFS Generator, he and David Haines had been working on this; however, the CFS has yet to come up with exactly what is required. Still waiting to hear from Jason, CFS.
Action: Rick/David H

2.5 Pioneer Women’s Memorial – Update from Phil Houston:

Phil reported that progress was slow at present but he had received an email to confirm that Design Haus in the City was in touch with a company to do fabricating of the sign – they are awaiting an indication of price. Once that is to hand, Michele Bain will advise Phil further regarding a decision on design features. Phil had given the company an estimated expenditure figure of $3,000 for this memorial. Rick thanked Phil for all the work he had undertaken on this project to date.
Eric requested that nowhere on the memorial should any reference be made to “The Trail”!
Action: Phil H

2.6 Hahndorf Academy/Visitor Information Centre:

Rick advised that he had responded to a letter received from the President of the Academy Board, tabled at the previous HCA meeting by Tony Finnis, requesting the support of the HCA to their opposition to the relocation of the Visitor Information Centre into the Hahndorf Academy – this had been done wherein HCA had supported the Academy as members at the meeting considered that to do so would diminish the ability of both organisations to carry out their roles.
HCA members felt that the cultural effect of the Academy vs the brochure-type business of the VIC would possibly wreck both organisations.
Rick and other members of HCA had attended the 6 April 2010 Council Meeting to reinforce support for the Academy to remain separate.

Rick has subsequently received a copy of a letter from George van Holst, Academy Board, addressed to the Mayor of DCMB thanking the Council for its consideration of the issues and listing recommendations for consideration in order to resolve matters asap.

Harold Gallasch said initially he had been fully supportive of the Academy; however, he was now concerned about this issue in that Hahndorf could lose the VIC.
The proposal may not be the best for the Academy or the VIC, but perhaps it might be best for the town.

Several other Committee Members made comments such as ‘things are working well as they are, so are there any advantages in changing!’. Rick reinforced that this Association had decided to support the Academy and this had been done.
Action: Rick

3. Correspondence

Correspondence In:

  • 3.1 Beerenberg Foundation: - An invitation had been forward to members of the HCA to attend an Afternoon Tea at the Academy on Thursday, 29 April 2010 with regard to Beerenberg setting up a “no strings attached” grant in order to put something back into the local community. Those to attend are Rick, Mike, Phil, Eric, Tony, David, Russell, Jim and Wendy. Wendy to respond

  • 3.2 From Barry Wilkins, DCMB: - Requesting a Tax Invoice from the HCA in order that the $100 TDU donation from the Council can be paid. Wendy advised that this had been done.

  • 3.3 From Barry Wilkins, DCMB regarding HCA/Hahndorf Academy interaction re the proposed VIC relocation to the Academy: - Rick advised that he had responded to the Council advising of HCA’s support to the Academy’s opposition to the proposal.

Correspondence Out:

  • 3.4 Re correspondence from Peter McGill, DCMB, regarding a further 3-year extension of the Dry Zone in Hahndorf: Rick advised that he had written to the Council supporting the extension of the Dry Zone for a further 3 years for the following reasons:

    • Since its introduction, the Dry zone has been most effective in securing its purpose, which is to preserve people in the designated area from intimidation or disturbance by others affected by alcohol;

    • The Dry Zone gives the Police the authority they need for control of the area;

    • It requires hotels to observe the restrictions imposed by the Dry Zone;

    • The introduction of the Dry Zone has produced a marked reduction in the incidence of anti-social behaviour in Hahndorf’s Main Street and streets immediately adjacent to the town centre.

An email confirming receipt of the above letter had been received.

4. Reports

4.1 Treasurer’s Report:

Eric reported that the current account for the HCA stood at $5,852.65
This includes the money available for the Memorial of $2,094.69

  • Payments out : $33.15 for Secretary’s Sundry Items (AGM)

  • Payments in : $485.00 mainly for advertisements in the Village Voice.

Jim F asked how the HCA would find an extra $1,000 for the Pioneer Memorial and Eric advised that it would not be a problem.

David asked whether $1,200 had been received from Council which was a grant allocated to Tony Finnis to purchase an overhead projector which could be used by any organisation within Hahndorf. This will be housed at the Academy and when the grant is received an order will be placed for the projector.
Action Tony F

4.2 President’s Report:

Rick commented that we need to have a plan of attack for our Priority Projects; we need to be ready to answer the question “who do you represent?” when raising with Council and government issues of concern to the community. How can we improve that representation? It was suggested that HCA seek membership from Hahndorf residents evidenced by payment of a token membership fee of say $2:00/person so we are better represented by perhaps 200 people. Tony F totally agreed with this concept and Mike H suggested we could do this through the people to whom we deliver Village Voice or even the Courier.
Rick asked Committee Members to consider ways of creating membership and bring this back to the May meeting.
Moved Mike H seconded Russell Grivell that this item be an agenda item for the May Meeting. Uncertainty regarding the $2 membership fee.
Item for May Meeting

Town Committee: Rick suggested we obtain an exchange of views from all the different organisations throughout the town to see where they are all at and what they are trying to achieve. He suggested that HCA should not amalgamate with HB&T. Rick indicated that he would get together with George van Holst and Peter Bartsch to consider this issue.
Action: Rick H

Priority List: No ticks yet!! Rick asked all Committee Members to look at these things and bring their experience and history with them to the next HCA meeting to formulate a plan to see how these items can be tackled.
Action: Committee to bring suggestions to May Meeting

5. General Business

5.1 Local Horse and Waggon Trips traversing up and down Hahndorf Mainstreet:

Mike H felt that owners were not very diligent about cleaning up the horse manure. Others commented that the operators were quick to clean up but the traffic was a problem. Phil H suggested that Council be approached to ask the owners to follow the practice of other councils in requiring the owners to use collection bags on the horses.

5.2 Lighting in Alec Johnson Park:

Phil asked when is Council going to complete the project? He referred to a letter from Council indicating that this would be completed during the 2008/9 financial year. Time to jog their memory.
The problem of lighting down the Main Street was also raised, as it was not felt to be safe to walk in some parts where it is particularly dark (west end of the street).
Action: Rick H

Closure and Next Meeting

Closure: Meeting closed at 10:47am.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, 12 May 2010 in the Institute Supper room at 9:30am