Hahndorf Community Association Inc.

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 23rd June 2010 in the Institute Supper Room at 9.30a.m


The meeting commenced at 9:32am and the President welcomed all in attendance


Rick Harcourt (President), Wendy Williams, Margaret Brook, Mike Hasler, John Buchan, Jim Fowles, Phil Houston, Eric Aliffe, Tony Finnis, Ann Haines, David Haines, Russell Grivell, Frank Williams


Graham Woolford (due to hospitalisation)

1. Minutes of Previous Meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 12 May 2010 were confirmed.

2. Business Arising

2.1 Beerenberg Foundation:

National Trust Signage and Pioneer Women’s Memorial:
Following the President’s request for suitable projects that may fit the Foundation’s criteria, the following ideas were put forward:

  • Ann Haines suggested National Trust signage on heritage buildings in Main Street including stories on particular buildings;

  • Phil Houston suggested that the Pioneer Women’s Memorial be given priority for funding from the Foundation as he had now obtained costing for the design.

Russell suggested that members of the Community Assoc should put requests in writing.

It was agreed that the Memorial should take precedence at this time.
Tony Finnis advised that records of National Trust plaques are available.
It was agreed that Ann Haines would become captain of this project and investigate it further.
Phil suggested that the Pioneer Women’s Memorial project now be agreed to and put into action as soon as possible.
Phil Houston moved and Rick Harcourt seconded that:
(i) the Hahndorf Community Association support the concept of installing plaques for the Heritage Buildings in Main Street and that Ann Haines will have discussion with the National Trust;
Action: Ann Haines
(ii) the Pioneer Women’s Memorial Project be undertaken as presented by Phil Houston and the funding shortfall of $1,500 be the subject of an application for funding from the Beerenberg Foundation. Carried
Action: Phil H

2.2 Street Trees:

Russell G advised that the DCMB has identified the necessary street trees for Main Street and planting is in hand for August, 2010.

2.3 Alec Johnson Park Lighting:

Wendy to check with DCMB regarding updating of lighting and also request that Council consider better lighting for the darker sections of Main Street.
Action: Wendy W

2.4 Purchase of Projector:

Tony Finnis advised the projector had been purchased and there is $200 over to be used where necessary.
The colour photocopier he acquired is to be established at the Institute for HCA use.

2.5 CFS Generator:

This project is now closed.

2.6 Academy/VIC:

This matter continues with the DCMB. Local opinion is that the VIC will definitely be moved.

2.7 Pioneer Women’s Memorial:

Phil presented extensive details of the Pioneer Women’s Memorial, explaining that 5 years ago HCA received a Grant of $2,500 from the DCMB for this project.
Since then a rock with a plaque had been placed on the roadside outside No. 129, Main Street and a fallen log outside the Hahndorf Veterinary Clinic which Council undertook. HCA still has $2,094 from the Grant.
Two years ago Margaret B. contacted Designhaus in Adelaide regarding a memorial to be made in laser cut; John Buchan had also provided HCA with models of suggested memorials. Phil recently contacted Designhaus and now provided a new, lower priced version of his design together with a current quotation from Designhaus of $3,250.00 + GST ($3,575.00). Phil suggested that the Memorial be placed beside the Wisteria Pergola in the Hahndorf Pioneer Memorial Park and advised that he had approached Norm Key, DCMB, requesting that Council provide a concrete or suitable base and erect same at it’s expense.

Tony advised that it would be advisable for local historian, Reg Butler, to be asked to review details of any writings to be included on the Memorial to ensure validity.
The matter of whether the women returned to Hahndorf carrying two bricks or “building materials for the Church” was discussed – this could also perhaps be verified by Mr Butler.

It was agreed that Phil and Wendy would submit a formal Application to the Beerenberg Foundation together with drawings requesting funding of the shortfall of $1,500.00 and also organise a final meeting with Michele Bain from Designhaus to be held in Hahndorf.
Action: Phil/Wendy

Moved Phil Houston seconded Eric Aliffe that HCA ask Reg Butler, local historian, to check validity of any writings on the Memorial and that the matter of the women ‘carrying bricks’ be left out and referred to as “building materials for the Church”.
Regarding funding, Eric advised that should HCA’s application not be successful, he could source this from other organisations.

Rick thanked Phil for all the work and effort he had put into this project and Eric further commended all those who had been involved.

Phil moved and Tony seconded that an approach be made to the Beerenberg Foundation for a sum of $1,500.00 for the extra funds necessary to complete this project. Carried

10.35am: Jim Fowles left the meeting.

    3. Correspondence

    Correspondence In:

    Hahndorf Primary School’s Governing Council:
    3.1 An Email had been received from Louise Trinkle advising that she would no longer be available to attend the Hahndorf Primary School’s Governing Council Meetings as the HCA representative and requesting a replacement for same. Phil spoke in support of the position and Eric Aliffe offered his services.
    Moved Mike Hasler seconded David Haines that Eric Aliffe now be the HCA representative on the Hahndorf Primary School’s Governing Council and Wendy to advise of change.
    Action: Eric/Wendy
    3.2 Pioneer Memorial Park Toilets:
    Wendy tabled an email from Steve Watson, DCMB, advising that due to quotations received escalating above Council’s budget, he regretted that this project was now on hold until further discussed with Council.
    Action: Wendy to respond to email

    Phil Houston advised that he had inspected the Manna Bus Park Toilets several times and he reported that their condition was improved.

    Correspondence Out:

    3.3 Nil.

    4. Reports

    4.1 Treasurer’s Report:

    Eric presented the HCA Accounts as at 23 June 2010:

    • Total Funds: $6,034.69 (includes Women’s Trail Marker Fund: $2,094.69)

    • Payments: $1,000.00 (A M Finnis – Projector)

    • Receipts: $100.00 (Councillor Ward Allowance)

    • Bank Interest: $33.00

    4.2 President’s Report:

    Village Voice:
    David Haines thanked Rick for kindly providing 840 front pages of the Village Voice in colour through his Goolwa office;
    Rosemary thanked the editors for placing her Fitness Lesson Details in the Village Voice – she has had several enquiries;
    Phil advised that he had placed 10 copies in the Post Office and at present only requires 100 for distribution on his round; however, Mike Hasler required 5 extras;
    Mike advised that he had received a phone call from “Mary-Anne” of English Street, Hahndorf advising that she has some original copies of Hahndorf Community Association documents from it’s inception and would be happy to give them to HCA for it’s archives.
    Action: Mike Hasler

    Rick advised that prior to his European holiday he had a meeting with Ann Ferguson in order to discuss HCA’s projects. He has now had a meeting with Isobel Redmond and later this week will meet with Jamie Briggs, explaining HCA’s objectives.

    Regarding heavy traffic through the Hahndorf Main Street, Isobel Redmond suggested that the HCA should make submissions to her in order to get the interchange at Verdun into Liberal Party Policy.
    Action: Rick H

    Regarding off-street parking on Main Street, there is a right-of-way from proprietors/ owners of businesses to allow for parking on vacant spaces – this is happening behind the shops in Stirling to alleviate the parking problems. Should HCA get with Hahndorf Traders and Council to see if this is a possibility to alleviate parking problems in Hahndorf?
    Action: Rick H

    5. General Business

    5.1 Bus Parks adjacent the Manna:

    Phil advised that he had followed up a letter dated 13 Aug 2009, send to Compliance Officer, Terry Nicholas, DCMB, regarding the legality of parking in bus parks – it is not illegal to park in a bus park at present. Signs would need to be changed and erected by Council to prohibit cars from parking in bus parks. Terry N is to report back to HCA regarding a decision from Council.
    Action: Terry Nicholas, DCMB/Wendy

    5.2 Representation of HCA:

    Tony suggested this be revisited. Rick is comfortable with current situation.

    5.3 Pioneer Memorial Park Toilets:

    Eric suggested that he should write to Steve Watson, DCMB, requesting that a notice be erected on the wall stating that “These toilets are supplied by the District Council of Mt Barker – if any problems or complaints please contact on (telephone number)”.
    Action: Eric A.

    5.4 HBTA Meeting: Ann Haines had attended this meeting:

    • discussion regarding the lowering of the levy was reversed back to $300/trader;

    • the erection of fairy lights in the street trees etc was discussed;

    • $93,000 was taken in bookings last year by the VIC – HBTA may not recognise what will be lost by moving the VIC.

    5.5 Signs:

    John Buchan felt that signs, lights etc should be coordinated;
    Eric advised that there was a Hahndorf Main Street Master Plan. Phil wished to ask Council to police the signs, A-frames etc.
    It was agreed that a Council Representative be asked to attend the next HCA Meeting on 14 July 2010 to discuss progress on the implementation of the Master Plan.
    Action: Wendy

    5.6 Visitor, Frank Williams:

    Commended Rick on his Chairmanship and the Committee on it’s contribution to the meeting.
    Rick thanked Ann Haines for her attendance.
    Mike Hasler gave his apologies for the July HCA Meeting.

    Closure and Next Meeting

    Closure: The meeting closed at 11:10am.

    Next Meeting …. Wednesday, 14th July 2010 in the Institute at 9:30am.