Committee Meeting held Wednesday 14 November 14

at 9.30 am in the Hahndorf Institute Supper room.

Acting President Rick welcomed all of the 2012/13 committee. A particular welcome to new members Gail Vort-Ronald, and Bruce Mouatt..


R Harcourt, E Aliffe,J Fowles,M Brook,G Vort-Ronald ,B Mouatt,P Houston M Hasler, J.Buchan, R Grivell,T Finnis ,H Gallasch.A Haines.Cr Jeff Bettcher


W Williams. Cr S Westwood.

1. Election of Office Bearers.

Elected President Rick Harcourt.

V President Mike Hasler.

Treasurer Eric Aliffe

Secretary Ann Haines

Auditor Russell Grivell.

2. Minutes of Previous Committee Meeting September 12th.

Confirmed as correct P Houston. 2nd J Bettcher

3 Business Arising.

a. Council works – 10 seats in place and bus shelter work commenced.

  • new bus stop opposite medical rooms/pharmacy causing

some public reaction. Discussion re this and safety factor of disabled car parks to be placed on Pine Ave.

Comment to Norm Key DCMB. Action Ann

b. Pioneer Memorial Garden upgrade. - Toilets ordered All approvals granted

work to commence February .

- Playground well received, shade trees imminent, paving

underway, panel of rotunda removed for better access.

- Some seating to be introduced.

c. Constitution - Accepted by community at AGM 17.10. 2012. Lodged with OBCA and registered.

Similarly Public Officer change Secretary now Public Officer.

Seal with Secretary. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation to be requested. Action Ann

d. Remembrance Day – approx 50 persons present .Thanks to volunteers.

e. AGM - Tight preparation and high profile speaker ensured good attendance . 59

f. Heritage Issues/sub committee. - AGM attendance demonstrated public interest. Jim reported awareness raising as planned is on track ie Village Voice articles, AGM speaker, letters to editor in Courier ,press releases, discussion with John Ashcroft re the Power box location ,Still waiting report from DCMB re Community Consultation May 19.

Rick has met with Paul Emes, senior planning officer DCMB. All development applications in State Heritage area are referred to State Heritage, therefore HCA can only comment/intervene at this stage – if we are aware of such an application.

Further discussion re No 84 [see note]

Obtain copy of Outdoor Dining Policy. Action Rick, Tony, Ann

g. Tour Down Under. - $750 available for HCA to use as seen fit.

Ann supplied Andy Glen DCMB with skeleton info re activities on Academy corner lawn – sausage sizzle,

children’s activities best decorated bike, town band, Academy involvement ,as this will be included in Santos Calender of Events. Insurance under Council.

* Sausage sizzle sub committee and decoration sub committee to be formed. Low key.

4. Correspondence


* re contact with Paul Emes DCMB

* Constitution lodgement, PO change,

* thanks to sponsors of AGM, and participants in Remembrance Day.

*TDU emails Andy Glen

In responses similar to above.

5. Reports

Financial as at 14.11.2012

Income $1,300.00 Grant $1000 + Cr Bettcher donation $300

Expenses $ 220.00 Courier $108.00,Courier $54.00

OBCA $58.00

Balance at 14.11.2012 $3709.61

Moved Eric 2nd Russell that report be accepted Carried.

Council Cr Jeff reported-

  • outside dining policy in force

  • storm water plan for Hahndorf being addressed – a basin in area of

Bukatilla pond and behind No 80/84 area etc being considered by NRMB Also smaller basin upstream near Nursing Home

Much yet to be addressed.

  • New power substation near Paechtown Rd has been expanded Large

powerlines planned to cross farms/timber plantations toward River Rd. Property owners/Council’s responses over ruled

  • expressions of interest for possible use re 14 acres of land once CSIRO at


  • electoral department is fiddling with Local government options

  • new works depot to be constructed ?//

HBTA Working group.

Harold indicated that large cement tubs are to be planted on set locations along Main St

Involvement in 2013 Fringe likely.

6. General Business

Chairman indicated that at this meeting we usually set objectives.

Indication is that HCA has a sufficient load to prioritise and address at December meeting.

b. Precinct group Reminder to all Community and to licensed premises re the

agreement with hotels and Licensing Commission. Action Ann

7. Other Business

a Margaret Brook thanked the Committee for messages of condolence and Courier notice.

b. Tony F reported that transfer of Hanwiki to Barkerwiki is almost complete.  Agenda item December.

c. HBTA Logo HCA will not use this.

d. during discussion of Council works,[ 3c]. Phil brought to attention of Committee the matter of no footpath on lower Auricht Rd where parking is confined to one side of the road, where long grass exists.

New 3 hour signs near yellow lines confuse some motorists.

e. coach park toilets required attention re leak. Odour unpleasant Follow up.

HCA monitors health of public toilets. Action Ann


Meeting Closed 10.55am

Next meeting December 12th.