Hahndorf Community Association Inc.

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 14th October 2009 at Kaffehaus at 9.30a.m.


Phil Houston (President),Wendy Williams, Margaret Brook, Rick Harcourt, David Haines, Louise Trinkle, John Buchan, Lita Los Angeles, Graham Woolford, Eric Aliffe, Tony Finnis, Sarenah Gallasch


Mike Hasler, Russell Grivell, Sophie Zervas

Minutes of Previous Meeting

moved David Haines, seconded Tony Finnis that the minutes be received.

Business Arising

Pioneer Women’s Memorial – Sub-Committee Report:

Wendy has been obtaining details of a granite plinth found by Lita through the Internet which Lita described as a large slab of polished granite with the outline of a pioneer woman and the story etched on it. They requested the Committee’s approval to go to Tilletts in the City and further follow up with Broken Hill to obtain quotes. Women’s groups and Council could be approached for funding and permission for it to be erected on council land.
Phil produced photographs of steel cut-outs which he had seen in Keith which he felt could also be appropriate. Louise did not think the steel version would be appropriate for such a heritage-type memorial. Margaret later reminded the meeting that she had obtained substantial details for a memorial quite similar to Phils. It was agreed that costings of all for comparison be obtained with the added assistance of John Buchan.

Action: Lita/Wendy/John B


    Phil advised that Muggletons had always had the opening hours allocated and therefore no extension was necessary except for the outdoor area.
    The carpark has to remain unchanged.

    Hahndorf Toilet Sub-Committee:

    Eric advised that John Carrangis has left Council and to date Steve Watson, the new Health Officer, has not been understanding of the situation. Eric has now had discussion with Phil Butler (Steve’s boss) and has supplied him with a copy of all correspondence regarding the toilet situation including minimum requirements needed for all Hahndorf public toilets. A new Health Officer will start in 2 month’s time.
    Sarenah advised that the Traders Association have toilets as a main issue on their agenda. Eric felt that perhaps funding should be available from outside Council – eg Tourist Assoc or Grants etc. It was agreed that all future correspondence regarding toilet issues be approved and signed by the President and that a copy of legal minimum requirements for council toilets be obtained.

    Action: Toilet Sub-Committee

      Street Trees:

      Phil advised that Council are contemplating planting trees in front of the Kaesler site.

      Cr Campbell re Budget Allocations:

      Wendy advised that she had emailed Lindsay requesting details promised following the August meeting regarding Hahndorf’s budget allocations but had to date not had a response. Tony Finnis advised that there was an email received from Lindsay addressing some of the questions sent to several committee members and he returned home and brought in several copies later in the meeting. Wendy apologised for not having this information as she had not checked her emails since the afternoon prior to the meeting.

      Cr Campbell re Signage on Main Street Hahndorf:

      Sarenah advised that this matter was not a priority with the Traders at present but will be addressed at a later date.

      Regular Committee Attendees at Fortnightly Council Meetings:

      It was agreed that Louise would regularly check the Council Minutes and advise appropriate committee members of upcoming items of interest.

      Action: Louise T

        Heavy Transport and Off-Street Parking – further update:

        Phil read out a letter to Bill Chandler who has only just returned from sick leave – Phil feels it is still necessary to have a another meeting with Bill in order to discuss this matter further.

        Main Street Traffic Lights:

        Phil has spoken to the Hahndorf Primary School Principal about getting combined approach from schools and churches to have more impetus than the HCA. Louise will follow this up at the School Governing Council Meeting.

        Action: Louise T

          Projector Acquisition – Tony Finnis:

          Tony advised that a projector would be most helpful especially with regard to Hahnwiki Meetings – and the projector could then be used by all Hahndorf Groups.
          Later in the meeting when Tony returned he advised that $1,200 could be required for the projector and he would apply for a community grant. This was approved by the committee.

          Action: Tony Finnis

            Footpath Repair Audit – John Buchan:

            John gave an excellent powerpoint presentation showing the condition of all Hahndorf Main Street Footpaths. It was agreed that this should be presented to Council for consideration within their coming budget by John B and Phil H on behalf of the HCA.

            Action: John Buchan/Phil Houston

              Main Street Name Change – next step to be taken:

              It was agreed that this matter was probably more important to the Traders Association and Sarenah sought a letter of support from HCA. It was agreed that Wendy write a letter of support to HBTA for name change.

              Action: Wendy W

                Correspondence In

                • DCMB – Heysen Festival: Phil mentioned that Tracey Hall had done a really excellent job.

                • DCMB – Every Generation Celebrations.

                • DCMB – Public Toilets – Reference No. 8725/2009: Acknowledgement of Eric’s last letter to DCMB.

                Correspondence Out


                Moved David H, seconded Sarenah that the correspondence be received.


                  President’s Report:

                  Phil said the Committee must be positive re it’s achievements.
                  Future events include: Remembrance Day, the AGM, December meeting election of officers and January Tour Down Under.

                  Re the AGM Phil said it would be forum-style with no speaker and held in the Institute with supper provided. He would organise a letterdrop prior to the meeting advising residents of HCA’s projects and asking them for their issues.

                  Treasurer’s Report:

                  Eric presented HCA accounts as at 12/10/09:

                  HCA Funds $3,586.90

                  Hahndorf Historical Marker A/C $2,094.69

                  • TOTAL FUNDS: $5,681.59

                    Eric advised that two $30.00 cheques had been received from DCMB covering the cost of advertising in the June issue of Village Voice.

                    moved Eric A seconded Sarenah that the report be approved.

                      General Business


                      Wednesday, 18th November at 7:30pm was the suggested date and time.
                      To be held in the Institute – ladies to look into providing supper. There was brief discussion as to who would/could take over the position of President.

                      Village Voice:

                      Wendy sought approval of the Committee to raise the cost of advertisements in the Village Voice to $40/quarter page and correspondingly raise the cost of larger sized advertisements.

                      This was agreed.

                        Neon Sign outside Manna – Louise:

                        It was agreed that Tony and Louise would forward a letter to Council requesting that they investigate whether the neon sign met council regulations.

                        Action: Louise/Tony F

                          HBT Committee:

                          Sarenah advised that the HBT Association had formed a new committee following their recent AGM.
                          Phil is to attend the Monday Meeting of HBT when the new members will take up their new portfolios.

                          Closure and Next Meeting

                          Closure: The meeting closed at 11:35am

                          Next Meeting …. AGM Wednesday, 18 November 2009 at 7:00 for 7:30pm start at St Michael’s Church Hall