Hahndorf Community Association Inc.

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 12 October 2011 in the Institute Supper Room at 9.30am


Rick Harcourt, Wendy Williams, Rob Lang, Ann Haines, Eric Aliffe, Jim Fowles, Sheila and Jeff Bettcher, Trevor Corbell, Mike Hasler, Tony Finnis, Graham Woolford, Phil Houston, David Haines (part) and local residents Stephanie Burn, Doug Allen and Ben Wye.


Chairman, Rick Harcourt, welcomed all those present including some local residents.


Margaret Brook, Simon Westwood, John Buchan, Russell Grivell


Rick welcomed Atis Berzins (DCMB), Terry Banks (Murray/Darling NRM) and John Wood (Mt Barker/Nairne NRM) who wished to speak to the HCA regarding a possible cleanout and management of the Hahndorf waterways. NRMB also wish to open community consultation/education re Management Plans for creeks.

Atis Berzins advised that there had been some changes regarding maintenance responsibility of the creeks and a change to the NRM Act 2004 – Mt Barker is within two NRM Boards – the Murray/Darling and Adelaide Hills. A lot of enquiries are received regarding the condition and maintenance of the creeks. Council has no responsibility for this but does have a role to undertake work on the creeks with approval from the NRM, which also applies to landowners. Terry Banks is employed by the DCMB for one day/week and looks at all the enquiries – John Woods works more on projects and has a lot of experience in working out how things could be done throughout an area. – he says it is important to distinguish between Drainage problems and Stormwater problems. The Board’s goal is to work on restoration – to try and remove plants, trees etc that are invasive.

John Wood emphasized that previously Councils were responsible for waterways, but under new legislation NRMB is responsible for natural water and runoff, while Councils manage flood mitigation with NRMB approval once water is in the creeks. Properties with a creek boundary have maintenance responsibility to the middle of the creek – again management and changes are subject to NRMB approval. Funding can be sourced as a group project as, for example, willow removal can be extremely costly to the landowner.

Watercourse management has 3 aspects:
1. Rural, where water is dispelled naturally at low economic cost;
2. Adelaide drains and areas such as Sturt Creek;
3. Semi rural through backyards and Council reserves and local flooding.
A Management Plan of all creeks and tributaries for partial restoration in an area involves all landowners on a creek and therefore a need for the consultation process must be addressed before and after the draft plan is formulated.

John Wood explained what had been and is being done in Aldgate and his goal would be to match it in Hahndorf; it takes many years to get it up and running and it is therefore necessary to obtain a commitment from Hahndorf residents and such Associations as the HCA. Council also needs confirmation of this support.

The specific role for HCA is to:
1. establish a small group to assist in identifying watercourse problems in the Hahndorf area. The group will consist of Ben Wye and Doug Allen (residents) and Crs Jeff Bettcher and Simon Westwood, with Ann Haines making notes.
2. write a letter to Council requesting that the NRM Boards be requested to investigate the instigation of a Management Plan for the maintenance of the Hahndorf watercourses as soon as possible.

Moved Sheila Bettcher/seconded Phil Houston - Carried
Action: Rick/Wendy

Rick thanked Mr Berzins, Mr Banks and Mr Wood for their excellent presentation to HCA and they departed, as did the attending residents.

Meeting Resumed:

1. Minutes of Previous Meeting:

moved Phil Houston seconded Jim Fowles that the minutes of the August Meeting be approved. - carried

2. Business Arising:

2.1. Footpath Project:

Rick advised that following Neil Burton’s resignation from DCMB, he had now made contact with Marcus Smith?? The forward plan of Council Works on Hahndorf footpaths has been enlightening and circulated to the Committee and is now a measurement tool for HCA. Regarding the hopes for a new footpath on the S-E corner of English Street, there is at present a Development Application before Council to the rear of the present traders and it was felt to be an opportune time to discuss with the landowners the possibility of incorporating a new footpath on the corner of English/Main Streets. Action: Jeff Bettcher/Rick Harcourt

Re John Buchan’s Footpath presentation to Council, it is noted that Council has said it was the best presentation of footpaths it had ever received!
Thank you John Buchan

2.2 Improved Lighting in darker areas of Main Street:

No further report from DCMB. Jeff B is to follow up with Brian Clancy.
Action: Jeff Bettcher

2.3 Upgrade for the Hahnwiki:

Tony would like a copy of the Constitution. Rick and Tony still to update the site.
Action: Rick/Tony

2.4 Pioneer Memorial Gardens Upgrade:

The Rotunda construction has commenced. The clock has stopped.
Action: Ann H

2.5 No. 84, Main Street:

All present expressed great disappointment at the decisions of DAP; concerns were raised about visual pollution, lights and signage on the roof – were they approved by Council? If so, it makes a mockery of the Main Street Master Plan.
Action: Jeff B will monitor

2.6 Heavy Traffic Issues and speed limit of 40kms through Main Street of Hahndorf:

Wendy advised she had phoned Andrew Excel who was going to report back; however nothing received to date.
Action: Rick H

2.7 Upgrade to Bus Stop 52 (opp Resort) and Bus Shelter and replacement rubbish bin at Bus Stop 53 (opp Ambleside Road):

 Jim Fowles advised that the site at Bus Stop 52 had now been levelled. Wendy has not yet followed up Bus Stop 53.
Action: Wendy W

2.8 Signage Compliance by Traders:

Jeff advised that there had been an improvement.

2.9 Beautification of Main Street:

Most old tubs have been removed. Volunteers waiting, but formal tasks not yet established. Through the Village Voice we now have a volunteer maintaining the planters outside the Post Office and the possibility of some other help.

2.10 Pine Avenue/Hereford Avenue Intersections:

HCA to request barriers to be considered for the Pine Avenue/Main Street intersections.
Action: Rick/Wendy
Hereford Avenue/Main Street intersection to get yellow lines painted by Council – waiting for dryer weather.

3. Correspondence:


Notice from HB&T re forthcoming International Sculpture Symposium – April 2012 at The Cedars:


Letter of thanks to Cr Simon Westwood for his donation towards Village Voice costs.

4. Reports:

4.1 Treasurer’s Report:

Hahndorf Community Association Inc’s Financial Statement as at 11 October 2011 stands at $3,431.21. The Treasurer advised that the books had been audited for the Financial Year. Rick mentioned that the Constitution states that the auditor should not be a member of the Committee.

Eric moved and Jeff B seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted. - Carried

4.2 President’s Report:

Rick Harcourt apologised for being unavailable to Chair the previous meeting which was subsequently cancelled and asked for any reports on HCA’s current projects.
Eric advised that he had recently talked to the Toilet Cleaners who were very committed to doing a good job for Hahndorf – they stated “we do our best in Hahndorf with the facilities we have got”.
Phil Houston requested that the sub-committee be reconvened to keep matters progressing. Wendy to contact Anthony Hunter, Hahndorf.
Action: Rick/Wendy

5. General Business:

5.1 Dawdle and Doodle event held during the previous weekend:

Stephanie Burn was concerned that the organisers were wanting to make this an annual event – the result on the Main Street was most concerning, especially quite a lot of vulgar drawings on pavements and up walls, and in particular the vast amount of drawings on the newly painted Institute walls. It was understood that this event had Council’s backing and it was felt that a letter should be forwarded to the Adelaide Hills Magazine and Council requesting that should this be repeated it should be far better monitored and controlled, with prompt provision for a clean up following the weekend.

Tony moved and Stephanie seconded that a letter of concern and complaint be forwarded to Council with a copy to Andy Glen, Visitor Information Centre and Adelaide Hills Magazine (Michaela Gilbert) - Carried
Action: Rick/Wendy


Wednesday, 7 December 2011 at St Michael’s Church Hall, 7:15pm for 7:30pm start

As Jamie Briggs’ office had advised that he would not be available on Wednesday, 16 November the date has been altered to Wednesday, 7 December 2011. Eric had suggested that HCA could approach Allan Campbell from the Cedars; however it was considered that this important matter should be given future individual attention.
Wendy asked for people to nominate for delivery of the AGM Notice of Meeting. Phil is happy to do this and Jim, Stephanie and Rob Lang are happy to help also.
Hahndorf Hill Winery and Somerled (and possibly Rockbare) are to provide some bottles of wine for a wine-tasting to follow the meeting and Wendy will purchase cheese, biscuits and pears. Eileen Hasler will be on hand to provide cups of tea/coffee if necessary.

5.3 Remembrance Day:

All under control – volunteers to assist with collecting and returning anyone who wishes to attend from the Nursing Home or St Pauls would be appreciated.

5.4 New Secretary:

With regret Wendy wishes to resign as Secretary due to “hearing” difficulties which will be from January 2012 when the new Committee is elected – some of the events could be shared. Rick is willing to be Secretary if someone else will become Chairman.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 9 November 2011 in the Institute Supper Room at 9:30am


The meeting closed at 11:32am