Hahndorf Community Association

Minutes of Committee Meeting Held Wednesday 14 October 2015 at 9.30 am in the Hahndorf Institute Supper Room


T Finnis, P Houston, J Fowles, E Aliffe, M Brooks, J Bettcher, J Germano, W. Williams, R Harcourt, Harold Galusch, M Hasler


A Haines, B Mouatt

Election of Office Bearers

Wendy nominated Bruce Mouatt as Chairperson, Tony seconded, Bruce elected unopposed. Eric nominated Jim Fowles as Vice Chairperson, Mike seconded, Jim Fowles elected unopposed. Margaret nominated Jean Germano as Secretary, Jim seconded, Jean Germano elected unopposed. Phil nominated Eric Aliffe as Treasurer, Tony seconded, Eric Aliffe elected unopposed.

Minutes of Previous Meeting 12 August 2015

Confirmed as correct. Harold enquired if letter to DCMB had been sent regarding change of name Main Street. Jean to follow up with Ann. Action Jean

Business Arising

Master Plan Submission

Jean asked for comments from Committee before finalising draft.  Tony queried ‘Block sizes should remain no more than 800 sq ….’ Jean agreed wording is incorrect and will fix.  Louise (former Committee member) would like to see bike path connected to Amy Gillet trail.  Committee agreed to add ‘plan of action’ for old school. Tony says direction should come from Academy. Jean will confer with Lyndell (Academy/National Trust).  Jeff mentioned the Master Plan will become part of a 20 year Council planning.

Community Advisory Panel thought to be good idea for oversight of plan. Master Plan should have direct input. Progress should be marked. We have active organizations in our community willing to participate. Objectives and clear actions need to be followed up. Active group to consult with Council. Phil says we have not succeeded in the past; we have not had an oversight committee before.  Are we supporting Jean’s process? Yes. Aim to submit to Council in December.

Jeff outlined the Littlehampton Master Plan process; on-line community form, forum at Littlehampton, community engagement and technical engagement, proposed draft plan, final, implementation 2036-37 (Greg Sarre).

Heavy Vehicle Sub Committee

Jean spoke about Safer Roads funding as another way of approaching issue detailed. Phil and Jean will meet to discuss. Action Jean/Phil

Digital Progress Facebook/Wiki

Sharing activities around Hahndorf, Jean posting daily. Tony reported wiki going well; he will have issues for next meeting.

AGM Outcome

Question from AGM to Mike ‘Young people, what are we doing for them?'  Jean replied we are trying to reach younger members via Facebook. Suggested we promote the AGM more next year to Council members. Jeff said that Brian Clancey would like an invitation.

Correspondence In/Out

Jean to meet Ann for handover. Action Jean



Eric moved, seconded Jean

Entrance Statement

Jeff presented design options (on table to be viewed), cost of designs $2500. Size of land to be determined.

Council Matters

Jeff explained PDI bill before State Parliament. Review Panel to include independent specialists for planning. No consideration for local needs. Developers will have to pay levies on each title for infrastructure.  The bridge to Hahndorf Primary over the creek has been closed. There is verbal permission from the State government to landscape the roundabout, Council will do the work. This is a matter to be discussed in our next meeting when subcommittees are formed.

Nixon’s Mill Project

David Collins and Scott Balmer DCMB joined meeting. David has taken on the project. Reviewing scope and agreements. Issues land tenure – meeting with Farm Barn, to reach agreement between parties. State Heritage and Peramangk discussions. Will require a development application (State Heritage Site). Peramangk are supportive. Sharing ideas of two cultures. Grass landscaping may have to be re-visited. SA water main ½ kilometre away. Access road carpark challenges with grades. Parking may be at bottom. Fencing will need to be in place first discussion of management issues. Should be easy to maintain. Looks maintained, neat, tidy, and accessible. Risk Review. No power now. Meeting to inform public before 30 June (Jeff). David will return to next HCA meeting 10:00am to present update, costs, plan priorities. Will confirm with Jim. Action Jim

Village Voice

Wendy advised deadline is second week of November. There is one page set aside for Nixon’s Mill. Action Jim

General Business

Development Application in Hahndorf for motel and old bank building.   Jean presented two approved Main Street development applications on the Main Street (Heritage referrals), a retro approved sign and works and a toilet block at the White House. Jeff advised a beer hall (part of the Hahndorf Inn) had been accepted as a category 2.  Jean advised a permanent market development proposal had been submitted to council on the grounds of the old nursery (Grass Roots Vintage shop) for approval.  Harold expressed concern over further loss of heritage, many more tables & chairs on the footpath.

Remembrance Day Service

In hand Action Ann

Priorities Form 2015/16

Jean to arrange next meeting, change of date 18 November 2016 9:30am. Jean to send email to David and Scott at Council.  Action Jean

Citizen of the Year award to be discussed next meeting.

Priorities and subcommittees to be discussed and organized at the November meeting.

Other Business

Tony asked by Novita to request assistance. The Wishing Well raised $3000 per year and they have lost 6 months income.  Novita has not been advised by Lions about reinstatement and letters have not been answered. Rick to sort out. Action Rick

Meeting Closed 11:40am.

Next meeting 18 November 2015