(Township High School District 214)
Forest View Educational Center
2121 S. Goebbert Rd.
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Phone: (847)718-7724
Hours: Mon-Thur 8:30-4:00
Meetings: Schedules vary per site - call for specifics - (847) 718-7724
Meeting Address: 13 sites
Cost: $10.00 per semester donation request
Wheelchair Access: yes - all 13 sites
Publications: Dist. 214 Community Ed Brochure Twice Annually - Spring and Fall

Description: READ TO LEARN offers reading instruction to functionally illiterate and limited English proficient adults. Trained volunteer tutors work one-to-one with adult learners to improve reading, writing, and basic skills. Professional site supervisors direct learner assessment and evaluation as well as develop individualized lessons. Vocabulary development, word analysis, reading comprehension, and practical writing skills are incorporated into the lesson content.