Everyone’s Place African Culture Center, located in Baltimore’s Black Arts District combines a bookstore and a cultural center that offers a window into African diaspora.

Founded by Tabia and Nati Kamau-Nataki, both graduates of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Everyone’s Place has been a cultural hub in the community for more than three decades.

The store offers books, clothing, fabric, statues, skincare products, incense, oils, and a wide range of other items from within the African diaspora. In addition, the bookstore is a venue for events, guest lecturers, and performers.

Olakekan Kamau-Nataki, daughter of the owners and a Baltimore native, grew up working at the store which hosts authors, guest lecturers,  performers, and headwrap classes

Everyone’s Place provides an opportunity for people to discover and explore African diaspora culture. During the Black Lives Matter protests the store saw a surge in the sale of books on anti-racism and support for Black-owned businesses despite the challenge posed by Amazon and other online retailers.

Learn more:

Baltimore Magazine: After 35 Years, Everyone’s Place Bookstore Remains a Fixture in West Baltimore


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