I Love Boise because.........


I love Boise because I can sleep easy if I forget to close the garage door at night. -PhilipBrowning

I love Boise because the air quality is great! -PhilipBrowning

I love Boise because violent crime is relatively low. -PhilipBrowning

I love Boise because help will always arrive if you are stuck on the side of the road. -PhilipBrowning

I love Boise because most people are good neighbors. -PhilipBrowning

I love Boise because it is possible to escape the city and travel into wilderness within thirty minutes. -PhilipBrowning

I love Boise because automobile insurance is inexpensive. -PhilipBrowning

I love Boise because there's not much graffiti. -PhilipBrowning

I love Boise because I can run the Greenbelt at 1am and not worry about anything. -PhilipBrowning

I love Boise because it's the only city in Idaho that doesn't seem fifteen years behind the curve. -PhilipBrowning

I love Boise because it's a bicycle and dog friendly community. -PhilipBrowning

I love Boise because I can pick wild berries, fruits, veggies, herbs, and nuts within walking distance of almost anywhere in the city. -PhilipBrowning

I love Boise because the easily accessible foothills provide a place to find personal solitude and sanity. -PhilipBrowning

I love Boise because there is a wide variety of wildlife in the City of Boise. -PhilipBrowning

I love Boise because there is an assortment of wonderful parks. -PhilipBrowning

I love Boise because the weather is clear and sunny most of the spring and summer. -PhilipBrowning

I love Boise because there are plenty of small farmer produce stands scattered though the city. -PhilipBrowning

I love Boise because during the winter season snow usually does not accumulate for long on the streets. -PhilipBrowning

I love Boise because nature is only less than an hour away from here! - Nathan Cook

I love Boise because there is diversity within an inch of its life, whether it's in culture or business or music. It's everywhere! - Nathan Cook

I love Boise because of how great their university is in academics and athletics. - Nathan Cook

I love Boise because there's so much spirit for their sports teams. Go orange, go big blue, fight, fight, B-S-U! - Nathan Cook

I love Boise because I always learn something new about the city every time I go out. - Nathan Cook

I love Boise because there's room for both local businesses and large corporations, making it fair. - Nathan Cook

I love Boise because I can walk from campus to the Capitol in less than 15 minutes. - Nathan Cook

I love Boise because the view is absolutely amazing, especially up from Table Rock! - Nathan Cook

I love Boise because it's fun to float down the river in the spring and summer. - Nathan Cook

I love Boise because there is always something going on. - Nathan Cook