Cora Williams, 1984

Born in Shelby, Mississippi, in 1905, Mrs. Williams lived in Champaign since 1957. A mother and housewife, she had fifteen children. When she had time she also "loved to sew - made all my children's clothes. I could go to town and look at kid's clothes, then go home and make some like in the store. Never did buy a pattern or anything like that," she said in 1984. She was very proud of her children and grandchildren. "I love children! My daughter has to do for me now. They have to work and do most everything for me since my stroke in 1977. I'm real fortunate to have my daughters and all the grandchildren around me. I'm happy but wish I  could do more for the family. I used to love to make big meals for all the family. I can't now," she said in '84.

Source: Raymond Bial, There is a Season, Champaign County Nursing Home, 1984.