This is a project entry for CityCamp Raleigh 2012.
Elevator Pitch
The mobile app gives you a window to the past. Match the photographer’s position and see exactly what the camera captured years ago. Overlay the original picture with the current view to explore the past in a unique way. Share time travel through photography on Facebook and Twitter.
- Dear Photograph, (Time travel photography)
Picture 1
- Picture 2: Closer
Similar pages/apps
- Wanderful (Durham location-based history)
- History Pin (Augmented reality history)
- Wikitude (AR Wiki)
- Triangle WIKI (Geotagged pages)
- Museum of Durham History (Durham's initiative for time travel photography)
- West Jones Street, Raleigh (Old picture, next to current picture)
- Open Durham (Geo-tagged points of Durham)
- Crowdsource alignment: Let users align the pictures and improve alignment
- Lawrence Lee
- Fadi Qassem
- Leonel Galan