Three Villages Building Association Limited

Stanstead County Historical Society Journal

  • “Dedication”, Vol. 1, 1965, [non paginé, voir préface].
    • Dédicace de la première édition à Col. Benjamin B. Morrill (1869-1941)
      • "Having an imaginative mind he invented a ski "harness" when skiing was very new in Canada, and began the manufacture of skis in the Neveu factory on Foundry Hill in Rock Island. Forming a partnership with the late J. A. Tilton shortly thereafter, the Neveu factory was purchased and their business, which also included the manufacturing of chair seats, was carried on under the name of The Rock Island Manufacturing Company. In 1913 the business was merged with the Three Villages Building Association, the late A. Lee Holmes becoming the other large stockholders and the original president of this association".

S.H.S. Collection

  • PA. F2T2. Danielle Parent, file 1 of 1. « Historical Geography of Canada : Stanstead Township », Term Paper by Danielle Parent, Bishop’s University, décembre 1988, 14 p. [+ annexes].
    • Traite de l’ouverture des terres dans le canton de Stanstead ainsi que du développement industriel des villages de Stanstead et Rock Island.
      • "In 1876, Mr. Neveu established his D. Neveu Cabinet Factory which produced bedroom sets, side boards and chairs to be sold in all parts of Canada. This building afterwards became the property of Col. Benjamin B. Morrill who, in partnership with J. A. Tilton, continued the manufacturing of chairs along with manufacturing skis. The business continued under the name of the Rock Island Maunufacturing Company which merger with the Three Villages Building Association in 1913".
  • ROA -ROC. F3T1. Robinson sisters, file 1 of 3. Enveloppe d’une lettre adressée à Miss Mirabel Robinson par la Three Villages Building Association Limited, [1938 (voir oblitération du timbre)].
    • L’entête de la lettre souligne que la compagnie est située à Rock Island et se spécialise comme « Contractors and Builders. Maufacturers of and dealers in Sash and Doors, House Finish and Rough Lumber ».
  • ROA - ROC. F3T1. Rock Island, file 5 of 6. Facture de la « Three Villages Building Association » pour Mrs. M. Felton, 30 novembre 1927.
  • BI - BOY. F1T1. Border Arena, file 1 of 1. Programme du « Rocket Richard Night » commandité par le Border Arena de Rock Island, 2 mars 1954.
    • Le programme contient plusieurs publicités (de type carte d’affaire) de commerçants de Rock Island.
      • La compagnie est toujours active en 1954.

Documents visuels

Facture de la « Three Villages Building Association » pour Mrs. M. Felton, 30 novembre 1927.

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