Items Relating to the Continuation of the Sac City March Band as it specifically relates to the Second String

Discussion of items up for discussion

Our Blurred Vision

A loose community of musicians of varying ability and expertise that comes together (check all that apply): *For the love of making music with others, *For camaraderie, *to provide the theme music for the defense of social justice* . *to provide traditional forms of entertainment *keep Sacramento weird *for experiences beyond the norm *to get out of the house *to have a reason to dust off the old brass *to learn a few tricks *to have some fun *to keep things interesting *to do something inane *because they’ve nothing better to do *to provide theme music to the revolution* *to turn street corners into street parties *for bragging rights *because they feel like it *because an injury to one is and injury to all* *because it’s really really fun *for random acts of musical mayhem *because life is performance art *because there’s nothing ever good on tv, except on NOVA once in a while but even that is getting sensationalized, except or David Attenborough, he’s great *to add musical accompaniments to blessed events such as conceptions, births, circumcisions, birthdays, graduations, strikes, protests, impeachments, railway openings, births, weddings, anniversaries, wakes, and other such celebrations of life, equality, liberty, and justice *to catalyze a unified progressive voice in the community* *to create this volunteer community band*. (*mandatory option)


*It’s all fun and games until it’s no longer fun, then it’s work; and we’re not here to work. *Strive to maintain a certain level of suck; if not through your personal ability then through the encouragement of enthusiastic and eager musicians with little or no talent. *Learn, know, love, and eat your tofurkey in the shape of the band standard songs. *Bring yourself to the band; your alter ego is worried about what others might think. *If you are not comfortable with your personal level of suck, dress appropriately bring big pom-poms and a tu-tu


'this is a place for text stolen out right from other groups that we find applicable and suitable for incorporation'

*Social aid and pleasure society

*radical marching band and dance troupe. Through our music and performance, we strive to support people and communities working for social justice. We play protests, demonstrations, direct actions, picket lines, marches, benefits and events for good causes. We function as a democratic collective through consensus-based decision-making and we do not discriminate on the basis of musical ability. —rude mechanical orchestra

*We exist in order to serve the efforts of progressive and radical groups and causes, including: feminism and women’s rights, immigrant rights, queer rights, labor, the environment, peace, community self-determination, and racial, social, and economic justice. We pledge to fight racism, sexism, homophobia, war and violence in all its forms. Through our music, we strive to bring joy and inspiration to these communities and to bring new people into radical causes. Internally, we work towards being a safe, welcoming place for all genders and gender identities, ages, races, backgrounds, sexual orientations, disabilities and musical skill levels. Through our musical selections, we pay tribute to the world’s cultures and the revolutionary role music has played throughout history.—rude mechanical orchestra

Strategic Recruitments

Pleasure Society

** ** **

Real Talent (and potential First String debutants)

**Natomas Drum Corps (HS drum corps Ana Sandoval, NHS Band Booster Secretary, at [email protected] or 916.718.0262) maybe we can recruit alumni, don't really want to mix with minors, they're dirty sticky grubby little grommits **Mark Miller (on board, has bass drum will travel) **Julian C. Dixon -Community Engagement Manager, Principal Tuba -Sacramento Philharmonic Orchestra -"Instrumental to a Great City" [email protected] **Band UH! aggie marching band Phone: (530) 752-6569 Email: [email protected] **Charlie Aitken (aka Dutch Falconi) charlieaitken at yahoo dot com -formerly of Dutch Falconi and his Twisted Orchestra **a solid bassist

Social Aid

**food not bombs **oak park bike kitchen

Side Show

**horse cow **bitchen space folks


Los Trancos Woods Community Marching Band Rock of Ages Brass Band, Accra, Ghana Sudan Social Aid and Pleasure Club GuggenMusik random french street band Morgestraich Aubäärgjoggeli Quand la Mer Monte (movie clip)