Location: Village at Centennial Square, 750 Font Blvd., Suite 5000, San Francisco, CA 94132

Virtual Office Hours: Monday- Friday from 8:30 am- 4:30 pm

Website:  https://basicneeds.sfsu.edu/

Email: [email protected]

Phone:  (415) 338-1203

SFSU has recognized the housing crisis many people face in San Francisco, and recognizes that many of their students are affected. A December 2019 study found that 17.7% of SFSU students had faced homelessness in the past 9 months. Food+Shelter+Success provides several resources for students facing housing and financial crises. These resources include information about where to find free food on campus, economic resources provided by the school, temporary housing, shower access, care kits, mental health services, and information about renting resources and food banks outside of campus.

Important resources to highlight and where to find them:

  • Gator Groceries: When: Every Wednesday & Thursday 11 am- 1 pm

                                    Location: Cesar Chavez Student Center Info Desk

                                             Note: Boxes must be reserved prior to pick up. (Link to reserve https://www.gatorgroceries.com/ )

  • Shower Access: When: Mondays & Fridays 9:30 am-11:30am

                                            Location: Mashouf Wellness Center

                                            Note: First-come, first served. Due to COVID, prior screening is required which is on the SF State App or  at https://sfsu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cUPMQtMOTr76xjT  (prior screening is required any time you come to campus)

  • Care Kits: When: Monday-Friday 10am-3pm.

                                 Where: Student Services Building Room 403

                                 Note: Laundry Kits and Care Kits (hygiene) are available

Also see: 


