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   Tangermünde FÄHRMANN's 


How FÄHRMANNS arrived in South Australia in 1849 & 1855

& how I found FÄHRMANNS still living in Tangermünde, 170 years later

German archival research by Jeanette, Monika & Michelle FÄHRMANN, Tangermünde. 

Historical sites visited with Bernd, Dominik & Jeanette FÄHRMANN also Monika PELZER,

Simone MERKEL, Lars MICHALEK [all resident near Tangermünde], & author, 2018, 2021, 2023 

Return to:  LIEBELT & FAEHRMANN article


Tangermünd, Saxon-Anhalt, Brandenburg, Germany on the banks of the Elbe River. 17th century engraving by Matthäus Merian 1593-1650.         'FAEHRMANN Rd' sign near Caloote, South Australia. November 2024

Google Maps Tangermünde west of Berlin, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany 

Aim of this page:

This article takes us to the Kircke in Rohrbeck, 33kms north of Tangermünde where my gggg grandparents Katharina Marie KÖHNEN & Johann Christian FÄHRMANN  married in 1787, 236 years ago.  You will meet their other descendants still living in Tangermünde, who in 2018 had no idea that they had relatives in Australia.  Discover how the South Australian, Hahndorf & Caloote FAEHRMANNs are related to those in Germany.   Read the 1849 "Emigrants Guide to South Australia", written by George DOEGER & published in Tangermünde, this may have contributed to the young master carpenter, Johann Carl Friedrich FÄHRMANN, emigrating to South Australia.  View the original records from the Saint Stephens Kirche in Tangermünde.  Visit the villages they knew so well, Fischbeck, Gross Ellingen, Dömitz, Schönhausen, Cabelitz, Neuendorf in Speck , all near the Elbe River .& then visit the descendants' graves in Caloote, Palmer & Hahndorf, South Australia.

The family names mentioned in this article:  


Table of Contents

  1. Johann Christian FÄHRMANN & Katharina Marie KÖHNEN married 1787 in Rohrbeck, Saxon-Anhalt, Germany

  2. Johann Carl Friedrich FÄHRMANN b1823 Tangermünde  in Hahndorf, South Australia & Willi Franz Bernd FÄHRMANN b1950 Tangermünde are 1C4R.  

  3. How are they related?

Johann Christian FÄHRMANN & Katharine Marie KÖHNEN shows the Tangermünde FAEHRMANN's.

  • Their 1st child Johann Friedrich FÄHRMANN & Wilhelmine VOIGT
  • Their 3rd child  Friedrich Wilhelm FÄHRMANN  & Elisabeth KRANKEMANN marry 1841 Jerichow, Sachsen, Deutschland.  Elisabeth KRANKEMANNs parents are Friedrich Christian KRANKEMANN &  Anna Sophia SCHRÖDER..
  • Their 4th child Friedrich Wilhelm August FÄHRMANN & ​Dorothea Friedrika KROCKER marry 1873, Jerichow, Sachsen, Deutschland.
  • Their 11th child Otto Willi FÄHRMANN & Lina LIPPERT marry.
  • Their 1st child Herbert Willi FÄHRMANN & Anneliese WINDELBAND marry & have 2 sons who are the 5th cousins of the author.
  • Both of their sons, Dieter [m Erika GUDE] & Willi Franz Bernd FÄHRMANN [m Monika PELZER] each have 1 child, Dominik FÄHRMANN [lives & works in Stendal] & Jeanette FÄHRMANN [lives & works in Tangermünde.]

Johann Christian FÄHRMANN & Katharine Marie KÖHNEN shows the Murray Bridge FAEHRMANN's.

  • Their 1st child Johann Friedrich FÄHRMANN & Wilhelmine VOIGT
  • Their 3rd child Nicolaus FÄHRMANN & Dorothea Sophia SCHMIDT marry 1822 Tangermünde, Sachsen, Deutschland.  Dorothea SCHMIDT's parents are Joachim Peter SCHMIDT & Catharina Elisabeth ERNST.
  • Their 2nd child Johann Carl Friedrich FÄHRMANN b 1823 emigrates to South Australia in 1849 on the Princess Louise.
  • Johann Carl Friedrich FÄHRMANN & Johanne Eleonore LIEBELT marry 1854 in Hahndorf, South Australia & have 9 children, 7 survive infancy, 6 boys & 1 girl. 
  • Their 5th child Theodore Christoph Otto FAEHRMANN b 1866 Hahndorf & Anna Pauline MANGLESDORF m 1887 & have 2 children.
  • Their 1st child Theodor Ewald Wilhelm FAEHRMANN b1887 Woodside, & Ivy Beatrice WHITEHEAD m 1919 after T.E.W. has spent 3 years in the A.I.F. in Europe fighting during WW1. They have 8 children.  Their 3rd child is the authors' [Janis HAYNES] mother, Betty Doreen FAEHRMANN b1921.

Johann Christian FÄHRMANN & Katharine Marie KÖHNEN showing the Hahndorf FAEHRMANN's.

  • Their 1st child Johann Friedrich FÄHRMANN & Wilhelmine VOIGT
  • Their 3rd child Nicolaus FÄHRMANN & Dorothea Sophia SCHMIDT marry 1822 Tangermünde, Sachsen, Deutschland.  Dorothea SCHMIDT's parents are Joachim Peter SCHMIDT & Catharina Elisabeth ERNST.
  • Their 2nd child Johann Carl Friedrich FÄHRMANN b 1823 emigrates to South Australia in 1849 on the Princess Louise.
  • Johann Carl Friedrich FÄHRMANN & Johanne Eleonore LIEBELT marry 1854 in Hahndorf, South Australia & have 9 children, 7 survive infancy, 6 boys & 1 girl. 
  • Their 2nd child Johann Friedrich Wilhelm FAEHRMANN  b 1857 Hahndorf & Auguste Martha WIETH m 1882 & have 8 children.
  • Their 4th child Carl Albrecht FAEHRMANN  b1888 Hahndorf, & Margaret Alice FLEMING m 1913.  They have 5 children.  Their 4th child is Roger FAEHRMANN's father, Kevin FAEHRMANN  b1920. Roger FAEHRMANN & Janis HAYNES are 3rd cousins.

 Johann Christian FÄHRMANN & Katharine Marie KÖHNEN

  •  Their 1st child Johann Friedrich FÄHRMANN & Wilhelmine VOIGT
  •  Their 3rd child Nicolaus FÄHRMANN & Susanne Sophie CUNOW marry 1833 Tangermünde, Sachsen, Deutschland.  Susane CUNOW's parents are Joachim CUNOW & Dorothee Sophia RODE.
  •  Their 2nd child Otto August Ferdinand FÄHRMANN

Johann Christian FÄHRMANN & Katharine Marie KÖHNEN showing the Caloote FAEHRMANN's.

  • Their 1st child Johann Friedrich FÄHRMANN & Wilhelmine VOIGT
  • The 2nd wife of their 3rd child [Nicolaus FÄHRMANN] Susanne Sophie CUNOW & Johann Joachim SCHULZE marry 1853 Tangermünde, Sachsen, Deutschland.  Joachim SCHULZE's parents are Johann Andreas SCHULZE & Dorothea Elisabeth MÜLLER.
  • Susanne Sophie CUNOW, & Johann Joachim SCHULZE emigrate to South Australia on the Ship La Rochelle in 1855 with 8 year old Otto August Ferdinand FÄHRMANN
  • Otto August Ferdinand FÄHRMANN & Maria Dorothea PIETSCH marry 1877 in Adelaide, South Australia. They have 5 children.  
  • Their 2nd child Carl August Gustav FAHRMANN & Alma Rubina PAECH m 1907 at Summerfeldt Church, the first wedding their ever.  They have 1 child.
  • Their only child Gustav Walter FAEHRMANN & Norma Verona PFEIFFER m 1929, Mannum.  They have 5 children.  
  • Their 1st child Keith Ronald FAEHRMANN & Rita Evelyn ROSENZWEIG m 1959.  They have 3 children including Mary Anne & Mark John FAEHRMANN.
  • The 5th child of Gustav Walter FAEHRMANN & Norma Verona PFEIFFER, a younger brother to Keith Ronald FAEHRMANN  is Dudley Wilfred FAEHRMANN. Dudley is the half 3C1R from Roger FAEHRMANN & the author Janis HAYNES.  
  • Dudley Wilfred FAEHRMANN is the 4C1R of Willi Franz Bernd FÄHRMANN of Tangermünde, & the 4C2R of Jeanette FÄHRMANN & her 1st cousin Dominik FÄHRMANN of Tangermünde.
  • Mary Anne & Mark John FAEHRMANN are the half 4th cousins of Roger FAEHRMANN & the author Janis HAYNES, & the 5th cousin to Willi Franz Bernd FÄHRMANN & the 5C1R to Jeanette FÄHRMANN & her 1st cousin Dominik FÄHRMANN.

  Johann Christian FÄHRMANN & Katharine Marie KÖHNEN

  • Their 1st child Johann Friedrich FÄHRMANN & Wilhelmine VOIGT
  • Their 3rd child Nicolaus FÄHRMNANN & Dorothea Sophia SCHMIDT marry 1822 Tangermünde, Sachsen, Deutschland. Dorothea SCHMIDT's parents are Joachim Peter SCHMIDT & Catharina Elisabeth ERNST. 
  • Their 3rd child Dorothee Sophie FÄHRMANN b1827, marries 1852 Wilhelm August LEPPER Jerichow, Sachsen, Deutschland.
  • Dorothee Sophie FÄHRMANN is the younger sibling of Johann Carl Friedrich FÄHRMANN, there were no other surviving siblings.
  • Dorothee Sophie FÄHRMANN & Wilhelm August LEPPER sailed for New York on 18 July 1853 on the ship Juno from Bremen. 


1.  Johann Christian FÄHRMANN & Katharina Marie KÖHNEN married 1787 in Rohrbeck 

in this Kircke below, that is 236 years ago.   Jeanette and I asked the neighbouring residents and one of them had the key to the church, the neighbour is in the middle photo below.  We entered the Kirke at Rohrbeck,  Jeanette & I, in the doorway of where her father [Bernd & my] gggg grandparents married.

Look closely to find the Kirke in the centre of the village of Rohrbeck                          Rohrbeck Kircke 2023                           Kircke entrance 2023, Author, neighbour & Jeanette FÄHRMANN daughter of Willi Franz Bernd FÄHRMANN  & Monika PELZER.  


                        Follow the maps number 1,2 & 3 to find Rohrbeck, in the NW direction from Tangermünde by 30 kms, or 20 kms, NE of Stendal.  Maps from 1848 Meyers Gazetteer

and they are the author’s & Willi Franz Bernd FÄHRMANN’s great great great great grandparents

Thanks to a phone book in Tangermünde, 5th cousins meet Janis HAYNES & 'Bernd' FÄHRMANN.              Taken 2023.

2.  Johann Carl Friedrich FÄHRMANN b1823 Tangermünde buried in Hahndorf, South Australia & Willi Franz Bernd FÄHRMANN b1950 Tangermünde are 1C4R.  

The author's gg grandfather.

The author's 5th cousin                 This photo of Johann Carl Friedrich FÄHRMANN on the left, born 1823 Tangermünde, Brandenburg, Prussia is a 1st cousin 4 times removed from Willi Franz Bernd FÄHRMANN, on the right.


3.    How are they related?

Johann Carl Friedrich FÄHRMANN [J.C.F.} born 1823 Tangermünde, who came to South Australia in 1849 is the grandson of Katharina Marie KÖHNEN & Johann Christian FÄHRMANN.  His grandfather Christian died at 42 years of age in 1796 and his wife Katharina died year unknown.  J.C.F.would not have know his grandfather and might have had memories of his grandmother.  When Johann Christian FÄHRMANN died in 1796, their 5 known sons were Johann Friedrich 16 years, Carl 9 years, Nicolaus 7 years, Johann Carl Heinrich 6 years & Johann Joachim 3 years old.   Their 3rd son, 7 year old Nicolaus, was the father of J.C.F.

The Stendal Archives, 12 kms from Tangermünde, were searched by my German cousin Jeanette FÄHRMANN & anyone else she could encourage to help her during......and the following relationships are all that have been discovered to date, no FÄHRMANN's or KÖHNEN older than this couple have been discovered.

Johann Christian FÄHRMANN

  • Born           1754 ?? Kaliningrad, Scandinavia. 
  • Married.      11 November 1787
  • Died           26 May 1796 Rohrbeck, 42 years of age.
  • Buried       8 March 1797 District of Bölsdorf u Jerichow Kr Jerichow 11..  year ?NOT CORRECT
  • Was a master carpenter  [Zimmerman] from Ellingen and at aged 33 years he married

Katharina Marie KÖHNEN in Rohrbeck

  • Born.        Koehnin, from Reethausen.....
  • They had 5 boys between 1780 - 1793, Christian died when youngest was 3 years of age.

Their No 1 child Johann Friedrich FÄHRMANN's [descendants of this child are the FÄHRMANN's still living in Tangermünde 2024.]

  • Born         1780ca
  • Married    11 November 1787 ?  At
  • 20 years of age he married

 20 year old Wilhelmine VOIGT

  • Born       1780ca Cabelitz
  • Married    1800ca ? They had 3 children between 1800-1812

No 1 child. Sophie Louise FÄHRMANN 1800-1863 m 1844 Jerichow, to Johann Albrecht PUASCH b1816. No known children.

No 2 child. Andreas Friedrich Gottlieb FÄHRMANN 1805-1863 m 1836 Jerichow, to Charlotte Henriette Wilhelmine MEWES b1814c. No known children.

No 3 child. Friedrich Wilhelm FÄHRMANN 1812-1854 m 1841 Jerichow, to Elisabeth KRANKEMANN 1815-1877.

  This couple Friedrich Wilhelm FÄHRMANN & Elisabeth KRANKEMANN had 4 children between 1844-1852.

. No 1 child.  Johann Friedrich Wilhelm FÄHRMANN, m 1772 Cabelitz, to Dorethea Sophie VOIGT 1849-1928,

This couple Johann Friedrich Wilhelm FÄHRMANN &  Dorethea Sophie VOIGT had 1 child: Albert Robert Friedrich FÄHRMANN 1881-1962, m 1904 Fischbeck, to Emma SCHMIDT & they also had 1 child, Friedrich Wilhelm Albert FÄHRMANN 1910-1910.

  No 2 child. Caroline Friederike Wilhelmine Elisabeth FÄHRMANN 1849-1852, Jerichow.

  No 3 child. Carl Friedrich Albert FÄHRMANN b1850 Jerichow.

  No 4 child.  Friedrich Wilhelm August FÄHRMANN b1852, m 1873 Jerichow, Dorethea Friedrika KROCKER & this couple had 11 children between 1873-1901

No 1 child.  Louise Marie FÄHRMANN b1873

No 2 child.  Lina Frederike FÄHRMANN b1874

No 3 child.  Friedrick Wilhelm August FÄHRMANN 1876-1877

No 4 child.  Louise Anna FÄHRMANN b1878

No 5 child.  Friedrich Wilhelm Carl FÄHRMANN 1879-1914

No 6 child.  August Herrmann FÄHRMANN b1881

No 7 child.  Gustav Oder August Adolf FÄHRMANN 1885-1885

No 8 child.  Franz Wilhelm FÄHRMANN 1887-1887

No 9 child.  Albert FÄHRMANN b1895

No 10 child.  Martha Alma b1900 [adopted]

No 11 child.  Otto Willi FÄHRMANN b1901 Stendal, d1971 Uenglingen m Lina LIPPERT b Niendorf N Speck &  they had 2 children

No 1 child.  Herbert Willi FÄHRMANN b1925 Uenglingen, d2018 Stuttgart, m Anneliese WINDELBAND d1999, Genthin & they had 2 children

No 1 child.  Dieter FÄHRMANN 1949-1987 m Erica GUDE  b1949 & they also had one child Dominik FÄHRMANN b1969 Stendal.

No 2 child.  Willi Franz Bernd FÄHRMANN b1950 Uenglingen, m 1974 Monika PELZER & they also had one child Jeannette FÄHRMANN b1976 Stendal. 

No 2 child.  Lina Christa b1927, never married

Their No 2 child Carl FÄHRMANN

  • Born             8 September 1788 Rohrbeck, on a Monday at 4am
  • Baptised.   10 September 1788

Their No 3 child Nicolaus FÄHRMANN's [descendants are those who emigrated to South Australia in 1849 & 1855 & USA in 1853]

  • Born                22 October 1790, Rohrbeck, Havelland, Brandenburg on a  Friday at 10am.
  • Baptised.        26 October 1790
  • 1st married    10 February 1822, St Stephens Evangelische Kirche, Tangermünde [8]
  • 2nd married   1 May 1833
  • Died    9 June 1852, Tangermünde, 61 years of age
  • Buried  12 June 1852, St Stephens Evangelische Kirche, Tangermünde [13]

No 3 sons 1st wife: at 32 years Nicolaus married 25 year old Dorothea Sophia SCHMIDT, their child No 2 is J.C.F. FAEHRMANN who emigrated to South Australia

  • Born           1797
  • Baptised.   13 August 1790
  • Married     10 February 1822, Tangermünde, 
  • Died           11 April 1833, Tangermünde, died from childbirth, 36 years old
  • Buried       15 April 1833 Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Evangelische Kirche, Tangermünde [St Stephens] [20]  [Dorothee Sophie sic]
  • Parents.    Joachim Peter SCHMIDT & Catharina Elisabeth ERNST

Nicolaus FÄHRMANN & Dorothea Sophia SCHMIDT had 5 children between 1822-1833.

​Their No 1 child died not quite reaching 1 year of age, in 1823, the same year their No 2 child was born.

No 2 & No 3 children were the only ones to reach adulthood and both emigrated, 1 to South Australia & 1 to USA.

No 4 child died at less than 2 months of age in 1832 when No 2 & No 3 children were 9 & 5 years of age.

The youngest child Friedrich Ferdinand August FÄHRMANN was born on the 5 April 1833

His mother Dorothea SCHMIDT died 6 days later on the 11 April 1833.

Baby Friedrich Ferdinand August FÄHRMANN died 6 days after his mother, 17 April 1833.

No 2 & No 3 children were 10 & 6 years of age when their mother died.  

Their father Nicolaus FÄHRMANN was 43 years of age when his 36 year old wife died after child birth.

No 1 child:  Johann Joachim Peter Nicolaus FÄHRMANN [2] [3]

  • Born          18 September 1822 
  • Baptised  27 September 1822 Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Evangelische Kirche, Tangermünde [St Stephens] [2]
  • Died           8 September 1823
  • Buried      10 September 1823. Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Evangelische Kirche, Tangermünde [St Stephens] [3]

No 2 child:  Johann Carl Friedrich FÄHRMANN [4].   J.C.F. left Hamburg on the Prinzessin Luise in Princess Louise 26 March 1849.

  • Born           20 December 1823

  • Baptised   28 December 1823 Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Evangelische Kirche, Tangermünde [St Stephens] [4]
  • Emigrated. To South Australia arrived from Hamburg in 7 August 1849.
  • Married    23 June 1854, Hahndorf, South Australia
  • Died          12 July 1896, Hahndorf, South Australia
  • Buried      Hahndorf Public Cemetery
  • At 31 years married 21 year old Johann Eleonore LIEBELT who was 5 years of age on the ‘Zebra’.
    • Her parents were Johann Christian LIEBELT & Maria Elisabeth KUCHEL
    • Carl lived with his parents in law after he married their youngest child.

No 3 child:  Dorothee Sophie FÄHRMANN [5] [9] Emigrated 1853 to United States of America with her husband.

  • Born           18 January 1832
  • Baptised   29 January 1832, Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Evangelische Kirche, Tangermünde [St Stephens] [5]
  • Married     6 June 1852 [9]
  • At 25 years married 27 year old Wilhelm August LEPPER [born in Genthin 11] in Jerichow, Jerichow 11, Freistaat Sachsen, Germany, Evangelische Kirche.  His parents were Johann Friedrich Andreas LEPPER & Catharine Sophie SCHÜTZE.
  • Emigrated:   To America, after their marriage 18 July 1853 on the ‘Juno’ to New York from Bremerhaven. {CHECK}

No 4 child: Dorothee Wilhelmine FÄHRMANN

  • Born           18 January 1832
  • Baptised.  29 January 1832 Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Evangelische Kirche, Tangermünde [St Stephens] [17] 
  • Died             6 March 1832, 7 weeks of age.

No 5 child:   Friedrich Ferdinand August FÄHRMANN [6] [7]

  • Born            5 April 1833
  • Baptised   12 April 1833, Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Evangelische Kirche, Tangermünde [St Stephens] [6]
  • Died          15 April 1833
  • Buried       17 April 1833, Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen. [St Stephens] [7] 

On 11 April, 1833 Dorothea Sophia SCHMIDT died following child birth, leaving Nicolaus with 10 year old Johann Carl Friedrich FÄHRMANN & 6 year old Dorothee Sophie FÄHRMANN,  [their baby daughter  Dorothee Wilhelmine FÄHRMANN died just over a year earlier in 1832] & their new baby boy lived only 12 days.  Within 20 days Nicolaus FÄHRMANN had arranged a 2nd marriage to Susanne CUNOW.

2nd wife: At 42 years of age & 3 weeks after the death of his 1st wife Nicolaus married 25 year old Susanne Sophie CUNOW

Born               21 May 1808, Schonhausen,   which is 11 kms NE of Tangermünde, see map on left.  

1st married    1 May 1833, Tangermünde. 

Nicolaus FÄHRMANN & Susanne Sophie CUNOW had 2 children of their own between 1835 & 1847


  • Their No 1 child was born in 1835 had an unknown name or sex under the surname ‘TAHRMANN, nee ENNOW’.  This baby died 3 April 1835.   Buried 4 April 1835 Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Evangelische Kirche, Tangermünde [St Stephens] [16]  In 1835, Susanne was 27 years of age & Nicolaus 45 years.
  • Their No 2 child Otto August Ferdinand JÄHRMANN [sic] [15].  
  • Born.             9 March 1847
  • Baptised.   28 March 1847 Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Evangelische Kirche, Tangermünde [St Stephens] [15]

When Otto was born his mother Susanne was 39 years, his father Nicolaus was 57 years, his older half brother Johann Carl Friedrich FÄHRMANN was 24 years & his sister Dorothee Sophie FÄHRMANN 20 years of age.  2 years later Johann Carl Friedrich FÄHRMANN sailed to Australia and when Otto was 6 years of age his half sister Dorothee Sophie FÄHRMANN sailed for America.  

Susanne Sophie CUNOW raised Nicolaus’s 2 children from aged 10 & 6 years until when Nicolaus died in 1852, they were 29 & 25 years of age.  Dorothee Sophie FÄHRMANN married on 6 June 1852 and her father died 3 days later on 9 June 1852 after 19 years of marriage to Susanne Sophie CUNOW.  Johann Friedrich Carl FÄHRMANN sailed to South Australia 3 years  before his father died and before his only surviving sibling married.

Nicolaus FÄHRMANN died, 9 June 1852,  Susanne Sophie CUNOW remarries 18 January 1853.

45 year old Susanne Sophie CUNOW remarried 18 January 1853 in Tangermunde, to 43 year old Johann Joachime SCHULZE. 6 months after Nicolaus FÄHRMANN died. Not quite two years later they both arrived on the Ship La Rochelle & with her son, 8 year old Otto August Ferdinand FÄHRMANN.

  • Died    26 July 1877, Reedy Creek, South Australia, 69 years of age, 28 years living in Australia.
  • Buried   Palmer Cemetery, Palmer, South Australia.
    • Parents are Joachim CUNOW [CUNO] & Dorothee Sophia RODE.



Johann Joachime SCHULZE

  • Born     4 August 1810, Kabelitz, Brandenburg, Prussia.
  • Emigrated.  To South Australia in 1855 on the ‘La Rochelle with his wife & her son, Otto August Ferdinand FÄHRMANN.
  • Married    18 January 1853, Tangermünde.
  • Died    7 November 1875, in the Hundred of Finniss, at ‘usual residence’ 65 years of age, 28 years living in Australia.
  • Buried   Palmer Cemetery, Palmer, South Australia.
    • Parents are Johann Andre SCHULZE b1790 [OR IS THIS HIS BROTHER] & Dorothee Elisabeth MÜLLER b 1790ca.

Palmer Cemetery, South Australia

These photographs are from regional South Australia, outside the small town of Palmer, taken in March 2019 when out of curiosity I walked through this cemetery.  The turn off is a few kms past the Palmer Lutheran Church built in…… I could see the back of a broken grave surrounded by red earth and dry grass and when i walked around in front I saw the surname ‘CUNOW’.  I realised I had stumbled across the grave of my step great, great, great grandmother and her second husband, Johann Joachim SCHULZE both from Tangermünde, Brandenburg, Prussia.

Their No 4 child Johann Carl Heinrich FÄHRMANN

  • Born   1791,   Dömitz
  • Died    31 May 1850, Salzwedel, aged 59 years.

He married Sophie Helena Elisabeth Lange they had 2 children between 1881-1882

1st child:  Martha Minna Clara FÄHRMANN

  • Born          7 March 1881
  • Baptised  9 March 1881, Dömitz, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Prussia.

2nd child:  Elly Johanna Marie FÄHRMANN

  • Born       
  • Baptised  29 May 1882, Dömitz, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Prussia.

Their No 5 child Johann Joachim FÄHRMANN

  • Born              2 July 1793, Rohrbeck, Brandenburg, Prussia.
  • Baptised.      7 July 1793
  • Occupation  Worker in Neuendorf a. Speck


This photo is of the author in the cemetery at Caloote, South Australia, alongside the burial place of Otto August FAEHRMANN b1847 Tangermünde, Brandenburg, Prussia, he is the half brother of Johann Carl Friedrich FÄHRMANN. Otto August is a 1st cousin 4 times removed from Bernd FÄHRMANN.


This photo below is of Theodore Christoph Otto FÄHRMANN born 1866 Hahndorf, South Australia, the 6th child of Johann Carl Friedrich FÄHRMANN & Johanne Eleonore LIEBELT.  On the right is his wife Anna Pauline MANGLESDORF b1868 Gumeracha, South Australia.  Theodore Christoph Otto is the 2nd cousin 3 times removed of Bernd FÄHRMANN & the great grandfather of author.

This photo is of my grandfather as a child and his younger sister Eva Olive FÄHRMANN was taken in 1891c. This boy, Theodor Ewald Wilhelm FÄHRMANN born in Hahndorf,  is also the 3rd cousin 2 times removed of Bernd FÄHRMANN and the grandfather of the author.








1.    Introduction

In August 2018, having cycled from Amsterdam across northern Germany, down the Oder & into Poland [to visit the villages of the passengers of the 1838 ‘Zebra’ voyage to South Australia] we then followed the Friedrich Wilhelm Kanal, the Spree, the Havel and then the Elbe to arrive in the Hanseatic old city of Tangermünde.  Records showed that my great great grandfather Johann Carl Friedrich FÄHRMANN a carpenter, arrived on the Princess Louise in 1849 from Tangermünde. At the tourist office in the centre of the small walled city I discovered in a phone book the name & address of a ‘FÄHRMANN’ and within days we met Dominik FÄHRMANN [later discovered to be 5th cousin 1 removed] his wife Simone, his uncle Bernd FÄHRMANN [later discovered to be 5th cousin] & his wife Monica & their daughter and granddaughter Jeanette & Michelle who had no idea they had relatives in Australia. None of these relatives could speak much English but we managed to establish and mutual understanding and a creation of German families emigrating to South Australia. 

Dominik FÄHRMANN & author Janis HAYNES, 2018.                       Monika, Janis, Berndt, Simone, Dominik & Fran. 2018.                       ‘How are we related Dominik?’ 2018.

The following year Jeanette with the help of her mother and daughter, spent countless hours in the Stendal Church Archives finding the German links and connections that held us together and I think to some extent confirm the reality of a woman on a bike arriving saying her mother was a FAEHRMANN to a mechanic from Stendal and a nurse from Tangermünde. Living their entire lives in this area of the old East German GDR they are very familiar with all of the tiny surrounding villages into which that our discovered ancestors were born, married and died.

Fast forward to 2023 and I have again returned to visit my German roots and am using this opportunity to post the considerable research attributed to the ‘Tangermunde FÄHRMANN’S’. 

Currently the oldest records discovered have shown that we are descendant from the 5 sons of Johann Christian FÄHRMANN and his wife Katharina Marie KOHNEN.  The FÄHRMANN’s currently living in Stendal & Tangermünde are from the 1st son Johann Friedrich b1780c and all South Australian FÄHRMANN’s, like myself, from the 3rd son born ten years later, Nicolaus b1790.

Surnames of interest:


Towns of interest:

  • Rohrbeck, Cabelitz / Kabelitz, Schonhausen, Tangermunde, Dömitz, Ellingen, Neuendorf a. Speck, Jerichow 11, Freistaat Sachsen, Palmer, Reedy Creek,


Willi Franz Bernd FÄHRMANN of Tangermünde, my 5th cousin, looking through his collection of family documents

                                          The author and Bernd’s wife Monika who spent hours researching our history, both German speakers only. 2023.                                                        Jeanette on left, their daughter & my 5th cousin 1 removed, who could not believe she had relatives in Australia and consequently spent months in the Stendal Archives & collected this articles' information.



A 5th cousin 1 removed means we share a common ancestor but their relationship with that ancestor is one step removed from mine. This means that Jeanette and Dominik and I share a common great, great, great, great grandparent, but ‘my’ generation is the same as Bernd’s. 



This booklet written by George Doeger, was published in Tangermünde in 1849

The Emigrant’s Guide to South Australia and Australia in Relation to Passage, Accommodation, and Settlement, Along with a Most Complete Description of Australia and a Detailed Discussion of All Points to Be Considered in Emigrating.  Compiled from Authentic Sources by George Doeger

With an Appendix.  

Letters from Germans who have Emigrated to Australia and the Ballarat Goldfields of South Australia.  Complete and Unchanged Edition.

Tangermünde 1849.

Published by G. Doeger’s Bookstore.”










3.4   Johann Carl Heinrich FÄHRMANN

  • Born   1791,   Dömitz
  • Died    31 May 1850, Salzwedel, aged 59 years.

At years of age he married year old Sophie Helena Elisabeth Lange

They had 2 children between 1881-1882

1st child:  Martha Minna Clara

  • Born       7 March 1881
  • Baptised  9 March 1881, Dömitz, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Prussia.

2nd child:  Elly Johanna Marie

  • Born       
  • Baptised  29 May 1882, Dömitz, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Prussia.

3.5    Johann Joachim FÄHRMANN

  • Born   2 July 1793, Rohrbeck, Brandenburg, Prussia.
  • Baptised.   7 July 1793
  • Occupation.  Worker in Neuendorf a. Speck


4.    Towns of interest in Sachsen-Anhalt

  • Rohrbeck, Cabelitz / Kabelitz, Schonhausen, Tangermünde, Dömitz, Ellingen, Neuendorf a. Speck, Jerichow 11, Freistaat Sachsen, Palmer, Reedy Creek,






4.1   Rohrbeck



23 kms north of Stendal. Via Baumgarten, Eichstedt (Altmark), Goldbeck, or Bertkow and Gethlingen.

Wikipaedia: the oldest surviving Evangelical Church records for Rohrbeck date back to the year 1730

The small village of Rohrbeck had a manor house behind the church which is alongside a well built brick wall which formed part of the estate for which the townspeople worked.  This landholder owned all the land and apparently at one stage they got the Dutch workers into to reduce the amount of water and drain the fields.

Relationship to FÄHRMANN’s

Johann Christian FÄHRMANN & Katharina Marie KÖHNEN were married here 11 November 1787

  • Their children: Carl b1788, Nicolaus b1790, Johann Joachim b1793 FÄHRMANN were born here.
  • Nicolaus is my great, great, great grandfather.

  • The church was locked on our arrival but we found some neighbours in their own adjoining backyard who put us in contact with a person nearby who was able to come and open the church for us.




Together my cousin Jeanette FÄHRMANN and I were able to walk into this church with possibly the same simple interior as when our ancestors married here some 236 years previous.

The baptismal font is an old mill stone which was only obvious when we moved the metal dish, to reveal the grinding patterns.

We were allowed to climb some of the old stairs towards the church bell.









4.2   Cabelitz / Kabelitz



  • 17kms SE of Stendal via Fischbeck.
  • Wikipaedia: 
  • The small village of Cabelitz has one street the ‘Doofstraße’, and between number 44 and number 43 is the Evangelical St Martin Kirche, Kabelitz.
  • Relationship to FÄHRMANN’s.
    • Wilhelmine VOIGT b1780ca came from Cabelitz
      • Wilhelmine was the wife [married 1800ca] of Johann Friedrich FÄHRMANN, the 1st child of Johann Christian FÄHRMANN & Katharina Marie KÖHNEN
      • They had 3 children
    • Friedrich Wilhelm FÄHRMANN b1812 ? Cabelitz & died 1854 ? Cabelitz, married 1841 Jerichow to Elisabeth KRANKEMANN.
      • They had 4 children.
      • Dorethea Sophie VOIGT b1849ca, died 1928 at Cabelitz.
        • Dorothea was the wife of Johann Friedrich Wilhelm FÄHRMANN b1844, the 1st child of Friedrich Wilhelm FÄHRMANN & Elisabeth KRANKEMANN. 
        • Their son Albert Robert Friedrich FÄHRMANN b1881 at Cabelitz, married 1904 Emma SCHMIDT.
      • Carl Friedrich Albert FÄHRMANN b1850 Cabelitz, the 3rd child of Friedrich Wilhelm FÄHRMANN & Elisabeth KRANKEMANN. 
    • Johann Joachime SCHULZE b1810 Cabelitz, married 1853 Susanne Sophie CUNOW.  Susanne was the 2nd wife of Nicolaus FÄHRMANN, & when Nicolaus died she married Johann and came to South Australia with Nicolaus & Susanne’s son Otto August Ferdinand FÄHRMANN.





  • 15kms SE of Stendal 
  • Wikipaedia: 
  • Relationship to FÄHRMANN’s
    • Prior to 1975 an unknown FÄHRMANN family lived in this village and was a known name amongst the older residents.
    • Emma SCHMDIT d1918 Fischbeck, was the wife of Albert Robert Friedrich FÄHRMANN [b 1881 Cabelitz] they had 1 child Friedrich Wilhelm Albert FÄHRMANN who was born and died 1910. 









4.3   Schonhausen

  • kms SE of Stendal 
  • Wikipaedia: 
  • Relationship to FÄHRMANN’s



4.4   Tangermunde

  • kms SE of Stendal 
  • Wikipaedia: 
  • Relationship to FÄHRMANN’s




4.5   Dömitz



  • 120 kms NW of Tangermünde
  • Wikipaedia: 
  • Relationship to FÄHRMANN’s
    • Johann Carl Heinrich FÄHRMANN b1791 Dömitz, was the 4th child of Johann Christian FÄHRMANN & Katharina Marie KÖHNEN
    • Johann Carl Heinrich married Sophie Helena Elisabeth LANGE and they had 2 children, the second, Elly Johanna Marie FÄHRMANN died in Dömitz.

Neuendorf in Speck

  • kms SE of Stendal 
  • Wikipaedia: 
  • Relationship to FÄHRMANN’s
    • Johann Joachim FÄHRMANN b1820 Neuendorf in Speck, was the son of Johann Joachim FÄHRMANN who was a worker in Neuendorf in Speck.



4.6. Groß Ellingen 4kms west of the Elbe River

A stroll down Alte Heerstraße

        kms SE of Stendal  Wikipaedia:  Relationship to FÄHRMANN’s  




Information about the  following 8 photographs of a farm and house complex surrounded by security fencing in Alte Heerstraße was described in as “Denkmalgeschützter Bauernhof Heerstraße” which translates as ‘Listed Historic Farmhouse Heerstraße and implies it is protected as a historic landmark.





From ‘German Carpenter’s marks’ from Tishler, 1986, p281.

On some of the the Fachwerk Oak Timbers used in this farmyard complex you will find some of the Carpenters marks as illustrated above.

Wikipedia 2023 ‘GroßEllingen’.    “The first mention of the Groß Ellingen dates back to the year 1320 when it was referred to as a “Magna Ellinge,” when Duchess Anna granted income from two farms to the Arendsee Monastery.  Originally the village belonged to the Arneburgischer Kreis [Arneburg District] within the Margraviate of Brandenburg in the Altmark region.  Between 1807 and 1813, it was situated in the Kanton Arneburg within the territory of Napoleonic Kingdom of Westphalia.  Following further changes, the community became part of the Kreis Osterburg [Osterburg District] in 1816, which later evolved into the Landkreis Osterburg.  

  • The population of Groß Ellingen:
  • 1734: 146,    1772: 104,    1790: 168,    1801: 169,    1818: 160,    1840: 148,    1864: 194,    1871: 192,    1885: 189,    1892: 191,    1900: 180,    2022: 122.

This house is described as a “Bauernhaus” of a ‘farmhouse, and like the barn complex opposite it and above is listed as a cultural moneument. [Liste der Kulturdenkmale in Hohenberg-Krusemark]”  






The small close villages of Groß Ellingen, Klein Ellingen & Hohenburg-Krusemark do not have individual churches but they are within 2kms of a small church surrounded by paddocks on a bend of the road.  This church is called 




         Jeanette & Lars our tour guide and translator at our morning tea spot outside the church walls, under a shady tree. 10 September 2023.



4.  Fischbeck

  kms SE of Stendal  Wikipaedia:  Relationship to FÄHRMANN’s  






4.7   Palmer


4.8   Reedy Creek


4.9   Caloote






5.   References & Notes

[8]  1st marriage Nicolaus FÄHRMANN & Dorothea Sophia SCHMIDT

Affiliate Name

Stadtarchiv Magdeburg

Digital Folder Number


Microfilm Number


Image Number


Collection Information

Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971

Cite This Record

"Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971," database, FamilySearch( : 14 August 2023), Johann Christian Fährmann in entry for Nicolaus Fährmann, 10 Feb 1822; images digitized and records extracted by Ancestry; citing Marriage, Tangermünde, Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Deutschland, Tangermünde, German Lutheran Collection, various parishes, Germany.

[1] Marriage of Nicolaus & Susanne Sophie CUNOW 1833.

Affiliate Name

Stadtarchiv Magdeburg

Digital Folder Number


Microfilm Number


Image Number

Collection Information

Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971

Learn more about this collection through the FamilySearch Wiki.

Cite This Record

"Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971," database, FamilySearch( : 14 August 2023), Köhnen in entry for @@@@@@@@@

[13]  Nicolaus FÄHRMANN buried

Affiliate Name

Stadtarchiv Magdeburg

Digital Folder Number


Microfilm Number


Image Number


Collection Information

Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971

Cite This Record

"Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971," database, FamilySearch( : 14 August 2023), Nicolaus Fährmann, 12 Jun 1852; images digitized and records extracted by Ancestry; citing Burial, Tangermünde, Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Deutschland, Tangermünde, German Lutheran Collection, various parishes, Germany.

[2]  Johann Joachim Peter Nicolaus FÄHRMANN baptism

Affiliate Name

Stadtarchiv Magdeburg

Digital Folder Number


Microfilm Number


Image Number

Collection Information

Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971

Cite This Record

"Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971," database, FamilySearch( : 14 August 2023), Johann Joachim Peter Nicolaus Fährmann, 27 Sep 1822; images digitized and records extracted by Ancestry; citing Baptism, Tangermünde, Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Deutschland, Tangermünde, German Lutheran Collection, various parishes, Germany.

[3] Johann Joachim Peter Nicolaus FÄHRMANN burial

Affiliate Name

Stadtarchiv Magdeburg

Digital Folder Number


Microfilm Number


Image Number

Collection Information

Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971

Cite This Record

"Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971," database, FamilySearch( : 14 August 2023), Johann Joachim Peter Fährmann, 10 Sep 1823; images digitized and records extracted by Ancestry; citing Burial, Tangermünde, Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Deutschland, Tangermünde, German Lutheran Collection, various parishes, Germany.

[4]  Johann Carl Friedrich FÄHRMANN

Affiliate Name

Stadtarchiv Magdeburg

Digital Folder Number


Microfilm Number


Image Number

Collection Information

Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971

Cite This Record

"Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971," database, FamilySearch( : 14 August 2023), Johann Carl Friedrich Fährmann, 28 Dec 1823; images digitized and records extracted by Ancestry; citing Baptism, Tangermünde, Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Deutschland, Tangermünde, German Lutheran Collection, various parishes, Germany.

[5]  Dorothee Wilhelmine FAHRMANN baptism, St Stephens, Tangermünde.

Affiliate Name

Stadtarchiv Magdeburg

Digital Folder Number


Microfilm Number


Image Number

Collection Information

Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971

Cite This Record

"Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971," database, FamilySearch( : 14 August 2023), Dorothee Wilhelmine Fährmann, 29 Jan 1832; images digitized and records extracted by Ancestry; citing Baptism, Tangermünde, Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Deutschland, Tangermünde, German Lutheran Collection, various parishes, Germany.

[6]   Friedrich Ferdinand August FÄHRMANN Baptism

Affiliate Name

Stadtarchiv Magdeburg

Digital Folder Number


Microfilm Number


Image Number

Collection Information

Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971

Cite This Record

"Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971," database, FamilySearch( : 14 August 2023), Friedrich Ferdinand August Fährmann, 12 Apr 1833; images digitized and records extracted by Ancestry; citing Baptism, Tangermünde, Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Deutschland, Tangermünde, German Lutheran Collection, various parishes, Germany.

 [7].   Ferdinand August FÄHRMANN burial

Affiliate Name

Stadtarchiv Magdeburg

Digital Folder Number


Microfilm Number


Image Number

Collection Information

Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971

Cite This Record

"Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971," database, FamilySearch( : 14 August 2023), Friedrich Ferdinand August Fährmann, 17 Apr 1833; images digitized and records extracted by Ancestry; citing Burial, Tangermünde, Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Deutschland, Tangermünde, German Lutheran Collection, various parishes, Germany.

[9]  Dorothea Sophie FÄHRMANN marriage in Jerichow.

Digital Folder Number


Microfilm Number


Image Number

Collection Information

Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971

Cite This Record

"Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971," database, FamilySearch( : 28 March 2023), Dorothea Sophie Fährmann in entry for Wilhelm August Lepper, 6 Jun 1852; images digitized and records extracted by Ancestry; citing Marriage, Jerichow, Jerichow II, Freistaat Sachsen, Deutschland, , German Lutheran Collection, various parishes, Germany.

[11]. Wilhelm August LEPPER birth

Affiliate Name

Stadtarchiv Magdeburg

Digital Folder Number


Microfilm Number


Image Number

Collection Information

Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971

Cite This Record

"Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971," database, FamilySearch( : 14 August 2023), Wilhelm August Lepper, 24 Dec 1824; images digitized and records extracted by Ancestry; citing Baptism, Genthin, Genthin, Jerichow II, Sachsen, Preußen, Deutschland, Mützel, German Lutheran Collection, various parishes, Germany.

[17]  Dorothee Wilhelmine FÄHRMANN

Affiliate Name

Stadtarchiv Magdeburg

Digital Folder Number


Microfilm Number


Image Number


Collection Information

Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971

Cite This Record

"Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971," database, FamilySearch( : 14 August 2023), Schmidt in entry for Dorothee Wilhelmine Fährmann, 29 Jan 1832; images digitized and records extracted by Ancestry; citing Baptism, Tangermünde, Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Deutschland, Tangermünde, German Lutheran Collection, various parishes, Germany.

[16]  Unknown baby death 1835 of Nicolaus TAHRMANN, Susanna TAHRMANN nee ENNOW

Affiliate Name

Stadtarchiv Magdeburg

Digital Folder Number


Microfilm Number


Image Number


Collection Information

Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971

Cite This Record

"Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971," database, FamilySearch( : 14 August 2023), Tahrmann, 4 Apr 1835; images digitized and records extracted by Ancestry; citing Burial, Tangermünde, Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Deutschland, Tangermünde, German Lutheran Collection, various parishes, Germany.

[15]  Otto August Ferdinand JÄHRMANN [sic] 

Affiliate Name

Stadtarchiv Magdeburg

Digital Folder Number


Microfilm Number


Image Number


Collection Information

Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971

Cite This Record

"Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971," database, FamilySearch( : 14 August 2023), Nicolaus Jährmann in entry for Otto August Ferdinand Jährmann, 28 Mar 1847; images digitized and records extracted by Ancestry; citing Baptism, Tangermünde, Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Deutschland, Tangermünde, German Lutheran Collection, various parishes, Germany.

[20]  Dorothee Sophie FÄHRMANN died after child birth 1833

Affiliate Name

Stadtarchiv Magdeburg

Digital Folder Number


Microfilm Number


Image Number

Collection Information

Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1500-1971

Cite This Record

"Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971," database, FamilySearch( : 14 August 2023), Schmidt, 15 Apr 1833; images digitized and records extracted by Ancestry; citing Burial, Tangermünde, Tangermünde, Stendal, Sachsen, Preußen, Deutschland, Tangermünde, German Lutheran Collection, various parishes, Germany.