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CUNOW & FÄHRMANN Otto August Ferdinand FAEHRMANNborn Tangermünde, Saxony, Brandenburg Pioneer of Palmer/Reedy Creek, buried Caloote, South Australia, 2nd child of Nicolaus FÄHRMANN & Susanne Sophie CUNOW married Maria Dorothea PIETSCH Pioneers of Box Flat Farm on Sandy Creek at Caloote Half brother to Johann Carl Friedrich FAEHRMANN of Tangermünde |
To return to: 'Talking about Tangermümde'
To return to: Steinborn-Liebelt
To return to: Liebelt-Faehrmann
15 November 2024 this page is incomplete.
My 5th cousin 's son, Dominik FÄHRMANN , is out from Germany for his first visit to Australia. On the 31 October 2024 we spent the day visiting the LIEBELT property off Thomas Street in Murray Bridge, then Section 148 along the Mannum Road, then the old original place of pine, mud and straw off Kerta Rd, the old Caloote School ruins & its current spot in Caloote on Malvina Street, more LIEBELT property at Mypolonga and then lastly to the Murray Bridge Cemetery,
My other plan for Dominik's family history tour of his Germany relatives in South Australia was to try and get in contact with a Mary Anne FAEHRMANN, who was a half 4th cousin to me, from Mannum who I was really keen to make a connection with regarding her great, great, grandfather [Otto August Ferdinand FÄHRMANN b1847 Tangermünde Germany] who was a half brother to my great, great, grandfather the carpenter Johann Carl Friedrich FÄHRMANN b1823 Tangermünde Germany, of Hahndorf. When Otto arrived in South Australia at 8 years of age with his mother & her new husband I believe they went to Hahndorf and stayed with his half brother Carl in 1855.
And both Otto August Ferdinand and older half brother Johann Carl Friedrich are 1st cousins, 5 times removed from Dominik, who currently lives near the same town that they were born in over 200 years ago. So on Saturday 2 November, 2024, I am again delighted to be driving back up to Caloote, this time to meet new FAEHRMANN relatives at the Caloote Cemetery. I also took along a 3rd cousin Roger, from Littlehampton, who I have only recently met, when I took Dominik to Hahndorf for his first visit on 23 October 2024. Roger is descendant from Carl FAEHRMANN & Eleonore LIEBELTs 2nd child while I am from their 6th child.
To greet us was Mary Anne FAEHRMANN from north of Mannum, her older brother Mark FAEHRMANN from the Riverland, and her father Keith FAEHRMANN's youngest sibling Dudley Wilfred who bought along his 2 grandchildren.
2019 - how I got started on researching the descendants of the ship Zebra.
Dominik FAEHRMANN with Roger FAEHRMANN & the author [my mother was Betty FAEHRMANN]. Otto August Ferdinand is Roger & my half great, great, great Uncle.
Dominik & Roger FAEHRMANN with the direct descendants [Dudley, Mary Anne & Mark FAEHRMANN] of Otto & Maria through this couples only surviving son, Carl August Gustav FAEHRMANN
Mary Anne FAEHRMANN Photographic CollectionMary Anne brought along a photo album, and some old photographs and on the front inside cover of the album is this photograph [left & right] of a 2 story fachwerk home with the words 'Tangermunde' written alongside.
I have been to Tangermünde in Germany, three times, looking for 'FAEHRMANNs' so this immediately caught my eye, and then underneath it is written 'The home of Keith's great grandpa in Germany'.
I immediately send this photograph to Dominik's wife Simone who works as a physiotherapist in Tangermünde and she passed it around her clients hoping one of them would recognise this building.
This morning the 13 November 2024 I received this message 'Good morning, the house is in the street : Hünderdorf Nr. 82. My patient found it.'
Photograph by Simone FAEHRMANN, physiotherapist, Tangermünde November, 2024.
The door, windows, guttering & roof tiles have all been replaced but the adjacent house remains and perhaps I can now get access to residential records.
82 Hünderdorf Strasse is 245 meters in a direct line from the Elbe River, 304 meters from the Kirke and 630 meters from the Rathaus on Kirchstasse, in central old Tangermünde. It is directly opposite from 'Salzkirche' which we have been to as it was used as a royal granary and salt warehouse from the 18th Century, hence the name 'Salt Church'. also,ünde.
Google Maps
Google Earth. 82 Hünderdorf Strasse.
From the Dudley Wilfred FAEHRMANN Collection 'Box Flat Farm' 1939.
Photographs below from the Mary Anne FAEHRMANN Photographic Collection.
The family names mentioned in this article include::
Aim of article
- Explore aspects of the life of Otto August Ferdinand FAEHRMANN
- Identify the land parcels that his mother & he acquired & that his step father worked.
Table of Contents
1. Author's Note
2. Otto August Ferdinand FÄHRMANN
1. Author's Note
2. Otto August Ferdinand FÄHRMANN
Otto August Ferdinand FÄHRMANN 1847-1927
Birth: 1847
Death: 1927
According to the Obituary of 1927
- August died at 80 years of arrived, arrived in South Australia at 8 years of age.
- Lived in the Mannum district since the age of 30 years, in 1877c.
- Prior to that he had been farming with his 'parents', mother & step father at Hahndorf & Harrogate
The three of them had arrived in the 'La Rochelle' on 8 August, 1855.
- His step father Johann Joachime SCHULZE had died in 1875
- & his mother two years later in 1877, both are buried in the Palmer Cemetery.
It is therefore possible that August and his parents had moved to the Sandy Creek area before 1877, and probably before 1875.
- August's mother died 4 months after his marriage to Maria PIETSCH.
- Maria was 24 years of age and he 30 years.
- Also in 1877, August became a founding member of the Mannum Council, 1 September 1877 which he served for various periods until 1903.
The Ships List by Robert JANMATT
Ship Heeerjeebhoy Rustomjee Patel, Captain Eugene LAUN, arrived Port Adelaide 18 September 1845.
Other passengers on the 'Patel' were Johann Gottfried Erdmann KUCHEL & his wife, 1st cousin, Johanne Dorothea Elizabeth KUCHEL, & 4 children.
Also BARTEL & PAECH families.
TROVE: South Australian [Adelaide, SA : 1844 - 1851, Tuesday 23 September 1845, Page 2, Advertising.
We, the undersigned cabin passengers, feel it as agreeable duty to express our best thanks to Capt. Eugen LAUN of the Heerjeebhoy Rustomjee Patel, for the friendly and kind treatment which we have experienced on our voyage from Bremen to Port Adelaide. The public expressions of such acknowledgements we deem the only way to lessen the inconveniences incident to so long a voyage, and to make it an agreeable pleasure tour.
We have much reason to be satisfied with the regular and frequent change of healthy and nourishing provision, which is so necessary
TROVE: Adelaide Times [SA:1848 - 1858], Friday 27 September 1850, page 3
'Naturalisation of Aliens, Colonial Secretary's Office, Sep. 23, 1850.
The following list of aliens, who have since 4th June last, taken and subscribed the oath of allegiance to her Majesty, is published for general information. By His Excellency's command, Charles Sturt, Colonial Secretary.
Samuel Pietsch.
PIETSCH family history 1845-1980 by
Page 16 Samuel PIETSCH Family History in Australia 1845-1980.Page 16. The earliest dated record of land in Samuel's name is for a land grant on Aril 12, 1851, 80 acres, Section 6547, Hundred of Talunga, near Birdwood. [Authors note: see map No 1] This was sold on April 26 the following year, when Samuel bought Lots 4,5, & 8, Section 5140, Hundred of Onkaparinga - totalling approximately 17 acres located on the same section as the leased land, about three quarters of a mile north-east of Lobethal. Two years later, on April 24, 1854, Lots 2 & 6 of the same Section comprising ten and a half acres, were added to the farm. Some 37 acres, Section 5162, Hundred of Onkaparinga, were bought on August 7, 1855, and finally Lot 1, Section 5140 [9 acres] on April 22, 1856.
'Maria Dorothea, fifth child of Samuel and Dorothea PIETSCH, was born at Lobethal on May 15, 1852, and baptised on May 31 by Pastor FRITZSCHE. The sponsors were Anna Rosina NOSKE, Juliana RAMM, and Christian REDLICH.
On March 20, 1877, Maria married Otto August Ferdinand FAEHRMANN at Adelaide. Otto was the son of Nicolaus FAEHRMANN and Susanne Sophie, nee Cunow, and was born on March 9, 1847, in Tangermünde, Germany.
Otto's father had died on June 9, 1852, and his mother married Johann Joachim SCHULZ. The family had come to Australia on La Rochelle in 1855.
Otto brought his wife, Maria Dorothea, to his new farm at Sandy Creek, near Mannum. He had recently bought it as virgin scrub and was the first settler in the area.
Later in April they welcomed Maria's father, Samuel PIETSCH, to their home, Samuel had sold his Lobethal farm after the death of his wife. Otto had had little formal schooling; nevertheless he enjoyed reading. His generous and sympathetic nature brought him to serve his fellow-citizens on the first Mannum District Council, commencing service from September 1, 1877, and serving for varying periods to 1903. He was a Justice of the Peace, and a friend to all who asked for his opinion or help.
The couple had two sons and three daughters. Maria Dorothea is remembered as a quiet little lady who was not fond of travelling, and who was more or less an invalid. However, members of the PIETSCH family called frequently, and the demands of hospitality created through Otto's interests suggest that in earlier years Maria carried an extremely heavy burden. Later on, she enjoyed having domestic help in the house.
Entrance to Cemetery, Photo JBH
Photo JBHMaria Dorothea died at the age of 66 years, and was buried in the Caloote cemetery. Pastor ALPERS officiated at the service, assisted by Pastor HANSEN. Otto died at the age of 80, and was buried in the Caloote cemetery. Professor ZSCHECH and Pastor ALPERS officiated at the funeral.'
Authors Note: On 2 November 2024 I organised to take my newly arrived cousin, Dominik FAEHRMANN [from near Tangermũnde in Saxony Anhalt, Germany] to visit the grave site of his 1st cousin 5 x removed. I phoned around to see if any of Otto or Maria's descendants would like to meet Dominik [I also had never met this side of the FAEHRMANNs but I had been hoping to for years] they not only came out to the cemetery but arranged for us to visit the original homestead on the corner of Faehrmann & Mannum Road.
Caloote Cemetery Nov 2024. Photo by D. FAEHRMANN
Dominik, in South Australia to explore our common history cannot believe that the town he knows so well, "Tangermünde" is written on a headstone [birth place of Otto August Ferdinand & his half brother Johann Carl Friedrich] of his 1st cousin [5 times removed].
1903 "South Australia, Australia records," images, FamilySearch ( : Oct 5, 2024), image 119 of 305; South Australia. State Records.
AI-generated from the transcription below.
Gustav Adolph Kowald, a farmer residing in Caloote, South Australia, executed his last will on December 30, 1903, bequeathing his movable property and land to his wife, Adelheide Louise Kowald (née Strauss). Should she remarry after his death, two-thirds of the property is to be divided among their children, with the remaining third going to her. His will was probated on February 26, 1903, following his death on January 28, 1903, with Friedrich Carl Strauss and August Faehrmann appointed as executors.
December 30, 1903
January 28, 1903
February 26, 1903
Names and Relationships
Gustav Adolph Kowald (Testator)
Adelheide Louise Kowald (Wife)
Friedrich Carl Strauss (Executor)
August Faehrmann (Executor)
Paul Gotthard Kowald (Witness)
Carl Gustav Kowald (Witness)
913 South Australia In the Supreme Court Testamentary Chases Jurisdiction . GUSTAV ADOLPH KOWALD residing at Caloote in the Province of South Australia Farmer hereby make my last Will and Testament I give and bequeath to my wife Adelheide Louise born Strauss all my moveable property and my land in Hundred Mobilong Section No. 33 held under the following Crown Lease . on condition that should she marry after my death then the whole of my property shall be valued and two thirds thereof shall belong to the children and be securely invested and the other third of the property shall belong to her appoint Messrs . Friedrich Carl Strauss and August Faehrmann to be Executors of this my Testament . DATED the 30th December 1903 . SIGNED by the above named Gustav Adolph Kowald and acknowledged as his last Will and Testament in our presence and we have at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other subscribed our names as witnesses . - Witnesses GUSTAV ADOLPH KOWALD --- Paul Gotthard Kowald . Carl Gustav Kowald . THE WILL ( Written in the German language a translation whereof is I bearing date the 20th December 1903 but in fact executed on the 30th day of December 1902 A. written above ) of GUSTAV ADOLPH KOWALD late of Caloote in the State of South Australia Farmer deceased who died at Caloote aforesaid on the twenty - eighth day of January 1903 WAS PROVED in the Supreme Court of South Australia on the twenty sixth day of February 1903 by FRIEDRICH CARL STRAUSS and AUGUST FAEHRMANN both of near Mannum in the said State Farmers the Execu - - tors therein named . DATED ESTATE sworn not Del . to exceed in value £ 400 . this 26th ℗ day of February 1903 . Alex Buchanan Registrar 9131 116
at South Australia In the Supreme Court Testamentary Causes Jurisdiction I PAUL GOTTHARDT KOWALD of Caloote farmer hereby make my last Will and Testament I GIVE AND BEQUEATH unto my wife Maria Elisabeth Kowald born Leske the whole of my personal estate and my land as and for her absolute property AND I APPOINT Friedrich Wilhelm Kowald farmer and Otto August Ferdinand Faehrmann farmer to be executors of my Will GIVEN On the 20th September one thousand nine hundred 1900 PAUL GOTTHARDT KOWALD SIGNED by the abovenamed Paul Gotthardt Howard and acknowledged by him to be his last Will and Testament and we have at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other subscribed our names as witnesses CARL GOTTHARDT PFEIFFER CARL GUSTAV KOWALD DATED this The Will [ written in the German Language a translation whereof is written above ) - of Paul Gotthardt Kowald late of Calcote in the State of South Australia farmer - - deceased who died at hear Caloote in the said State on the sixteenth day of June 1904 was proved in the Supreme Court of South Australia on the eighteenth day of July 1904 by Otto August Ferdinand Faehrmann of Mannum in the said State farmer one of the executors therein named leave being reserved to Friedrich Wilhelm Kowald of Katanning in the State of Western Australia but formerly of Mannum aforesaid farmer the other executor to apply for Probate . 18th day of July 1904 ESTATE SWORN not to exceed in value of £ 1000 . Alex . Buchanan REGISTRAR . 10472 17 Citation: "South Australia, Australia records," images, FamilySearch (https:// : Oct 5, 2024), image 115 of 305; South Australia. State Records.
Obituary 1918
Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser [SA : 1800 - 1954], Friday 25 October, 1918, page 1, Obituary.
Mrs. M.S. FAEHRMANN. It is with regret that we report the death of Mrs M.S. Faehrmann., who passed away on Sunday morning last at the age of 66 years. For the past 12 months the deceased lady had been suffering from paralysis, and therefore was unable to get about. She leaves a sorrowing husband, one son and three daughters, namely, Mesdames Ramm [2] and W. Dahl. A large number followed the remains to the Caloote Cemetery, where the Rev. Alpers officiated at the graveside.
Obituary 1927
Chronicle [Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954], Saturday 20 August 1927, page 20
Mr. Otto August Ferdinand Faehrmann who died suddenly at his residence, Sandy Creek, near Mannum on August 15, was a colonist of 72 years, and was born in Germany 80 years ago. He went to the Mannum district 50 years ago, and was one of the most successful farmers on the Murray flats. Before going to Mannum he lived with his parents at Hahndorf and Harrogate, where the family farmed land. Mr. Faehrmann was a highly respected resident of the district, in the welfare of which he took a great interest. He was a councillor in the first elected district council of Mannum, and for a portion of his term was chairman. A prominent member of the Lutheran Church, he was always to the fore in any movement on its behalf, and for many years he was a justice of the peace. In March, 1877, he married Miss Maud Dorothea PIETSCH, of Lobethal, who died in 1918. There are four surviving children, Mr. Carl Faehrmann, of Mannum, and Mesdames E.A. Ramm, Birdwood; E.B. Ramm, Adelaide and T.W.O. Dahl Mannum.
The Register [Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929], Friday 12 August 1927, page 8, Obituary
Mr. Otto August Ferdinand Faehrmann died suddenly at Mannum on Friday August 5, at the age of 80 years. A native of Germany, he came to this State with his parents 72 years ago. The family followed farming pursuits at Hahndorf, and later on at Harrogate. About 50 years ago Mr. Faehrmann took up land at Sandy Creek, in the Mannum district, which he farmed until his death. He took a keen interest in district affairs, and was a Councillor in the first Mannum Council, which was constituted in 1877. In addition to representing his ward in the council at various times, he was Chairman for a considerable period. He was also a prominent member of the local Lutheran Church. In March, 1877, he married Marie Dorothea Pietsch, of Tweedvale, who died in 1918. One son and three daughters survive, namely, Carl (of Mannum), Mrs. E. A. Ramm (of Birdwood), Mrs. E. B. Ramm (of Adelaide), Mrs. F. W. O. Dahl (of Mannum). The death occurred on Wednesday of Mrs. Margaret Warren, of Springfield, Mount Crawford, in her eighty-fifth year. The late Mrs. Warren was the widow of the Hon. J. Warren, of Mount Crawford, who represented the north-eastern district in the Legislative Council for many years.
Susanna Sophia, first child of Maria and Otto FAEHRMANN, was born on February 9, 1878. Early records of baptism and confirmation at Mannum and Caloote could not be located, so these dates are unknown. She walked to the Mannum Lutheran school for her education.
Sophie married Eduard Alfred RAMM. The couple first lived on the Adelaide road, Mannum, two miles from the FAEHRMANN farm, but later they moved closer to the town. Triplets [three girls] were born to Sophie while she and Alfred were still living nearer the FAEHRMANN home. To help the RAMMs during the first difficult period, one of the babies was cared for by Sophie's brother Charles [Carl] and his wife Ruby. Some of the relatives remember Sophie ironing the clothes while rocking a cradle with her foot.
Alfred RAMM served on the Mannum Show Committee. He bred sheep, many of which were prize-winners. The family later moved to Birdwood; they also owned land at Rockleigh where they continued their interest in sheep.
Sophie and Alfred retired to Murray Bridge but both were buried at Birdwood, where their son Alwin had been buried following his death as the result of a horse accident at the Mt Pleasant Show.
Saturday Journal [Adelaide, SA : 1923 - 1929], Saturday 1 May 1926, page 29 [5]
On the 28th April, through accident, Edgar Alwin, dearly beloved only son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. RAMM, of Sunny Bank, Birdwood, aged 19 years.
Chronicle [Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954], Saturday 15 May 1926, page 41 [5]
On the 28th April, at Mount Pleasant Hospital, Alwin E., dearly beloved only son of E. A. & S. Ramm [accidentally, aged 19 years. Sadly missed.
News [Adelaide, SA : 1923 - 1954], Saturday 11 December 1926, page 6
The Mercantile Trade Protection Association reports that probate has been granted in respect to the following wills, the amounts stated being the gross value of the estates:-
Letters of Administration. Ramm, Edgar Alwin, Birdwood; 1,000 pound.
The Advertiser [Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931] Thursday 28 April 1927, Page 12, Family Notices
RAMM -: In sad but loving memory of our dearly loved son and brother, Alwin, who died on the 28 April, 1926. It's just one year ago today / How anxiously we stood / Beside the dar boy's bed / To save him if we could / With tears we saw his sinking / We watched him fade away / And our hearts are sadly aching / For our dear boy today / God saw what was before him / What trials he had to bear / And smiling down / He thought it best / To take him to His care - Inserted by his loving parents and sisters.
RAMM.—In loving memory of our dear nephew and cousin, Alwin, who passed away on the 28th April, 1926. A tender cord of memory is softly touched to-day / Loving thoughts of you, dear Alwin, will never fade away. — Inserted by his grandfather, uncle, aunt, and cousin, Walter Faehrmann.
RAMM.-In loving memory of our dear nephew and cousin, Alwin, who passed away on the 28th April, 1926. Thy purpose, Lord, we cannot see / But all is well that's done by Thee / Thoughts return to scenes long past / Years roll on, but memory lasts. — Inserted by his uncle and aunt and cousins, Eileen and Phyllis Dahl.
RAMM.-In loving memory of our dear friend, who died at the Mount Pleasant Hospital as the result of accident on the 28th April, 1926. He bade no one a last farewell / He said good-bye to none / His spirit flew before we knew / That from us he had gone / We often think of you, dear Alwin / And think of how you died / To think we could not say good-bye / Before you closed your eyes / Sheltered by the Rock of Ages / Anchored on the golden shore / Resting in the arms of Jesus / Rest, dear friend, for evermore. — Inserted by his loving friends, Tom and Mandie O'Dea.
RAMM.—In loving memory of our dear friend, who died at the Mount Pleasant Hospital as the result of accident, on the 28th April, 1926. You are not forgotten, Alwine dear / For true love never dies / The dearest spot on earth to us Is where our Alwine lies / Our thoughts they often wander / To a grave not far away / Where they laid our dearest Alwine / Just one year ago to-day / In our hearts your memory lingers / Tender, fond and true / As the years go by, dear Alwine, / We will always think of you. — Inserted by his loving friends, Edgar, and parents.
Carl August Gustav Faehrmann was born on July 13, 1879. He, too, went to the Mannum Lutheran school. Charles was a farmer all of his life, and worked on the original farm his father had selected. On April 5, 1907, he married Alma Rubina PAECH. Theirs was the first wedding in the Summerfield church. This was the church where the family worshipped, and where Charles served as secretary. Eventually the family owned land at both Mannum and Caloote. The farm is still owned and worked by descendants.
Charles died on July 6, 1936, and was buried by Pastor HOOPMAN at the Caloote cemetery. Alma Rubina was also buried at the Caloote Cemetery.
Mary Anne FAEHRMANNN Collection November 2024
"Keith's grandparents & Dad"
Author's Note: Keith refers to Keith Ronald FAEHRMANN b1930, eldest of Gustav Walter [b1909] & Norma Verona PFEIFFER's [b1912] 5 children. Keith's grandparents are Carl August Gustav & Alma Rubina PAECH.
Caloote Cemetery
Caloote Cemetery November 2024In Loving Memory of our dearly beloved husband and father Carl August Gustav FAEHRMANN born July 13th 1879 died July 6th 1936. Also his devoted wife and our loved mother Alma Rubina FAEHRMANN born April 26th 1887 died august 26 1965.
Portions of the Eulogy of Keith Ronald FAEHRMANN
With kind permission of his children Mary Ann & Mark.
'Keith Ronald FAEHRMANN was born on the 2nd March 1930 at the District Hospital in Mannum to Gustav Water [Wally] Faehrmann who was a farmer at Mannum SA & Norma Verona PFEIFFER. Keith was the eldest of 5 children: Dawn [deceased] arriving 6 years later, Robert in 1940 [deceased only surviving 1 day], Raelene in 1941 and Dudley in 1945 when Keith was 15. He was baptised on 30 March the same year and confirmed on 25 March 1945 at St Martins Lutheran Church by Pastor H. HARNATH.
Authors Note: Living in the family home at Box Flat Farm at the time of his birth were his parents & his grandparents Carl August Gustav FAEHRMANN [died 1936] & Alma Rubina PAECH [died 1965]. Otto August Ferdinand had died in 1927 & his wife Maria PIETSCH much earlier in 1918.
Keith attended Caloote School from 1937 at almost seven years old until 1942 and then went to the Mannum Primary School until he completed Year 7. After leaving school at approximately 13, he began to work on the family farm, together with his Father. Keith was the third generation of FAEHRMANN's to live in the Faehrmann homestead and work the farm. His great grandfather had been farming there since 1872 after emigrating from the city of Tangermũnde, Brandenberg, Prussia. The farm was almost self-sufficient with the FAEHRMANNs growing cereal, running sheep, a dairy, pigsty's, as well as having ducks and chooks.
Fresh produce was also made for sale including butter; preserves, jams and pickles from the abundant fruit trees and the fresh vegetables. Workers were employed to help keep the farm going which is how Rita ROSENZWEIG from Milendella came to Box Flat Farm and met Keith. Keith & Rita were married at the Milendella Lutheran Church on fat e4th April 1959. They made their home in a house that was owned by Art KRAUSE [KRAUZEE] on Cascade Road which Keith had purchased with land, adjoining the Faehrmann property where Keith farmed cereal and sheep together with his father. They were given cows as a wedding present...
Keith rode horses and growing up they would drive the cattle to the market at Murray Bridge. He also had Ferrets. Keith & Rita had 3 children who started their education at Palmer Primary School. They all recall being sand drifted in and unable to attend school so after a few days at home Keith took the kids to the bus stop in the tractor.
In 1973 the family moved into the FAEHRMANN homestead on the Mannum to Murray Bridge road by the Mannum Waterfalls. Around this time it was decided that the Caloote church would close and the family joined St Martins Lutheran Church, Mannum
Emma Bertha Faehrmann was born on September 19, 1881. When she reached school age she walked to Mannum to attend the Lutheran school. On April 18, 1907, Emma married Theodore Oscar Ramm, The couple lived near the Faehrmann farm, across Sandy Creek, near the Caloote church.
Emma remarried on September 24, 1930. Her second husband was Frank Wilfred THAMM, and they lived in Adelaide. She died on July 4, 1959, and was buried in Adelaide.
PIETSCH Family History page 116Little is known of Gustav Adolph FAEHRMANN other than the dates of his birth and death, and the cause of his death. He was probably familiar with the lovely waterfalls on Sandy Creek near his parents property, for across the road near the creek were the flats [Faehrmann's flats'] where his family ran their cows. There are two stories concerning the accident which resulted in Gustav's death. One is that he brought horses in to be shod; he was riding one and leading the others when they bolted. He fell from his horse but had one foot caught in a stirrup, and so was killed. The other account is that he had the horses in the waggon, when they bolted. The exact story is not know. Gustav died on December 18, 1902, and was buried at Caloote.
Evening Journal [Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912], Monday 22 December 1902, page 2
Killed at Mannum, December 19. Gustav Dolph Faehrmann, aged 19, son of Mr. A. O. Faehrmann, one of the oldest and most respected residents of the district met with a fatal accident yesterday afternoon. He was leading two horses, the property of Mr. Young, state schoolteacher, out to graze in his father's paddocks, and was riding one of his own. When about three miles from Mannum the horses became unmanageable, and bolting into the scrub at a furious rate collided with the mallee trees with such force that a mallee 10 or 11 inches in diameter was torn out by the roots. A neighbour who witnessed the occurrence hastened to the spot, but only just in time to see the young man breathe his last. Young Faerhmann was terribly crushed by the force of the collision.
Advertiser [Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931], Monday 22 December, 1902, page 7
Fatal Equestrian Accident, Mannum, December 19. On Thursday afternoon Gustave Adolph Faehrmann, aged about 18 years, a son of Councillor A. Faehrmann, of Sandy Creek lost his life. The lad was riding a horse and leading two others, which, it is presumed, he had fastened to the bridle on either side of the ridden horse, and when four miles from here, on his way home, the horses became unmanageable, and bolted with him. Mr. C. Wachner, who lives near where the bolt took place saw the riderless horses, and, proceeding to the spot, found young Faehrmann lying dead, his neck being dislocated. Death must have been instantaneous. From the appearance of the scrub at the scene of the accident, it was apparent that the horses and rider had collided with some of the trees.
The Succession Duties Act, 1893, STATEMENT, Part 1.
"Australia, South Australia, Probate Case Files, 1849-1935" database, Family Search [ :2May 2024], Gustav Adolph Faehrmann, 1903.
Statement part 1For the purpose of ascertaining Succession Duty payable in respect of the estate of Gustav Adolph FAEHRMANN who died at Mannum, filed by Otto August Ferdinand Faerhmann of Mannum Farmer. Letters of Administration dated the 14th day of January 1903. The Whole of Intestates Real and Personal Estate, net capital value of property 148 pound 6 shillings.
The Statement of Particulars under description of Property in South Australia - Cash at the Bankers 'Savings Bank' 45 pound, 16 shillings, 0 pence. Life assurance policies Australian Widows Fund Life Assurance Society Ltd, 125 pound. Total 170 pound. Less Funeral expenses 12 pound, less administration fees 10 pound 10 shillings. Makes total deductions 22 pound, 10 shillings and so net value of estate 148 pound 6 shillings.
Signed O.A.F. Faehrmann 14 January 1903
PIETSCH Family History page 116
page 117 Maria Leonore [Nora] was born August 28, 1893, at Sandy Creek, and was baptised on September 10, 1893, by Pastor H. Alpers. She had a relatively short distance to walk to the Sandy Creek school; late she attended at Caloote. On November 17, 19007 she was confirmed at the Caloote church.
Nora was a keen horsewoman. One day she dislocated both her collar bone and shoulder blade while riding her horse, resulting in a lengthy stay at the Willows Hospital, Nuriootpa. In the years 1909-1910 she 'made the rounds' between her sisters and sister-in- law, helping each of them with their babies. When Nora arrived home one day and told her father [who was on the chaff-cutter at the time] that her sister Sophie had given birth to triplets, he simply did not believe her. Thinking she was joking, he warned her to 'stop being silly' or he would get off and give her a thrashing! Eventually he was persuaded and saddled up the horses so that he and his wife could go and see for themselves.
Nora was remembered as a beautiful and charming young girl. On April 21, 1915, she married Franz Wilhelm Otto Dahl, a monumental mason, undertaker, carpenter and paperhanger. They had two daughters. Their three sons, Frank Harold, Vernon Carl, and Raymond William all died in infancy.
Nora enjoyed cooking, crochet, gardening, visiting the sick, and working on many committees in the town. Franz died suddenly on December 17, 1952, aged 67 years. Nora died at the age of 78 years, after a long illness. They are both buried at the Mannum cemetery.
The PIETSCH Family History page 112 says
'Otto brought his wife, Maria Dorothea, to his new farm at Sandy Creek, near Mannum.
- He had recently bought it as virgin scrub and was the first settler in the area.
- Apparently his widowed father in law also joined them on the farm as his wife had died a month before their wedding.
- Samuel PIETSCH lived with his daughter & August for almost ten years.
- It also says that August enjoyed reading even though he had little formal schooling.
- August was eight years of age when the family arrived in Hahndorf
Johann Joachim SCHULTZ
SLSA Directories 1870, Nairne 'Schultz Joachim, Farmer, Murray Scrub.
Page 112 PIETSCH family history book 'August Faehrmann's homestead'
Letter to Inspector General of Schools, 1891
Mannum March 14, 1891
The Inspector General
Dear Sir!
I am instructed by the Ev Lutheran Congregation to ask four [sic] Permission to use the schoolroom for workshop on Good friday [out of the regular fortnightly use] the Teacher Mr Homann said the Inspector said he should carry out the regulations with regard to the forthrightly permission we therefore pray to be allowed the use of the room for which we are quite willing to pay the usual sum. Hoping you will grand our prayer, I am Sir Obediantly yours A. FAEHRMANN.
List of Children of school going age:
Parents Children
Maria Dorothea PIETSCH 1852-1918
Otto August Ferdinand FÄHRMANN 1847-1927
According to the Obituary of 1927 August having died at the age of 80 years, arrived in South Australia at 8 years of age and had been in the Mannum district since the age of 30 years, in 1877c. Prior to that he had been farming with his 'parents', mother & step father at Hahndorf & Harrogate.
The three of them had arrived in the 'La Rochelle' on 8 August, 1855. his step father Johann Joachime SCHULZE had died in 1875 & his mother two years later in 1877, both are buried in the Palmer Cemetery. It is therefore possible that August and his parents had moved to the Sandy Creek area before 1877, and probably before 1875. August's mother died 4 months after his marriage to Maria PIETSCH. Maria was 24 years of age and he 30 years. Also in 1877, August was a founding member of the Mannum Council, 1 September 1877 which he served for various periods until 1903.
The PIETSCH Family History page 112 says 'Otto brought his wife, Maria Dorothea, to his new farm at Sandy Creek, near Mannum. He had recently bought it as virgin scrub and was the first settler in the area.' Apparently his widowed father in law also joined them on the farm as his wife had died a month before their wedding. Samuel PIETSCH lived with his daughter & August for almost ten years. It also says that August enjoyed reading even though he had little formal schooling. August was eight years of age when the family arrived in Hahndorf.....What year did schooling begin??
SLSA Directories 1870, Nairne 'Schultz Joachim, Farmer, Murray Scrub.
Page 112 PIETSCH family history book 'August Faehrmann's homestead'
Mr Otto August Ferdinand FAEHRMANN, who died suddenly at his residence, Sandy Creek, near Mannum, on August 15, was a colonist of 72years, and was born in Germany 80 years ago. He went to the Mannum district 50 years ago, and was one of the most successful farmers on the Murray flats. Before going to Mannum he lived with his parents at Hahndorf and Harrogate, where the family farmed land. Mr FAEHRMANN was a highly respected resident of the district, in the welfare of which he took a great interest. He was a councillor of Mannum, and for a portion of his term was chairman. a prominent member of the Lutheran Church, he was always to the fore in any movement on its behalf, and for many years he was a justice of the peace. In March, 1877, in the Adelaide Registry office he married Miss Maud Dorothea PIETSCH, of Lobethal, who died in 1918. There are four surviving children, Mr Carl FAEHRMANN, of Mannum, and Mesdames E.A. RAMM, Birdwood; E.B. RAMM, Adelaide and T.W.O. DAHL, Mannum.
Otto August Ferdinand FAEHRMANN. SEC 198. HD Monarto. G. CV111 [108]
1874 Land Selections Hd Finniss, County Sturt, Sect 344, 180 acres, O.A.Fahrmann of Monarto, farmer; Sect 377, 192 acres, J.G. Wachner, of Blumberg, farmer.
August FAEHRMANN Part Section 360 Hd Tungkillo 103299. - -
August FÄHRMANN Part Section 360 Hd Tungkillo. T. 54541. CLXXX1. [181] /65
Part Sect 360 " 72061 " [181]/65
Here rests in peace with God
Our beloved mother
Maria Dorothea Faehrmann
Born Lobethal 15/5 1852
Died 20 October 1918
Hear our prayers I the Lord's care
Also resting here
Our beloved father
Otto August Faehrmann
Born in___________Germany on 9/31847, died 5/8 1927remembering out parents with love
They now rest in peace
From old _________________settlers
Enjoying their time
In the eternal joy of heaven
Hier ruhet in Gott Here rests in God
unsere geliebte Gattin und Mutter our beloved spouse and mother
Maria Dorothea Faehrmann
geb. zu Lobethal S.A. 15 Mai 1852 born at ....
gest. 20 October 1918 died....
Selig sind die Toten, die in dem Herrn sterben
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
(favourite tombstone and funeral verse from Revelations)
Es ruht auch hier Also resting here
unser inńig geliebter Vater our dearly beloved father
Otto August F. Faehrmann
geb. zu Tangermünde Deutschland, 9 März 1847 born in T... Germany ...
gest. 5 Aug. 1927 died.
„Vereinigt lieben Eltern”. „Dear parents united“
Sie ruhen nun in Frieden Now they rest in peace
Von allem irdisch Leid, From all earthly suffering,
Geniessen dort durch Jesum There they enjoy through Jesus
Die ersehnte Himmelsfreud The longed-for heavenly joy.
Gustav Adolph FAEHRMANN 1884-1902. 4th child, died aged 18 years.
PIETSCH Family History page 116 'He was probably familiar with the waterfalls on Sandy Creek near his parents' property, for across the road near the creek were the flats ["Faehrmann's flats'} where his family ran their cows'.
The Country. Fatal Equestrian Accident, Mannum December 19.
On Thursday afternoon Gustav Adolph Faehrmann., aged about 18 years, a son of Councillor A. Faehrmann, of Sandy Creek, lost his life. The lad was riding a horse and leading two others which it is presumed, he had fastened to the bridle on either side of the ridden horse, and when four miles from here, on his way home, the horses became unmanageable, and bolted with him. Mr C. Wachner, who lives near where the bolt took place, saw the riderless horses, and proceeding to the spot, found young Faehrmann lying dead, his neck being dislocated. Death must have been instantaneous. From the appearance of the scrub at the scene of the accident, it was apparent that the horses and rider had collided with some of the trees.
another report said 'The lad was riding a horse and leading two others, which, it is presumed, he had fastened to the bridle on either side of there ridden horse and when four miles from here, on his way home, the horses became unmanageable and bolted with him.
The Register, Monday 22 December 1902, page 3. 'Gustav Adolph Faerhmann, aged 18, son of Mr. A.O. Faehrm,ann, one of the oldest and most respected residents of the district, met with a fatal accident yesterday afternoon. He was leading two horses, the property of Mr Young, state schoolteacher, out to graze in his father's paddocks, and was riding one of his own. When abut three miles form Mannum the horses became unmanageable, and bolting into the scrub at a furious rate collided with the mallee trees with such force that a mallee 10 or 11 inches in diameter was torn out by the roots. A neighbour who witnessed the occurrence hastened to the spot, but only just in time to see the young man breathe his last. Young Faehrmann was terribly crushed by the force of the collision.
Will & Probate Records
Carl August Gustav FAEHRMANN 1879-1936
News (Adelaide, SA:1923-1954) Wednesday 19 August 1936, page 4.
Mr Carl August Gustav Faehrmann, of Mannum, a farmer, who died on July 6, left estate sworn not to exceed in value 12,420 pound, 10 shillings 1p, subject to deductions for liabilities, if any. Probate of the will has been granted.