Location |
Burlington Police Department 267 W Front Street Burlington, NC 27215 |
Contact |
(336) 229-7100 |
Website |
http://www.ci.burlington.nc.us/index.aspx?NID=83 |
Crime Stoppers USA
Alamance County-wide Crime Stoppers is a localized group for umbrella organization Crime Stoppers USA. Crime Stoppers USA, although it is a nationwide organization, gives authority to local Crime Stoppers administrations. Its mission is to work alongside local police departments as a means of offering a safe alternative for citizens to report information about crimes to law enforcement. Alamance County Crime Stoppers focuses on making communities in Alamance County safer by offering the witnesses of any crimes the chance to report information relating to the crime anonymously. The citizens can also receive a cash reward for their reportings if it leads to arrest or advances in the case. It is an alternative to directly talking to the police, which can be frightening for witnesses who are afraid of reprisal.
Alamance County-wide Crime Stoppers
Crime Stoppers has had an office within the Burlington Police Department, the center office for the countywide Crime Stoppers organization, since 1982. The organization focuses on crimes committed inside Alamance County within the jurisdictions of the Graham, Elon, Gibsonville, Haw River, Mebane and Burlington Police Departments as well as the Alamance County Sheriff’s Department. Although currently there is no association with the Elon University Police Department, Law Enforcement Coordinator, Stan Moss, says he would like a closer relationship with the universities’ police force.
The Alamance County-wide Crime Stoppers recommends that witnesses use Crime Stoppers instead of calling 9-1-1 because they understand sometimes it is a safer alternative than talking directly to the police. Also those who give valuable information about a crime are eligible for cash compensation if the confidential information leads to an arrest. Offering information on a crime that leads to an arrest of a person or persons can result in a cash reward of up to $2,500. So far since it’s founding, the Alamance County-wide Crime Stoppers have given out $70,000 in cash rewards. The Crime Stoppers board determines the amount of money that is to be given to witnesses. The board is made up of 18 volunteers of citizens none of whom receive a salary, as it is a non-profit organization. The chairman of the board is Paul Cobb and the secretary is Rachel Vogler. All board members are volunteers from the community and as of now no board members are law enforcement agents. No one on the board receives any type of salary, as it is a non-profit organization.
Campus Crime Stoppers
Under Alamance County Crime Stoppers there is an sub-faction titled Campus Crime Stoppers whose mission is to prevent crime on middle and high school campuses in Alamance County. Similar to the countywide Crime Stoppers, Campus Crime Stoppers offers middle and high school kids within Alamance Country cash compensation if they come forth and report a crime or suspicious activity within the school community. After calling the Crime Stoppers number, (336) 229-7100, the student who reports a crime will receive their own Crime Stoppers number that begins with an “S”, signifying they are a student. After a reasonable amount of time after they have reported the crime the student may call back and give their Crime Stoppers number to check whether or not the board has directed authorities to act on the delinquency. They will also be told whether or not they have been approved for a cash reward.
Cash Compensation
Certain crimes that have been reported by local police departments within Alamance county are chosen by the Alamance County-wide Crime Stoppers board which meets the second Monday of every month. They are then reported to the media and/or posted on the Alamance Country-wide Crime Stoppers website. Stan Moss, the Alamance County-wide Crime Stoppers Law Enforcement Coordinator, urges people to use Crime Stoppers because he sees it as the safest way to help make their community safer. He makes it clear that the organization does not want to know the identity of the people who report the crimes for their safety. People who have information about the crime have the option of calling Crime Stoppers (336) 229-7100 where they will be given a Crime Stoppers number and if an arrest is made will be able to receive a check at a bank after telling their Crime Stoppers number to the teller and they endorse the check by signing it J. Doe. The whole process is anonymous as the phone in the office does not have caller ID and the caller is not required to give any type of personal information about themselves.
CBC Tip Cards
Another way of reporting any sort of wrong-doing in the community is going to http://www.ci.burlington.nc.us/requesttracker.aspx and filing an online CBC tip card. A tip card is a program that asks the user about what incident he or she is reporting, when the incident occurred and any other additional comments the citizen would like to add. The tip card can be done anonymously in which case the witness must call the CBC Tip Line at (336) 222-5024 to check on the progress of the tip. If the person filing the complaint does not wish to remain anonymous then he or she may add their name and give contact information where they will be kept up to date on what is being done to solve the case.
Types of crimes
Although Alamance County-wide Crime Stoppers offers a way to report all types of criminal activity, the most attention and largest cash rewards are given to information about violent crimes such as rape, murder and armed robbery. An example of a type of crime that the Alamance County-wide Crime Stoppers are looking for is any information one might have about an Armed Robbery that took place on July 20th, 2013 at 1:15am at the Amoco Food Store located at 924 Harden St in Graham, North Carolina. Other incidents include shootings, assaults with deadly weapons, home invasions and many other unsolved crimes. In order to keep up to date on which crimes that the Alamance County-wide Crime Stoppers are willing to pay cash compensation for you can visit their website at http://www.ci.burlington.nc.us/index.aspx?NID=83 . Where they keep an updated list on incidents that require further information from informants.
Burlington Police Department taken by Thomas Fazio
Burlington Police Department taken by Thomas Fazio
Source List
- http://www.crimestoppersusa.com/profile.htm
- http://www.ci.burlington.nc.us/index.aspx?NID=83
- http://www.crimestoppersusa.com/faq.htm
- http://www.manta.com/c/mm72s9p/crime-stoppers
- http://www.examiner.com/article/reintroducing-crime-stoppers-usa-to-the-united-states-one-way-to-report-crime
- http://www.ci.burlington.nc.us/index.aspx?NID=470
- http://www.ci.burlington.nc.us/requesttracker.aspx
- Interview with Alamance County Crime Stopper Law Enforcement Coordinator Stan Moss conducted by Thomas Fazio
- edited by Anna Dorsey