Elon Community Church

Elon Community Church - Taken By Alessandra Archino

Elon Community Church is located in Elon, North Carolina.

271 N. Williamson Avenue – Post Office Box 625, Elon, North Carolina 27244

The church website is: http://www.eloncommunitychurch.org/home.html

The United Church of Christ in Elon, North Carolina began in 1891. The church met in several of Elon College’s (now Elon University) buildings and mostly worshiped inside the Whitley Auditorium on Elon College’s campus. In 1959, the church was built, right across the street from the campus and the congregation moved off of Elon College’s campus, but they kept a mutual relationship with the college. Landscaping, snow clearance, lawn care, and parking lot paving, along with sharing classrooms and Parish House space are benefits that both the church and Elon share in their relationship. 

The ECC recently opened its Community Life Center in May 2012. The church was very excited to have this facility added to its property as it provides many new opportunities for the community. The addition includes a large reception hall, commercial kitchen, a bell choir classroom, a children and youth choir classroom, a multifunctional classroom, two sets of bathrooms, two sets of stairs, an elevator, and an atrium. The new reception hall is available for rental to the community.

There are many music programs that the congregation can be involved in that incorporate any age group ranging from kindergarteners to adults. These programs include the Chancel Choir, the Children’s Choir, Youth Choir, Chime Choir, Beginning Bells, ECC Young Ringers, Chancel Ringers, Handbell Solos and Ensembles, and a Summer Music Camp. There are also many Children and Youth Groups that children in the congregation can become part of, such as EDGE (Every Day God Experience), COOL (Children of Our Lord), and KICK Group (Kids In Christ’s Kingdom).

The ECC is proud to work very closely with students from Elon University. There are several events at the church that Elon students can attend and get involved in. For more information, visit http://www.eloncommunitychurch.org/university-students.html.

The church provides Sunday services that include Sunday school for children and adults at 9:30am, with a worship service at 10:30am. Nursery care is provided if needed. On Sundays at 4pm and 6pm, there is a Catholic Mass provided by Elon University’s Catholic Campus Ministries.

The church Mission Statement is: “In faithful response to his “Great Commission,” the mission of Elon Community Church, United Church of Christ is to extend Christ’s love to all people and, by our loving actions, lead people to be his disciples.”

A calendar with the church events can be found here: http://www.mychurchevents.com/calendar/calendar.aspx?ci=G1I3M7O9N8K5G1G1

The church announcements can be found here: http://www.eloncommunitychurch.org/announcements.html

The church sermons can be found here: http://www.eloncommunitychurch.org/sermons.html