

Neglect and Abuse

We will be using PETA's definition of abuse which is any action or behavior that causes unnecessary suffering, harm, or neglect to animals. This can include physical violence, neglect of basic needs (such as food, water, and shelter), confinement in inadequate conditions, and exploitation for entertainment or profit. We will also be using the ASPCA’s definition of neglect which is denying an animal's basic necessities like food and water, shelter, and veterinarian care. 

Abandoning a dog in Illinois is punishable and it is better for someone to surrender their pet to a shelter rather than let them loose or trapped somewhere. The Law Itself says that “No owner may abandon any animal where it may become a public charge or may suffer injury, hunger or exposure.” Animal cruelty or abuse is a class A misdemeanor which means it is one of the most serious misdemeanors and can put a person in jail for up to a year. Repeat offenders can get harsher sentences and in IL it can be considered a felony.

Abuse in Dogs

{Statistics in town and Mclean County}


Animal Rescues

Below are a few shelters and places someone can volunteer at and get more information. These places can always use more people to help out and suppor them. 

Wish Bone Canine Rescue - 

Animal Control | McLean County, IL - Official Website (mcleancountyil.gov)

Homepage - Humane Society of Central Illinois (hscipets.org)