The Child Care Resource and Referral Network is an agency committed to supporting child care providers, families, and employers, as they strive to make high quality education affordable and convenient. Located at 207 W. Jefferson, Suite 301, their headquarters in Bloomington serves the Counties of McLean, Livingston, Ford and DeWitt. This Network concentrates on supporting parents and providers. 57

Parent Services These provide assistance with placing a child in any center, based on the parents' preferences, excluding nanny-based care. The CCRRN will work directly with any parents, listening to their fears and expectations, and doing their best to comply with them. Whether the parents would like to place the child in a daycare, preschool or other child care program, the faculty at the CCRRN is ready, willing, and capable to help. They have a database of all the centers in the counties they serve, and will work diligently to make child care convenient and helpful for the parents. The CCRRN serves 1300 cases and 2500 children in a month. 167

Provider Services These provide trainings for child care providers and caregivers, which deal with nearly anything that might be dealt with. They concentrate on helping the children's caregivers what is expected, and what is appropriate. They study mental and atypical behaviors, issues with infants and toddlers, and how to cope with these problems. As the early childhood education field is lacking in sufficient funds, the scholarships and grants that the CCRRN supplies help many to gain entrance into the field, and excel speedily.

Dedicated to their mission, the CCRRN is there to support you in each of your endeavors in the field of early childhood education.

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