This 19th century building may not look like much on the outside, but the artwork that is being created by Jason Mack and other artists is nothing to ignore on the inside. Mack Glass Factory not only displays various types of artwork, they also host shows of all types. Just go south on Center St. pass the US Cellular Coliseum, Right on Olive St. Left on Madison St. See glass factory on left. Bars and restaurants around town have Mackglass recycling bins for all their glass bottles and when it some time to collect they have around 1,000 lbs in glass to begin their new artwork. I've been to a concert here and I must say it was much different than anything I've ever been to before. For one thing it's cheap to get in, usually only 5 or 10 dollars and it's BYOB so you dont have to worry about being over charged for drinks. I had a great time but I cant speak for everyone. More information reguarding events at the factory and art showings around town can be found at their website

"Storm Clouds" 2008 "Grand Rapid" 2009

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