The Iconic Taste Mug on Main St. East Aurora
You'll find Taste in the old Griggs and Ball Grain Mill at the corner of Main and Riley in Historic East Aurora. With our private alleyway and a second door off of Main Street, the location can feel almost like a secluded spot off the beaten path, while keeping it's accessibility and view of the heart of East Aurora. You will enjoy your visit to Taste with our local coffee shop atmosphere, confused as to whether it's located in quaint East Aurora or a bustling corner in Greenwich Village. The 3 foot steaming cup of coffee on the exterior of the building, a local landmark, will capture your eye and peak your imagination as you walk up and down Main Street. The wonderful aroma of our unique brews and display of gourmet desserts will sweep you off your feet as you walk through the door. You'll be greeted by the sound of our grill master calling out names such as Marilyn Monroe, Indiana Jones, and Millard Fillmore informing the patrons their meal has been prepared and is waiting for them. With all this it won't be hard for your imagination to conjure up the image of a funky small town eatery, where even the famous and fictional could be bumped into, enjoying a meal and a drink to escape the hustle and bustle of life.
634 Main St #3, East Aurora, NY 14052
7:00 am - 10:00 pm
7:00 am - 11:00 pm
8:00 am - 11:00 pm
8:00 am - 8:00 pm
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