Vivian Cardiff, 1984

Born in Barton, New York, in 1925, Mrs. Cardiff lived in Urbana since 1953. "My first job was as secretary to the shipping manager at a knitting mill- we made undershirts for the Navy men during World War II. I wanted to join the Air Force, but they said I was sick and had to recuperate for a couple years. Then I got married and got three step children and started on the five of my own. During the time I raised my children - in between washing, cooking, and patching clothes - I enjoyed doing ceramics. After my divorce I had to work at a cafeteria as a salad server. I had to support the children," she said in 1984. Among her strongest memories, she recalls, "that I should have married my first boyfriend when I was fifteen. He came back into my life ten years ago, but died at the age of 72." She was most proud of "my children, especially my son, Leon, (8-ball to me). He's in the communications department in the Air Force. He's flown with Senators, Vice-presidents, and the President. I'm proud of my other kids, too, but 8-ball stands out. He even served 18 months in Vietnam. I guess I feel good about myself - not ecstatic, because I'd like some things different. But I always say people should do the things they like and keep going. I love dancing. I've changed for the better. I enjoy myself and my four grandsons and one granddaughter. They give me joy."

Source: Raymond Bial, There is a Season, Champaign County Nursing Home, 1984.